157. Overeating

Bruce Thompson
2 min readDec 31, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 305–307.

A clogged stomach means a clogged brain.

Principles for healthy digestion

  • Food and drink should not be very hot or very cold
  • Drink between meals, not at meals
  • Eat salt sparingly,
  • Avoid pickles and spices
  • Eat lots of fruit
  • Eat slowly, chew thoroughly
  • Don’t eat immediately before or after exercise,
  • Don’t eat when exhausted, overexcited, anxious or hurried, wait until feeling rested and relieved
  • Mealtimes should be unhurried, carefree and cheerful,
  • Eat with gratitude to God
  • If a sedentary brain-worker, eat sparingly
  • No gluttony or excess, even of simple, wholesome food
  • Better if all the courses (including desserts) are placed on the table at the beginning so we can carefully chooose the amount of each food we want to eat, thus preventing overeating.


Gluttony has many effects,

  • The brain is drained of power and becomes congested (too much blood)
  • Overworks the digestive organs
  • Overall physical strength decreases resulting in weakened immune system
  • Feeling of faintness and languor
  • the vicious cycle: feelings of weakness (from overworked digestion) interpreted as need for food. More food causes more weakness.
  • on Sabbath, overeating incapacitates our mind and spirit, we miss many benefits.

The most precious words may be heard and not appreciated because the mind is confused by an improper diet.

Sabbath meals

Sabbath meals should be

  • simple, palatable and attractive
  • simpler and smaller than during the week, to keep the mind clear and vigorous
  • prepared before but heated, as necessary, on the day
  • children, should get a “Sabbath special” treat.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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