How to start Freelancing — Part 3

Abhishek Wagh
3 min readMay 30, 2020


Hello again everyone👋! I hope everyone’s in good health. In my previous blog of the series ‘How to Start Freelancing’, I gave some advice regarding building your personal brand to establish your freelancing network and building base of your freelancing business.

In this final article of the series, I will guide you through the core of any work which is, putting in the actual work!

Before getting started, If you missed the first two blogs , here you can find all the three parts —
Part 1. Prerequisites for freelancing
Part 2. Marketing yourself
Part 3. Putting efforts into the work

1. Finding your First Project

You may feel discouraged about finding and doing actual projects but hey, every new work takes time for the first time! So, keep searching locally or online for the gigs.

You should be open to doing any sort of work because you need to build a great portfolio, you need to gain experience and eventually high paying jobs. In search of a job, you can ask local businesses to work for them on any assignment.

You can explain to them how your services will be beneficial to their businesses. Mail the client your resume, cover letter, or portfolio site. Use Google to find remote opportunities near you.

There are various freelancing portals where you can showcase your work and, land new opportunities.

Upwork, Guru, Toptal, PeoplePerHour,, Fiverr and dozens of other platforms are there, who regularly post job updates & secure too! Create your account and keep an eye on the feed daily, don’t underestimate the traffic these sites experience. (Personal Favourite: Upwork & PeoplePerHour)

*See my Upwork Profile!

2. Value Smaller Jobs

In the early/starting days of your freelancing career, smaller, less paying jobs are your best bet! (My first job paid me $5) The experienced freelancers don’t look at smaller and less paying jobs so, you can snatch them.

If you are sending a personalised cover letter to the employer and, showing your sincere interest in the job, no matter how small or less paying the job is, I can assure you, you will definitely get the job.

If you complete your first job successfully, don’t forget to collect recommendations and feedbacks from employer, as it will help you build your positive portfolio.

3. Don’t stop the grind, even you don’t have any job

There are more chances to get relaxed when you are discouraged or in between jobs but, this is the actual time when you can showcase your skills, speed, and dedication.

Build something to improve your portfolio in the meantime. You can attend community gatherings, meetups, or events to network with other likeminded people. And who knows, you may be missing some potential clients there! (e.g. You can make web designs, illustrations in the free time if you are looking for a web designer work)

4. Make a proper time schedule

Working as a freelancer is sometimes tempting because freelance work allows you luxury time sitting at your home, or flexible work hours but, it is the food for procrastination!

Try to make your schedule, try breaking your day in small slots for different tasks and leisure time. aaand, STICK TO IT!!!😅

It’s hard to stick to a particular schedule when you are your own boss, but it’s even harder to follow the deadline. If you manage your time and work effectively then, my friend, no one can stop you!

5. Accept Criticism Gracefully

If you are a freelancer, then it is obvious that you need to change your working style according to the employer. This might lead to some pain while working. If your employer gives you feedback, just nod your head!

One day this criticism will make you a better person at the job you are doing.

The Bottomline

Networking is the key to success in freelancing career, as you move forward in your business, references and your peer network is the main asset to build your company or starting your own agency.

NOT to be continued…

Thanks for reading, Peace ☮✌️

