204. The Creation of the Earth

Bruce Thompson
2 min readMar 14, 2017


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 414b–415.

Faith, not science, explains creation and the mystery of life.

God distinguishes Himself from other, lesser, gods by the fact that He has created light, the earth, humans, the universe. Everything good came into being as He spoke.

Humanity was formed perfectly in God’s image, then as a personal touch Christ, self-existing God, breathed life into Adam, and intelligence and power.

And more personally, Ellen summarises Psalms 139:15,16, He knew me from conception, He planned my life while I was still a foetus.

God’s plan for my life is that worthy of “the crowning work of His creation”, a life that expresses God’s thoughts and reveals His glory.

How often do I choose a lower path.

The appropriate response to this reality is to exalt God rather than glorying in His gifts to me. Exalting God means,

  • Shout triumphantly to the LORD
  • Serve Him with gladness
  • Sing to Him
  • Acknowledge Him as LORD God, that He has made us therefore we are His — we belong to Him, His people.
  • Go into His temple with thanksgiving and praise for what He has done
  • In His temple exalt Him, bow in worship, because He is holy.

Today we discovered that God is not only a powerful Creator of the universe, but also concerned about me personally. That deserves praise. He is bigger than all my problems, bigger than all the world’s problems.

Exalt Him.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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