62. How To Be One With Christ

Bruce Thompson
3 min readMay 7, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 104, 105.

Going forth with Him to seek and save the lost.

We are almost at the end of the section “The True Medical Missionary” and Ellen is ramming her message home. No stories now, no illustrations, it’s time for straight talk.

  • “Example of Jesus” — remember the first chapter is called “Our Example”. What would we give to spend 3 years with Jesus? But look at the promise,

Through the Holy Spirit He would be even nearer to them than when He walked visibly among men.

Is it possible that we can have an even closer experience of Jesus than the disciples had? That would be wonderful, wouldn't it? The reading today tells us how.

  1. By being a gospel missionary i.e “shed abroad His gospel of love and healing”. We have just defined the 3 “R”s of the gospel, now the gospel is spelt out:

Loving by His grace, healing by His power, coached by His presence.

That’s it, there is only one step to being close to Jesus.

The rest of the chapter simply expands on the gospel and Christ’s presence when His gospel is lived out.

“His gospel” is to be “done” with “unselfish earnestness… sympathy and compassion”, aimed at reducing distress and telling “of Christ’s love for them”.

Several motives for this service are listed:

  • We all have a been given the job (“every Christian”).
  • Our privileges and advantages obligate us to the less favoured.
  • Millions need to hear of Christ’s love for them.
  • What would we want them to do if conditions were reversed?
  • In the judgement, every one of us will stand or fall on the golden rule of Matthew 7:12, on how well we have done our job.
  • Christ sees Himself as our Brother, we are to see sinners as our family too.
  • Christ gave up heaven for the lost. We are to value them as highly and act accordingly.

We are to see ourselves as,

  • Brothers of sinners
  • Part of the web of humanity
  • a link in the chain of salvation
  • one with Christ in plan of mercy

The chapter started with the healed demoniacs wanting to be near Jesus but He sent them back to their homes as “gospel missionaries” so really, they were closer to Him there than if they had gone back in the boat with Him!

Then the woman at the well, yesterday, illustrated that,

It is in working to spread the good news of salvation that we are brought near to the Saviour. p. 103.

And not only near Christ, but if we want to become work associates of the most important angels (those who have priority access to our Father in heaven, Matthew 18:10) simply minister to the struggling, the weak, the fearful, the objectionable, the wretched and inferior.

Near Jesus and working alongside angels… can you think of a greater privilege?

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

