He Broke Up With Me and He’s Now Ignoring Me: I Want My Ex Boyfriend Back But He’s Ignoring Me

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 26, 2019


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

He broke up with me and is now ignoring me — I want my ex boyfriend back but he’s ignoring me.

Just broke up? Is your boyfriend ignoring you? Do you know what to do next?

If you are reading this now, you are probably facing the problem described above.

Your boyfriend has recently decided to break up with you and you are obviously feeling extremely devastated.

You tried contacting your boyfriend but he is ignoring you. You tried calling him but he didn’t pick up the phone. You tried sending him lots of text messages but he didn’t even bother to reply. Now, you are not sure what to do next.

Well, fret not! You are definitely not alone. I have seen many women facing the same situation as you.

The most important thing for you to do now is to relax and stay calm. You cannot win your boyfriend back when you are in the panic mode.

First, you need to understand that there is still hope to save your relationship. Just because your boyfriend is ignoring you doesn’t necessary mean the demise of your relationship. There are many women who have faced similar situation but they still managed to get back together with their boyfriend eventually.

I hope the statement above has given you some hope. Hope is important if you wish to get your boyfriend back. Without hope, you won’t even bother trying.

Next, you need to understand that there is always a reason why your boyfriend is ignoring you. Knowing the reasons will help you come up with a solution.

One possible reason is that your boyfriend is simply not ready to talk to you at this moment. The fact is both of you have just broken up. If your boyfriend doesn’t wish to talk to you at this moment, just respect his wishes.

Maybe he is as upset as you. Maybe he needs time and space. Just give him the time and space that he needs.

Just because your boyfriend is ignoring you now doesn’t necessary mean he is going to ignore you in the future. Don’t worry too much for the time being. Stop contacting him now. You can try contacting him again about one month later. Most probably, he will be willing to talk to you by then.

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OK, so you want to get your man back in spite of the fact that your boyfriend or husband has told you that it’s over between the two of you. You may still love your man and are heartbroken over your breakup and you just don’t know what to do. The days have become unbearable and every morning you wake up wishing that it was all just a bad dream. Unfortunately, as the fog begins to clear you realize that it’s not a bad dream and that you really are alone and the tears begin to fall all over again…

If you have tried everything in your power to get him to change his mind and give your relationship another chance you might be working in the wrong direction.

Do you find yourself begging and pleading for him to talk with you about the breakup? Have you promised to change but it seems like he just doesn’t care? Have you tried being nice to him but he still doesn’t seem to want anything to do with you? Have you cried hoping that he would feel bad and take you back? All of these may seem like likely ways to get your man back but truthfully, these methods are only pushing him further away.

The truth is that by appearing depressed or trying to push you boyfriend or husband into resolving the issues that led to your breakup you are only pushing him further away.

Let me give you an example that might help you to understand. Have you ever met a guy that you really liked as a friend that tried to push you into a relationship? You know the type of guy. Maybe he really is a nice guy but perhaps just a little too nice. The type of guy that simply adores you to the point that it almost creeps you out a little bit.

Maybe this guy asked you out one time and either you didn’t want to send the wrong impression or you really did have other plans at the time, so you turned him down. So he asked you out again the following week. Now your creep meter is starting to tick a bit more as he begins to be overly nice to you or maybe he even sends you a really nice email full of complements or buys you flowers before asking you out again. Soon you grew to hate to hear his voice and any temptation that you had to even go out on one date with him was null and void.

Now, take this and multiply it by ten and you have what you are probably doing to your ex by crying and begging and pleading for another chance with him. In spite of the fact that the two of you were once in an intimate relationship, you have pegged his creep meter all the way to the right.

By wanting your ex so much you are devaluing your own attention and boosting your ex’s ego into the stratosphere. By pursuing your ex you are killing the opportunities that you have to get him back and repair your relationship. By pursuing him you are pushing your ex farther and father away.

Sure, there may come a day when you finally come to accept that your relationship is over or your ex moves on and starts dating someone else. But there will also come a day when your ex will tell you that he regrets that he ever broke up with you. Time heals wounds such as these and in time your ex will regret breaking up with you.

But what if you could fast forward to that time and have your ex feel that regret before it is too late? What if you could cut right to the chase and have your ex realize what he is going to be missing a year from now? You don’t have a year to wait and the chances of you getting him back by allowing time to heal your relationship are slim to none. Instead, why not show him what he is going to be missing and send him a bit of a wake up call?

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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