Ex Looked Shocked To See Me: How to Act When You See Your Ex

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 29, 2019


Photo by Jens Johnsson on Unsplash

Ex looked shocked to see me — How to act when you see your ex.

Many people wonder about one thing after their break up and that’s how to act when you see your ex. It’s tough, isn’t it? You’ve still got all these conflicting feelings regarding them. You’re upset over the end of the relationship but a part of you wishes that things were back to the way they used to be. You loved your ex and if you could have them back, you’d do it. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Many people feel exactly the same way. That’s why it’s essential to understand how to handle seeing them face-to-face again.

Understanding how to act when you see your ex is mainly about self control. Even though a big part of you may want to fall to your knees and plead with them to give you another chance, that’s not going to do much good. You need to use good old-fashioned human psychology in a case like this. You’ve got to present yourself in such a way that your ex will be overcome with feelings of desire for you again. It all sounds very much like a romantic made for television movie, but it’s not.

Here’s how you should be acting when you finally do have that chance meeting with your ex:

Be friendly. Smile with conviction. Don’t give them a pretend smile through tears. Smile and look genuinely happy to see them.

Hug them. This has to be a friend hug, not an “I wish we were lovers again” hug. Embrace your ex as you would any friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Own the conversation. You want to be in control of the conversation so keep it moving in a direction of your own choosing. Don’t ask whether or not your ex is dating someone. You’ve got to appear as though you don’t care either way. Talk about general things like work, the weather and mutual friends.

Say you’re doing great. When your ex does ask how you are, tell them you’re doing really well. Say this like you mean it. You don’t want them to believe, even for a moment, that your life stopped when the relationship ended.

You’ve got to be the one to end the conversation. Just say you’re on your way somewhere and need to run. If your ex says they’ll be in touch, just not in agreement. Don’t try and pin them down to a time or day when they’ll call. You have to appear relaxed, calm and non-caring if you want to reignite their interest again.

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Couples break up and get together every day all across the world and not losing hope is one of the sure fire ways you can use to attract your ex back to you fast. Whatever the reason behind the break up, you should first think long and hard whether you really wish to get back into the failed relationship or start moving on to a new life. If you are really desperate and still love your ex so much, then here are some sure shot ways to get him/her back into your life fast:

• Keep your cool — Don’t bug your ex into receiving you back because you cannot live without them. No matter how true this claim may be, never ever tell your ex this because you will lose your pride and dignity in his eyes. Instead, keep your cool and let your ex have his/her time alone to think things up.

• Fill yourself up with hope and faith — Amazingly, these are the most important values you should adopt when in the middle of a heart tearing break up. Act under the belief that all is well and continue with your life as though nothing grave has happened to your heart and your life. Never associate yourself with desperation, melancholy, and misery if you still want your ex to find you desirable after the break up.

• Keep in touch — After a week since the break up or enough time has passed, regain contact with your ex again by simply asking them how they are doing and checking out their status. Keep the message short and avoid digging up past issues about the relationship so you won’t scare or drive your ex away from you.

• Be consistent — Be unswerving in your resolve that you want to make the relationship work again and return to the happy times you had in the past. Even if your ex is going out with other people on dates, you should accept this and continue to show your ex that you are intent on rekindling the relationship with him/her.

• Time for a beauty makeover — Make yourself desirable to your ex again. Remember the first time you caught his/her attention and try to think of things about you that he was attracted about. Go out, bring your friends and do a complete make over of yourself. This will not only make you more desirable to your ex and other guys but also allow you to radiate confidence and happiness that you seem to have lost during the break up.

• Go out and have fun — Go join a kick boxing club, go the gym, enroll in swimming lessons, go shopping or go surfing so you can improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Showing your ex that you are still having fun even when he is not around will surely get him thinking about whether he/she made the right decision of breaking up with you.

• Let your ex come to you — After all the tips above, your ex will surely see how you have improved and how strong you are which will get them pondering how valuable you really are and how they would want you back in their lives.
Getting your ex back after a break up is no rocket science at all, what you need to do is follow the important steps outlined above so you can regain your most significant other back into your beautiful and loving arms.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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