If You Aren’t Able to Make Money Through Writing Then Do This

you need focus and consistency

Hazel Paradise
3 min readJul 9, 2023
Photo by Wesley Eland on Unsplash

I read many comments on my articles that new writers are still having trouble making their first dollar on the internet. Or even if you are having trouble making your first $1000 then this article is for you.

You make money only when you have a perfect flow in your work.

So how exactly do make money through writing? I’ll give you some simple steps. Follow this for 90 days and watch the results yourself.

90 days Game Plan for writers & freelancers-

  1. I have said this numerous times but have a niche. If you have a problem finding a niche then make a list of three interrelated niches of your interest and then try to concentrate on one main niche. You can later go for more niches and micro-niches if you aren’t satisfied with your niche.
  2. Pick a name or a pen name. If you already have a brand under your real name and want to try out a new niche then pick a name with your niche in it. Try to come up with a new name. 9 years back, more than 70% of the writers I met had pen names. And they were still successful! Choose anything you like or simply keep your real name. But stick to ONE.
  3. Make an account on Amazon KDP. Write 1 short book (15k to 20k each) per month on Amazon KDP. Remember to write quality books because only then you will have returning customers. Publish the books under the same chosen name.
  4. Pick any one platform. For writers, Medium, and Twitter are the best. I have had success with Reddit as well. The name should be uniform.
  5. Be consistent and try to make 1k followers or 300 karma points, whatever the case is. Create good content and people will follow you, no doubt about this.
  6. Link your KDP account to Author Central Account. It shows all self-published books under your name.

This will help to drive traffic to your books on Amazon KDP. Amazon KDP has the highest conversion rate and you will see more and more people buying your books. With time, the numbers will increase, of course, it also depends on the quality of your book, the cover, and your book summary.

Will this work?

I have done this two times myself. Helped my siblings (who are doing this part-time) with their digital products on various marketplaces. One of my siblings doesn’t like Amazon KDP and so I have helped them sell digital products through their website as well. For quick money, use Amazon KDP. For long-term gains, sell directly.

Stick to this for 3 months and see results yourself!

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Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.