Should You Continue with Email Marketing?

Jaime Jay
5 min readOct 4, 2017

Be honest to yourself, how many emails do you get in a day? How many of those emails do you open and take the time to read?

Even an unemployed individual is not exempted from receiving large volumes of emails from friends, social media notifications, blogs, brand subscriptions, and the list goes on. What more for business owners and entrepreneurs?

Kill your subscriptions and notifications, perhaps? Think again.

Years ago, you may have heard people say that emails are no longer valuable — that they’re dead and useless. Well, doesn’t that still go around these days?

Reminds me of this video I came across this week…

Email marketing is still pretty much alive.

Ideas and information are still on demand by people around the world. So, they click on links to posts on specific publishing platforms and trace down their source — anything that could help them launch their own business, advance their career, or just notify them of discounts and freebies.

The question is…

Should you continue with email marketing for your business? Here are two things you can do to help you decide:

1. Remember What Emails Mean to Your Business

Like any other form of marketing, emails connect your business to people. And not just people, but potential customers.

When people sign up for your emails, that already means they want to hear more from you. They want to know more about the things you are offering.

Jordie van Rijn puts it this way…

“Signing up is a powerful signal of intent to buy. Send them email until they do.”

What are the things you have that people would be interested about? Now that you have that connection, the next thing you can do through emails is strengthen that special bond you have with your subscribers.

“Yes, we should keep going with email marketing because it is one of the ways we could build meaningful relationships with our clients,” said our marketer.

“Email marketing is like knocking on doors,” she continued. “What makes it challenging is the need to figure out a way for our subscribers to actually read through our emails.”

In recap, emails:

  • Connect your business to potential customers
  • Strengthen the customer-business relationship

But apart from those two, emails also:

  • Expand your network
  • Enable you to save money

One of the subscriptions I registered for is Simon Sinek’s “Notes to Inspire”. And every week, I would receive two to five-liner quotes from him — just very short nuggets of wisdom. Yet, not one time did I miss opening his emails.

Was it because they were short? Maybe that was one reason.

But they were enough to motivate me throughout the week. Each was valuable on their own. They did not even come in fancy — just words, his logo, and sharing links to social media.

They were so useful to me that many times I would not hesitate to share them with others in my social network.

Similarly, you can use emails to grow your business — your influence rather — through your subscribers.

Email marketing also allows you to save money in contrast to traditional marketing efforts. You would not have to pay for print, postage, or ad space.

2. Consider Your Email Marketing Efforts

What kind of experience are you providing your email subscribers? There are a couple of email marketing software. Among them are:

  • GetResponse
  • MailChimp
  • HubSpot
  • Campaigner
  • Pardot

Each has its own features, and can be helpful in your email campaigns. However, they are all tools — it is still up to you how you’ll maximize it.

Things you can do to boost your campaign:

  • Engage on social media
  • Create useful content
  • Consider video emails

Engaging on Social Media

Tell people about your website and invite them to subscribe. Or, you can first focus on building your brand and having your own community of social media followers.

I have done so several times with brands I fell in love with, especially on Facebook and on Twitter. The thing is…

Shares, likes, comments — the little things we do to engage online build our respective identities and create ripples of influence across our niche.

That influence then helps people determine whether they should visit our website or not. And when they do, that’s the time we can introduce them to our email subscription.

Creating Useful Content

Simon Sinek’s “Notes to Inspire” provides some insights on what is useful and what is not. Sometimes we can get too wrapped up with the act of creating that we neglect the purpose why we’re creating it.

How are you valuing the time you have in creating content for your email marketing campaigns? Or, in implementing strategies towards success?

Is it all about completing something for your business and hoping that people would flock into your subscription? The obvious answer is no.

Email marketing requires us to also be purposeful with our message. It comes with the question: What do you want to achieve with your emails? When we are clear on our purpose, then maybe like Sinek we can also provide something that is just as useful.

Why Use Video Emails

Videos have become popular across the internet. They are on social media, podcasts, websites — almost everywhere you go online. And they have been proven useful in email marketing campaigns, too.

According to GetResponse, video emails generated a 96% increase in click-through rates.

There are advantages to using text messages for emails. But like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words; how much more then can be expressed in a video email?

I hope you learned something from Should You Continue with Email Marketing?. Give us a clap or leave us a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

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Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.