Write, Sell, or Read. eBooks Can Make You Rich

no one thought of these things before

Hazel Paradise
2 min readOct 18, 2023
Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Three Formulas — Read, Write and Sell!

Many people out there still think ebooks cannot make you rich. And many Amazon KDP and Medium writers have proved this statement wrong.

Good luck if you are considering using ChatGPT or any other AI tool for writing books. You may earn a few dollars now, but forget about making it a side hustle or full-time income. because you make money when you get returning customers.

So back to the topic. So I was talking about how ebooks have changed the lives of some great people. There are many examples out there. But I will only take three examples where people have changed their lives through books!

Jeff Bezos became rich by selling ebooks.

J.K. Rowling became rich by writing ebooks.

Warren Buffet became rich by reading ebooks.

Read. Write. Sell.

Some myths that I used to believe -

Myth#1 → a stay-at-home wife cannot make money equivalent to her husband.

Myth#2 →You cannot make full-time income alone.

Myth#3 →Writers don’t make money.

Things have changed so much.

No one ever thought someone could become rich by recording cooking videos in their own kitchen.

No one thought they could make money while traveling.

No one thought that someone could make money with simple eating videos!

I never thought of this before COVID. If I knew online income was that powerful, then I would have started my tech blog and channel years ago! I regret not starting it earlier.

Things are changing so much. What once was just a hobby, now you can make a full-time income from it.

Free Everywhere!

Google Docs — Writing — Free

Twitter/Medium/YouTube— Traffic — Free

Amazon KDP — Publishing — Free

Grammarly/QuillBot — Editor — Free

I don’t think there is any reason to just wait and watch!

Small Ebooks, Big Income — Make Money Writing Short Ebooks



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.