86. The Way we are to Work

Bruce Thompson
2 min readJun 11, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 157, 158.

God’s plan is first to reach the heart.

Key Words

  • Work
  • Everywhere

I must admit to tearing up when I read,

In all our associations it should be remembered that in the experience of others there are chapters sealed from mortal sight.

What do those “chapters” contain?

  • sad histories
  • discouraging, long, hard battles with circumstances or in the home life
  • struggles with poverty, hard labour and poor wages
  • toil and deprivation
  • added pain or sickness
  • no hope of better things

Please, let’s always remember that, and follow Christ’s method by,

  • paying a little, loving attention to encourage and strengthen
  • being a strong and helpful friend
  • speaking kindly
  • sympathy, it will open the way to help
  • help by speaking of God’s promises,
  • praying with and for them
  • inspiring them with hope

All around us are afflicted souls. Here and there, everywhere, we may find them.

Search them out and become channels of compassion, speaking words of comfort.

The principles of how we are to work are,

  • First, reach the heart
  • Don’t attack “wrong habits”, instead offer “something better”
  • Be the most unselfish, most kind, most courteous
  • Never speak impatiently or act hastily

Offer, very gently,

  • peace with Christ
  • the law — as the character Christ sees them becoming
  • the glories of heaven
  • freedom and rest in Christ
  • sympathy in sorrow and joy

By kindly words and acts… make the path easy for weary feet.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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