Goyim Privilege Quiz: How Do You Score?

Non-Jews are incredibly privileged at the moment. Here’s why.

3 min readApr 25, 2024
Photo Credit: Jonny Gios via Unsplash

Goyim (noun): a Yiddish term for non-Jews/gentiles.

Goy silence is violence!

For nearly seven months now, Jews around the world have collectively carried the burdens prompted by the aftermath of October 7th, 2023. They feel like heavy weights that we cannot shed. It isn’t only the massacres of 1200 Israelis and the 133 hostages who remain in the clutches of Hamas that weigh on our hearts and minds, although that is certainly part of it. We have also witnessed a major betrayal among non-Jews whom we once believed to be our allies. These individuals who claim to embrace progressivism will happily express lunacy like “Jesus was an indigenous Palestinian” and “Zionism is racism.”

For us Jews, it’s impossible to look away from the sharp rise of antisemitism throughout the diaspora, the virulent anti-Israel speech on college campuses, and the general social acceptability of non-Jews telling us how to feel about our own religion. It feels like watching a never-ending horror movie every day for half the year.

I carry the burdens of all of the above 24/7. My non-Jewish friends and colleagues do not. October 7th is old news to them — if they even remember it at all. I…




I write about Jews and higher education--sometimes both at the same time.