When the Brain Doesn’t Want to Relax

My brain is an asshole.

Irma Geddon
3 min readMay 21, 2022

My brain likes to play tricks on me.

When it doesn’t gaslight me, it makes me think I’m lazy.

And then, even if, at long last, I’m not falling for these two tricks, it still finds ways to make it difficult for me.


By being the most effervescent brain there ever was in the history of brains. By being so happy to do ALL. THE. THINGS. o/ that it would be a shame to stop. Right? Right?

I have overworked myself today. I’m writing this and it’s only 2.45 pm… and I have built a whole private Discord server. I have finished attending a course I can’t talk to you about because it would say too much about my next hyper secret project. And now, I’m writing this article.

On a Saturday.

When I should be resting.

Do you know what the problem is? Work doesn’t feel like work when you enjoy working on your projects… And so, I don’t realize (until it’s too late) that I still need to rest.

When I glance at the closed spoon drawer, it feels like they’re still all there, gently tucked inside. After all, I am having FUN.

But if I open it, it becomes really clear that I’m going to have to eat my ice cream…



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.