Basic Words To Know Before Reading Nature Cure

Divya Jain
4 min readSep 20, 2022




According to World Health Organisation, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health is the normal and harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on the physical, mental and moral planes of being, in conformity with the constructive principle in Nature applied to individual life.


The disease is an abnormal or inharmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on one or more planes of being, in conformity with the destructive principle in Nature applied to individual life.

Nature Cure believes that disease is an abnormal condition of the body resulting from the violation of natural laws.

Vital Force:

Also known as Self-curative power, Curative force or immunity.

The vital force is the natural healing force within the body (the body heals itself) and is expressed through the central nervous system. As with naturopathic medicine, this expression in the body as “innate intelligence” also is considered a part of nature (universal intelligence).

It is this supreme Intelligence and Power acting in and through every atom, molecule and cell in the human body, which is the true healer, the “vis medicatrix naturae” which always endeavors to repair, heal and restore the perfect type. All that the physician can do is remove obstructions and establish normal conditions within and around the patient, so that “the healer within” can do his work to the best advantage.

Foreign Matter:

Also known as Morbid matter, waste or toxins.

Foreign matters are those substances that are either present in the body or enter the body via various routes due to faulty habits - improper digestion and improper elimination of morbid end products.

These are unabsorbed, uneliminated and unassimilated inside the organ and organ system and hamper the functioning of a particular system.

Acute Disease:

In short, acute diseases are self-healing efforts of the body. Hence, they are our friends, not the enemy.

What is commonly called “acute” disease is in reality the result of Nature‘s efforts to eliminate from the organism waste material, foreign matter and poisons, and to repair injury to living tissues. In other words, every so-called acute disease is the result of the cleansing and healing effort of Nature.

Chronic Disease:

Chronic diseases are outcome of wrong treatment and suppression of the acute diseases.

  1. Chronic disease is a condition of the organism in which lowered vibration (lowered vitality), due to the accumulation of waste material and poisons, with the consequent destruction of vital parts and organs, has progressed to such an extent that Nature’s constructive and healing forces are no longer able to react against the disease conditions by acute corrective efforts (healing crisis).
  2. Chronic disease is a condition of the organism in which the morbid encumbrances, having gained the ascendancy, prevent acute reaction (healing crisis) on the part of the constructive forces of Nature.
  3. Chronic disease is the natural consequence of the inability of the organism to react by acute efforts, or “healing crisis”, against conditions inimical to health.

Healing Crisis:

A healing crisis is an acute reaction, resulting from the ascendancy of Nature‘s healing forces over disease conditions. Its tendency is toward recovery, and it is, therefore, in conformity with Nature’s constructive principle.

A healing crisis is a process by which toxins are eliminated from the body and the mental, emotional and physical being of the person reaches a different level of health. The body is constantly striving to function towards optimal resonance with the memory of its cellular growth. With disease, there is blockage, stagnation or a disturbance of proper regulation and alignment of cellular function. This impairment can be a result of mental, emotional and/or physical trauma, poor lifestyle, environmental toxins or a genetic predisposition to the disease.

One of the most important aspects of a healing crisis is the return of old symptoms. The symptoms can be the result of a condition that has been suppressed from recreational or prescription drugs, constant ingestion of inflammatory foods or an emotion that a person cannot release.

The symptoms that arise during a healing crisis relate to those symptoms that were suppressed or unresolved. The suppressed symptoms typically arise in reverse order, i.e., the symptoms that a person experienced the last manifest first in the healing process; ending with the symptoms that caused the initial episode.

Common Medical Terms:


The study of the structure of organisms and their parts.


The study of the function of living things, including processes such as nutrition, movement, and reproduction.


The process of identifying a disease, condition, or injury from its signs and symptoms.


Something others can observe or measure.

In medicine, a sign is something found during a physical exam or from a laboratory test that shows that a person may have a condition or disease. Some examples of signs are fever, swelling, skin rash, high blood pressure, and high blood glucose.


Any subjective evidence of disease.

A physical or mental problem that a person experiences that may indicate a disease or condition. Symptoms cannot be seen and do not show up on medical tests. Symptoms can be perceived only by the person who is experiencing them.


Medical Treatment means the management and care of a patient for the purpose of combating disease, injury, or disorder.


  • Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics, Henry Lindhlar, Fifth Edition.

