5 Things I’ve Learned after Surpassing 500 Followers on Medium!

5 min readFeb 13, 2023


Goal surpassed but just keep going.

While I started 2023 with only


Under my belt, recently that number just surpassed 500 followers!

Well, 620 followers to be exact (Hey who’s counting right).

Anyway, thank you so much! I’m reaching another milestones on Medium, and that wouldn’t have been possible without all the support, follow, reads, comments, and claps you have given me on my stories — I’m truly grateful.

Let’s face it, you could’ve done anything in this world right now (I mean anything), but you decided to read this story, coming from a blind man in Bali Island who writes English like he learned it from


And who is unable to insert any pictures on any of his stories (I’m working on this though).

Still, despite all of that shortcomings, you find my writings worth your time — respect!

In this story I wanna share my observations after slam dunking pass 500 followers on Medium, which I hope can also motivate you to keep on writing and sharing your story, regardless your current circumstances in life.

I mean, If I can do it — I believe you can do it too!

Unless you got 1000 followers already.

Lesson-learned remain applicable.

1. Find your goal & just embrace the grind.

I remembered when I started Medium for the first time, I really want to prove whether my stories and experience are indeed valuable and worth sharing.

I knew I had story in me that was worth telling, and possibly could also help anyone out there somewhere.

However, the problem was if I didn’t start writing, no one would hear anything about it. My ideas and experience would start catching dust and vanished.


“Writing is the best way to let out the beast in you”

Now, after exceeding 500 followers and practically proving that concept, I won’t stop there.

I realize 500 just a beginning of the story, and there is still higher goal to hit next. The truth is you need to show up every day. Be consistent. Share that values out there. Keep on grinding and churning out relatable story that is uniquely yours.

2. You are Starting to Learn the Recipe

The fact was, my follower was literally doubled from the beginning of this year.

The growth was outstanding.

One story can be classified as “late bloomer”, since it rapidly gaining views even though it was posted a year ago.

SO like I know what I’m doing, I began to look at the stats, A.K.A the analytic.

  • People seemed to enjoy content related to Medium journey
  • Personal story trumps anything than giving cold facts
  • Stats on your headline improved views

The thing is:

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to read stats. It’s just data.

Hell, I use to also hate stats believe me (yeah nerd). But as my followers increasing, now I see the merit of data .

What story being read the most. Which story got most views but less read. What story performs worse — all I’m saying it can give you more information to create your next story. And perfect the recipe.

3. What works? Take it Up a Notch!

I guess now after having enough data from 500+ followers that I can analyze from, I’m starting to understand the game.

Not entirely, just a little tiny bit though.

It use to be me writing anything and everything unsistematically whenever I felt like it (wich is still the case BTW), but now I’m starting to become more aware and strategic about my writing.

I realized more good can be achieved by improving on the ideas, concept and structures that is proven to deliver result, and reach the most audience possible. That is by writing contents that worked so well in the pass, and improve them with new fresh ideas and personal lenses that is uniquely you.

This is why, I’m taking it up a notch on everything that works best so far, and trimming down approaches that did not deliver result (i.e. views, reads, claps and other indicators).

4. Medium Algorithm is kinda Weird

I use to read many stories saying that Medium’s algorithm is unlike other content creating platform out there.

Of course being newbie and not intending to educate myself about algorithm 1o1 at that time, I didn’t really pay any attention to this.

Now, with having (I would say) enough stats to look at, I’m starting to sense similar phenomenon happening to me. I mean, it’s not like I’m complaining or anything though.

It’s fair to say that majority of my followers also can be attributed to this “weird algorithm of Medium”. For instance, one of the story I posted last year keep on gaining views untill now, even after posting several bunch of stories afterward.

Now it even reaches 1500+ views on itself.

Again, I’m not complaining. It just weird (algorithm god if you read this please work with me).

5. Getting some Appreciation

Now, I wanna say this:

“thank you”

To all the lovely readers that bought me a Ko-Fi.

While My followers are slowly increasing, here and there, I would receive token of appreciation from some of beautiful readers out there — and I could not be more grateful for this.

I’m truly touched when you getting out of your way to send me coffee, to a stranger in Bali Island writing about his life story — that means my story journey were of value to you.

And even if you don’t send me coffee — believe me that I will always be here because I love doing this.


I might sound like a broken record already, but I want to thank you for sticking around to the end of the article. I know, 500 followers might seem small for most people, but for me it is a huge accomplishment.

I hope by reading my story, it could also aspire most of you to start writing on Medium, and start building readership and trust from the readers.

At the end of the day, it’s not about me. I don’t win. I won’t win. But, you, the audience will win. Because you will get a value out of my stories. And that’s definitely my goal writing in this platform!

Enjoy the reading? You can always support me through


To help me keep writing, and especially since I’m unable to monotize my stories on Medium due to country restriction.

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A Blind Man from Bali | I'm writing about self-improvement, mindset, and life through the lens of a blind person.