My Boyfriend Left Me When I Got Pregnant: My Boyfriend Left Me Pregnant What Should I Do

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 26, 2019


Photo by Arteida MjESHTRI on Unsplash

My boyfriend left me when I got pregnant — my boyfriend left me pregnant what should I do.

Learning ways of coping with a breakup while pregnant will help you to gain control of your emotional and physical health during this time — when you also have to care for the life of your child. So here are 3 advice that will bring peace to your feelings towards your ex-boyfriend and help you cope with the break-up.

Advice #1: Agree with the breakup… for now…

The easiest thing to do now is agree with the break-up. I understand this may not be what your mind is telling you to do, but doing so will do you more good than harm. Here’s why:

1. It is easier to go with the flow than to fight against the current. Since your ex is firm about his decision in breaking up with you, reserve and share your energy with your baby. Being in your stomach,your baby needs your support to gain good nutrition for growth. Your mood also affects how your baby grows.

2. Agreeing with the break up will come as a shock to your boyfriend. One of the reasons your ex decided to breakup with you is because he is afraid that he needs to cope with your mood swings and bring up a new born child. It is a huge responsibility for a guy and your partner probably isn’t ready. By agreeing with the break-up, you are showing him that you are able to cope on your own. He will be pleasantly surprised and relieved — which gives him the time to reconsider things between the both of you.

Advice #2: Take care of yours and your baby’s health

Learning how to cope with a breakup while pregnant also involves taking care of yours and the baby’s health. Your baby is probably only a few weeks or months old and you have to mind your emotional feelings and prevent yourself from physical harm — to ensure that your baby grows with good health.

Also, our self esteem takes a plunge during a relationship break-up. Thus, a quick way to regain your composure, is to look in the mirror and ask yourself ‘Is this the person I want to be? Do I want my own skin, weight and look to suffer even more?’ You will hear yourself thinking ‘I want to be happy. I expect my life to be better. I want my to win my partner back. But…’ Once you reach this point, stop thinking about the issue.

The key is to focus on what you want instead of what is stopping you from having what you want. It will help you increase your emotional and general happiness.

Also, your breasts will grow bigger during pregnancy. Use it to tempt the man you love back into a relationship with you but don’t have sex too soon. Having sex with him too fast will take away the attraction prematurely. Try talking to him. Make him commit. You’re in control.

Advice #3: Get the support, love and comfort from the people who loves you

We all find our own ways to cope with a romantic relationship breakup. While withdrawing from social interaction for a period of time can do you good, do your best to accept your friends’ suggestions to meet up and hang out once in awhile. Start doing light exercise with your friends to stay healthy.

In the beginning, just take small steps out of your comfort zone, and even have your friends come to your house if you like. True friends will be sensitive to your needs and put in the effort to be there for you — All you need to do is ask.

Being a single pregnant mom is common. However, the power lies in your hands; for coping with a break up while pregnant and also getting your ex boyfriend back.

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My boyfriend left me when I got pregnant — my boyfriend left me pregnant what should I do.

If you are looking for some straight forward “get back with my ex” tips, you have come to the right place.

Everyone has a different idea about the right way to go about bringing that special person back to you.

Some are sound and some are not.

What I have learned from experience is that what you want to know is usually right in front of your face, but when a breakup occurs it can be hard to see it through the hurt and pain.

This is why I am going to tell you what you probably already know.

Tip 1: Rediscover your ex by taking a time out to think.

You are likely 100% focused on getting him back, but what you need to be doing is really considering who your ex is and why you want to be with them.

Take this time to remember why you love him.

What are the qualities that first brought you to him? How does he compare to others?

If you truly love your ex you can share these things with him and as long as you are sincere in your feelings, your ex will be touched by your honesty.

Tip 2: If you did something to contribute to their decision to breakup with you then you should own up to it.

Even if the bulk of the relationship problems came from your ex’s end, it takes two to make it and it takes two to fail.

Whatever part you played in the downfall of your relationship, admit it; both to yourself and to your ex.

Admitting that you are wrong about something is the first step on the road to fixing things.

Tip 3: Show him understanding.

Really try to see where they are coming from. If you can see the reason for the breakup from their point of you may be able to answer the question “how to get back with my ex” all on your own.

Gaining understanding can take time, but simply showing that you are trying can go a long way in repairing the damage.

If your ex is open to reconciliation, you may want to try couples counseling or therapeutic exercises to help increase the understanding.

This could be a good experience for both of you.

Tip 4: Focus on yourself. While it is very important to show your ex that you love, support and understand them, it is also important to understand yourself as well.

What is it that drove your ex away?

If it was something that you did or some behavior that you exhibited, maybe you can work on fixing what is inside of you.

Trying to help yourself become better partner shows that you are sincere in your love for your ex and self-improvement is good for your emotional health as well.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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