My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me But Says He Still Cares: Why Did He Break Up With Me If He Still Loves Me

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 29, 2019


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

My boyfriend broke up with me but says he still cares — Why did he break up with me if he still loves me.

“I want to get my boyfriend back!”It’s the motto of any woman who’s been recently broken up with.

Breakups are hard and hurtful, but not nearly as hurtful as the loneliness that comes with losing someone you really love.

Fortunately, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel- even if your breakup was mean and ugly, you can get your boyfriend back if you keep a couple of tips in mind.

Tip #1- You want to talk to him, and he might want to talk to you, but you shouldn’t.

The days right after a breakup are critical. What you say or do here will set the tone for the rest of your relationship with your ex.

Will you make the mistake of contacting him and saying you miss him right away, branding yourself as a clingy, desperate ex?

Will you contact him to insult him for leaving you, branding yourself as a jealous, bitter ex?

Instead, don’t do anything. Let him think about what he did, while you move on.

Tip #2- Guys like novelty.

So, after a breakup, change something. It can be something major, or something small. Change your hairstyle, take up a new hobby, or change your job.

Anything you change will make you a little more mysterious to your ex, and keep him guessing.

When one thing changes, he’ll be wondering what else has changed.

Tip #3- Nobody likes a downer.

So, fight the urge to mope about your split. Your feelings are hurt, and venting them to a supportive friend is okay, but let it end there.

Dwelling on your pain isn’t good for you, and it’s going to alienate those around you. It also won’t let you create a new, stronger relationship once your ex does come back.

You’ll end up with problems stemming from residual resentment.

Tip #4- You can make a breakup work for you.

If you’re willing to, you can allow a breakup to give you some relationship cachet.

When you were with your ex, you were always available to him. Now, you aren’t.

By making that unavailability by your choice, not his, you’ll drive him crazy.

“But I want to get my boyfriend back, not be unavailable to him!” you might say. That’s fine, but it’s important to understand one thing- forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

Tip #5- A little jealousy is a good thing, but rebounding isn’t.

This doesn’t mean you have to find a man to make your ex jealous; you can make him jealous of you, and have the same effect.

If you move on in a happy, healthy, confident way, while your ex is still struggling with his feelings from the breakup, he’ll be jealous of your ability to bounce back.

If he thinks you’re ready to pursue romantic attachments again, he’ll be jealous of whoever you might be with.

If you’re in the “I want to get my boyfriend back” stage of your breakup, these tips can help you lure your man back where he belongs- with you.

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You want to get your boyfriend back more than anything in the world. But do you find yourself being overly nice and accommodating in spite of the fact that he broke your heart and probably isn’t treating you all that well? How is that working out for you? Are you seeing any success with being overly nice to him or are you just making it much easier for him while your heart shrinks a little more very day?

Maybe it’s time to take off the gloves and stop being quite so nice. You may not have it in you to be downright rude to him and this is not what is suggested. But maybe if you start focusing more on yourself for a little bit you might begin to see a change in your ex. You don’t have to be mean or nasty but taking some time to take care of yourself and not allow yourself to be used as a doormat is more along the right lines.

By taking care of yourself you might actually find that your boyfriend will show a renewed respect for you. Given some time, he might realize that it was wrong for him to treat you poorly and you might actually get an apology out of him. Of course, the important part of taking care of yourself is to help you to regain your strength so you can get your boyfriend back.

There is no doubt that the breakup has laid a heavy blow to your ego. Being rejected by the one person in your life that you put first can make you wonder what is wrong with you. There is actually nothing wrong with you and you should try not to live your life as the reflection in someone else’s eyes. After all, you were once good enough for him to love and want to be with. Things have just gotten a little off kilter but now is the time to get back on track and get your boyfriend back.

Taking care of yourself means getting the proper amount of sleep… not too little and not too much. It might be tempting to want to stay up all night long and try to figure out what went wrong and what you can do to fix it but after a while you will just become worn down.

Likewise, too much sleep is a sign of depression and honestly, you don’t have a reason to be depressed. If you are determined to get your boyfriend back then you have nothing to be depressed about. This is just a temporary stage that you are going through if you are going to get him back, right? So don’t be depressed and live your life in expectation that everything is going to work out fine.

Begin eating normally again. This means not overeating and not under eating. Both extremes can be bad for your health so make sure that you eat foods that are good for you in the proper amounts. Even if you don’t feel like eating make yourself eat something. Something in your belly is better than nothing. In order to stay sharp both physically and emotionally you will need to feed your body good food.

Once you are rested, well fed and feeling better about yourself emotionally you will be better prepared to get him back. Sometimes just taking these steps and showing some respect for yourself can make a huge difference in your appearance and how attractive and lovable you will appear to your boyfriend.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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