He Just Left Me Without Saying Anything: He Just Left Me With No Explanation

Jasmine Norah
7 min readDec 19, 2019


Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

He just left me without saying anything — He just left me with no explanation.

If your boyfriend left, you are probable feeling hurt confused angry and even depressed. This is normal it is exactly what you are supposed to be feeling. If you think your boyfriend is worth fighting for and getting back together with then these tips will assist you in doing just that. If however you are looking for a way to move on or get even this is not the place for you sorry.

My boyfriend left me how do I get him back.

The most important thing about trying to get your boyfriend back is not what you do but what you don’t do. Don’t be clingy. Your boyfriend left because for what ever reason right now he doesn’t want to be with you so he certainly doesn’t want you trying to force your way into his life right now. Give him some space. Don’t try to make him feel sorry for you. Chances are he is mad right now or at least disappointed, trying to make him feel sorry for you will only make you look ridiculous in his eyes. Don’t be needy for his attention. This means: Stop texting him all the time. Stop sending him e-mails. Stop calling. Just stop. If you are behaving in any of these ways realize now that there are zero positive benefits from doing so. STOP.

Now that we got that out of the way here are some things you can do to be more attractive to him.

First, start dating again. You do not have to get serious, just demonstrate to him that you are prepared to move on with your life. What this will do to him is make him a little jealous. People always want what they can’t have. You have to be careful and not take this to far as you do not want him to get they idea that you have permanently replaced him.

Second, have some fun and adventures ie get a life. Go out with some of your friend to dinner and a movie or perhaps for a night on the town. Go to a class on a favorite topic or something you have always been interested in. Take a trip somewhere. This does not need to be some expensive location. A weekend road trip to a local tourist spot is fine and will be a lot of fun. What doing these things will accomplish is two fold. One you will find that you are capable of having a good time and enjoying your life with out him. Two he will also see that you are capable of having a good time and enjoying life with out him.

Third, when the opportunity arises, remind him of the good times you have shared. Think about trips you have taken together. Enjoyable events you experienced with each other. Inside jokes that only the two of you understand. Doing this will help remind him of other good times and memories y’all shared. It will also remind him that not everything was bad and that there was a time he loved you dearly. What ever you do, avoid bringing up negative times in your relationship. You do not want to be reminding him of those things.

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If you are hoping to get your ex boyfriend or ex husband back you probably already know that time if of the essence if you ever hold any hope of getting him back. I’m sure that if you actually could get him back quickly you would have already done that and I’m not trying to taunt you or push you or telling you anything that you don’t already know. I’m sure that you wonder every day whether or not he has really moved on or if he is either seeing someone else or if there was another woman involved that could be the root cause of your breakup.

The honest truth and the reality is that often there is another woman involved. It could be someone that your ex looks upon as a friend or it could even be an old girlfriend or ex wife that has weaseled her way back into the picture. Often a woman will target a man that does seem very happy in his relationship hoping to have that happy man all to her own. Likewise, many people want what they feel they can not have and married men are always the target of cunning seductresses who wish to steal a man away from another woman.

It is also true that often after a breakup many men actually go looking for a rebound relationship. Many guys find that it makes the breakup easier on them if they immediately get into a relationship to boost their ego and also drive away the ex by displaying that they have moved on and dash the hopes of a woman who might be trying to get back together with them. It may sound cruel but in reality the only one that it is really cruel to is the other woman.

You see, even though you might feel that there is little or no hope in such a situation, there are ways to turn this whole mess around in the end and wind up getting him back. With a little patience, understanding and persistence you can indeed get him back even when it might appear that all hope is lost. Indeed time is of the essence though and it is important to pull yourself together and lay out a game plan that will actually work in such a situation. I have seen it happen time and time again and the important thing for you to do right now is to keep your cool.

Nothing will cement your doom like begging, pleading and wanting to talk about getting back together again. Nothing will push your ex further away than these pathetic attempts at rekindling your relationship and when dealing with men it does no good to try to convince him that he still loves you or try to overtly seduce him. These tactics will only make him more resolved to keep his distance and even completely avoid any sort of communication with you once and for all. As counter-intuitive as this may seem, you need to keep him at arms length for a bit while you pull yourself together and get your game plan together. As you become the woman that any man would love to be with and make him remember for himself how great it was to be in a relationship with you. Get it?

Now, if there is another woman involved or if you suspect that he is at the beginning stages of a new relationship just remember that you have a huge advantage over this other woman. Most rebound relationships don’t work out and they often end as quickly as they began. Plus, you already have a history with your man that this woman will never have. You know things about him and you have memories together that you can use as a powerful tool when the time is right. The real trick is actually knowing how to use your past correctly to get him back while making him be the one to come running back to you instead of making it seem like you’re pushing yourself on him. It really is possible and it can be done quite easily once you understand how guys work and what motivates them….and, as you probably already now, it’s not begging, pleading or trying to talk things through.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back




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