63. I Am With You Always

Bruce Thompson
2 min readMay 8, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 106, 107.

He is in the midst of us… if we will receive Him.

The chapter, and section, ends with a huge promise, “all the ends of the earth will see the σῴζω (sozo) of our God”.

We began this section with a description of Christ as LORD coming as a servant of our necessities, to bring complete restoration. (p. 17) We were reminded yesterday of His sacrifice for our salvation and that “we are to follow the path He trod” (p. 105).

Today we are told His sacrifice was to establish a church capable of ministry to:

  • the suffering
  • the sorrowful
  • the tempted.

Ellen backs these challenges up with the very highest of promises. Make sure you read them in your Bible. They are worth claiming as we move in to the more practical work next week.

The lesson of how to be “one with Christ” from yesterday, is reinforced. Christ is where there is suffering, illness, hunger and poverty. Closeness to Christ is unselfish ministry to sinners, the despairing and the hopeless. We are to console them through relieving their needs and pointing them to the love of Christ and His healing, forgiving power.

Jesus is waiting… waiting to cooperate with us in this same work He did.

Don’t keep Him waiting too long.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

