178. Ministry Beyond the Home

Bruce Thompson
2 min readSep 3, 2017


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 353, 354.

Our homes can be a blessing to many if the Spirit of Christ and His word are our entertainment guides.

Israelites, when celebrating their feasts, were to make special guests of:

  • the poor
  • the stranger/refugee
  • the Levite, the religious teacher, the missionary.

They were to also care for them in sickness and need. In the same way we can cheer and encourage:

  • the missionary nurse
  • the teacher
  • the care-burdened, hard-working mother
  • the feeble and aged

If we feast with the poor, maimed, lame and blind, i.e. the ones who can’t repay us, Jesus will pick up the tab.

These people don’t expect “elaborate or expensive entertainment”, just a warm welcome, just a family meal, a place to get warm, to join in family worship. Human companionship is simply a glimpse of heaven.

Let sympathy overflow, treasure being a blessing,

Social influence is a wonderful power.

Young people are often forgotten. “All about us… within the shadow of our own doors,” are youth tempted, without supportive homes, making choices that determine their destiny. Give them refuge.

  • Show an interest in the youth
  • invite them into the home
  • surround them with the sympathy and kind words, little attentions and cheerful helpfulness
  • and many will turn towards heaven.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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