My Ex Asked Me If I Was Ok: My Ex Asked Me If I Was Happy

Jasmine Norah
7 min readDec 29, 2019


Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

My ex asked me if I was ok — My ex asked me if I was happy.

What are the signs your ex wants you back after a breakup? More people ask that question that you might imagine. Many relationships break up and then people realize they may have made a mistake and want to try again. The problem is they don’t always know how to tell the other person. They may be afraid of rejection, so they won’t just tell you straight out. So how can you tell?

Signs Your Ex Wants You Back:

Sign #1 — They still call you occasionally for no apparent reason. You may miss this sign easily if the two of you decided to ‘be friends’ after the breakup. The reason for the call may not be to ‘just check in’ on you, they may actually want you back.

Sign #2 — They ask about you through mutual friends or family members. If you hear that your ex has been asking about you it usually means they still care for you.

Sign #3 — They are dating someone who looks and or acts suspiciously like you. Instead of being insulted, take this as a compliment. You are still on their mind and since they don’t have what they really want, a substitute has to do.

Sign #4 — They still frequent your favorite hangout(s). Did the two of you have a favorite place to hangout? If they are still going to these places frequently it could be that they hope to run into you there. Maybe they miss you and the things you used to do together.

Sign #5 — Whenever they see you they act nervous. If you happen to bump into one another at a restaurant or store do they seem nervous, appear clumsy, or act shy? If so, they may want you more than you realize.

These are the signs your ex wants you back. If they are afraid of being rejected, they may not voice their desire to reconcile. Do you want to get back together with your ex? If so, you may have to be the one to initiate it.

Warning: Your Ex Is Very Near To Having Sex With Someone Else Soon… If you do not take action now, your ex will be lost forever to someone else! I am about to share with you the secret way to get your ex crawling back to you instantly; no matter how bad the situation is. No more ignoring, no more games; from this point on your life will never be the same. You don’t want to miss this — Click Here

Getting your ex back may seem impossible, however all is not lost so long as you know what to do and what to avoid after the break up. Your ex may need some space and time to think about the future so let them be and bide your time. All the while, you need to make improvements on yourself and bring out the best in you so you can increase the chance of attracting your ex back to you.

For the meantime, you should avoid the following dangerous mistakes if you still want to get your ex back:

1. Being Psychotic — Stalking and chasing can make you look like a psychotic to your ex so better stay calm, keep your silence and give your ex a chance to ponder things alone. Stop chasing or stalking your ex through phone calls, sms or emails because they may start to feel harassed which will make them avoid you at all costs.

2. Begging — Don’t plead or beg your ex to come back to you or talk to you because you will only increase the distance that separates the two of you. Begging will only make you lose your pride and dignity, so avoid falling into this kind of behavior just to get your ex to talk with you again.

3. Falling into depression — Don’t lay your life into waste because when your ex sees a haphazard new you after the break up, the more they won’t want to associate themselves with you anymore. Take control of the heart ripping pain that relationship break-ups bring, instead rise above the adversity and show your ex how wrong he/she is for leaving you.

4. Locking yourself in your room — Although most of us do wish to be left alone while we cry our hearts out after the break up, it is only good for a few hours. Show your ex that you are not moved or gravely affected by the recent break up and you still now how to have fun and enjoy life.

5. Avoid being involved with someone else — This is only valid if you still love your ex and you want him to come back to you. Never use another person as a cover up for the gaping hole your ex has left in your heart. If your ex sees that you are with someone else, then he/she will be left thinking that you have moved on and he/she will also move forward and find another person to love.

6. Drinking excessively — This is a big no no if you wish your ex to respect and value you as a person. Although getting drunk may offer some temporary relief from the painful break up, you will likely lose the interest and attraction you may still have from your ex. This is because you have just shown how weak and immature you are when handling critical life situations.

7. Calling your ex when you are drunk — Aside from showing how low you can get by neglecting to take care of yourself and getting drunk all the time, never ever call your ex when you are drunk. Do this and you will surely lose any remaining love and respect they may still have for you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

Your breakup may have happened recently and you may still be tormented emotionally or perhaps you are past that and you are trying to move on. Either ways you reading this tells me one thing, you are here for advice on how to get your ex back and you are still in love.

Let us not waste time and get right to the point:

It’s time to pick yourself up, now more than ever you need to build your self-confidence. People filled with negative energy repel everyone and especially those who are filled with positive energy. It’s really a simple idea, if you are bitter about life and sulking over your situation, it shows in your face expression, your body language, and everything about you will scream discontent. I don’t have to remind you, people have genuine dislike for such individuals.

Once you are past the bitterness, it’s now time to analyze your breakup and why it may have happened. Not only should you know what you may have added to the breakup, but you have to make sure you do not make the same mistake twice. Picture yourself as reading a book about a couple and look at your relationship with your ex from a third person’s perspective. Make notes about key occurrences and make sure you do not skim through the details.

When you are done analyzing, it’s time to make the necessary changes and adjustments. This does not mean changing your core-self, but it does mean sacrificing some things about yourself that may affect your lover in a negative way. Much of any relationship is about sacrifice and compromise, if you are not ready for such, then you should probably expect more heart breaks in the future. Staying true to yourself does not mean never changing, in fact, only the brave ones make the big changes.

If you are curious why everything I’ve mentioned has to do with you and nothing with your ex, I will tell you it’s because the process of getting your ex back has to start with you. You can’t expect people to change their attitude towards you unless you are ready to make some changes yourself. It starts with you and it will end with you, if you get it right your ex will be back.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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