How to start Freelancing — Part 2

Abhishek Wagh
3 min readMay 18, 2020


Selling Yourself

Hello Everyone 👋🏻! In my previous blog of the series ‘How to Start Freelancing’, I elaborated on some prerequisites for getting started with freelancing. In this article I will explain a very important part of the freelancing career, which is Selling Yourself.

Before getting started, Here you can find all the three parts —
Part 1. Prerequisites for freelancing
Part 2. Marketing yourself
Part 3. Putting efforts into the work

1. Focus on Building Personal Brand

Freelancing is a personal business, and in a business you have to sell yourself for selling your product. Depending upon your marketable skills you have to figure out what makes you different from similar competitors. You can take advantage of your unique traits such as, your time efficiency, your educational background, your soft skills, etc.

The most successful brand can be developed through multiple things like, you should mention all your qualities and specialities on your resume, your online presence on freelancing platforms, your business cards & portfolio, last but not the least your direct communication with your client.

2. Spreading the Word about your Services

Simplest way of doing so is to make a webpage, maybe an online portfolio, a Twitter handle, a LinkedIn page, FaceBook, Instagram whatever works for you. You should be found by clients easier!

When you apply for jobs or submit your resume on a platform, you can share your social media handles or website links too. This helps employers to check out your past experiences & work.

Many beginner freelancers don't have any experience at all or any online presence, that’s where the next point comes into picture, take all the opportunities coming your way!😊

3. Accept any Opportunity at First

When you are just starting out, you won't have much of your work to show to the employer. In order to build your portfolio or resume, you should not leave any chance to show your skills. At first, you can start asking for clients small amount of work at cheap rates or even for free.

Doing so, you can gain experience to show off for future projects. I agree that you may need to ask or apply frequently for an opportunity, but hey you are just starting right? Don't be ashamed for asking or applying for an opportunity.

4. Fight for opportunities

Only paying thing in freelance world is to be competitive, determined and of course having skills. Employers are not gonna start flocking towards you by just making your online presence or making a website for your services. You have to go searching for jobs in which you are interested!

The only thing which will start getting you jobs, APPLY, APPLY, and APPLY!

That's it for this second part(Selling Yourself) of the blog. In the next and final part of the blog I will compile my guidelines related to how to find opportunities, making your skills sharper, a freelancers schedule, networking, etc.

Thanks for reading, Peace ☮✌️

