Sudden Break Up No Explanation: My Ex Broke Up With Me For No Reason

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 19, 2019


Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

Sudden break up no explanation — My ex broke up with me for no reason.

In an ideal world, you would get closure when someone leaves you. Especially after you spent every waking moment with the person, and opened up every vulnerable part of yourself up to them. BUT, in the real world, people leave you without any explanation, thus you are left without any closure.

You sit there wondering what you did wrong to make your lover leave without any sort of real reason or explanation. You become confused and feel as though they have ran you over with the breakup, because it came out of nowhere, and they couldn’t even respect you enough to offer a reason.

Fortunately, it’s possible to understand the reasons behind a breakup, even if your partner refused to give you such, by simply looking at a few things that occurred during the relationship or during the breakup. Here are the top 7 reasons why your ex left you without any explanation:

Your Ex Was Afraid Of Commitment — He/she ran for the hills when they realized that you are wanting them to commit. They didn’t explain the breakup, because they didn’t want to hurt you by telling you the truth: they didn’t want to spend their life with you.

He/She Didn’t See A Future With You — At first your ex may have committed, and may have seen a future with you. But with time your ex started to see how you were just too different and how a future would have been nearly impossible together. Your ex wanted a comfortable life, and got the impression that it would be just too difficult with you.

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Your Ex Didn’t See Any Change — If this was a heavy relationship, wherein you both argued and fought more than anything else; then your ex likely would have given you plenty of chances to change. Eventually, when you didn’t, he/she got fed up and left completely.

He/She Had Personal Problems That You Were Amplifying — Stress from work, financial problems, insecurities… were only adding to their problems by amplifying them, so your partner left to take the pressure and pain off.

Your Ex Wanted To Move On — If you were together for a long time, perhaps your ex got tired of the routine you had together. Your ex chose to move on, so that they wouldn’t cheat, or so that things wouldn’t become worse. This is true if you never really understood each other, disagreed a lot, and argued even over simple things.

He/She Fell Out Of Love With You — It takes time for love to diminish, but it diminishes quickly if there is a lot of strain in the relationship. A troubled relationship caused by a partner’s constant hurtful actions can lead someone to fall out of love, because they learn to start disliking the person on the basis of their poor choice of actions and words.

Your Ex Felt Guilty — Your ex may have hurt you a lot, and you may have blamed them for it. Your ex may have noticed how you changed for the worse since them, and thus felt guilty about not being able to give you the best; so they left in hopes that you could find better.

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You are in a tough spot after a breakup. You are saying to yourself, “I’m still in love with my ex!” But at the same time, you feel in your bones that it is really over for good. What to do? Well, to start with, you should be more positive. Many relationships that look like they are in the toilet, can in fact be saved. The two people involved, find a way to get back together.

Now before going any further, you need to ask yourself a couple of questions. Should this relationship actually be saved? If there was physical or emotional abuse, then perhaps not. Maybe the relationship is better off dead, so you can put yourself back together again and move on. The reason for this is that if you get back with a violent ex, there is a strong risk that former bad behavior will repeat itself.

On the other hand, if the relationship simply petered out, if there was a misunderstanding, loss of trust or even an argument, then all is not lost. You can repair the relationship, if you have an action plan and know what to do. More on that in a bit.

The good thing about declaring “I’m still in love with my ex” is that you had, and still have, strong feelings for him/her. Most likely your former mate feels the same way about you. You could build on that. The second question you must ask yourself, then, is Does my ex still love me? Does he still at least have some feelings for me at all? You will need to get some sense as to the answer to that question before going too much farther.

Let some time pass, say at least a week or two. Then call your ex, and ask if you can meet, just to talk. Do not beg or plead. Be casual and polite. Now think of what you will say when you meet him or her. How will you convince her to take you back? Why should she? What will your life be like? Will it be different and better than before?

Meet in a neutral, public place, where neither of you will be tempted to cause a scene. This first meeting is liable to be difficult for both of you. Keep a firm handle on your emotions. But do not be afraid to show some passion. Talk about your future life together, your dreams and hopes, and where he fits into this picture.

The two of you can make a great life together, if you can just get over this admittedly serious hurdle. However, your ex is not your total dream and hope for the future. Let him know that he is a big part of it, that you can build a real relationship together, this time. But you are not needy or fixated on him. You each have your own lives to live. You just want him to know that there is a big place for him in yours.

Listen at least as much as you talk. Pay close attention to what your ex says, and to her body language. No matter how much in love two people are, they still need some space of their own. If you do all this, then your thought that “I’m still in love with my ex” should find a similar echo in your former lover.

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