How To Get Closure From An Ex Who Won’t Talk To You: How To Get Closure After Breakup

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 31, 2019


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

How to get closure from an ex who won’t talk to you — How to get closure after breakup.

You can learn how to get closure after a breakup. Not only is it important, it is an essential process, and it is the first step in preparing for the rest of your life.

If you do not know why it is necessary, the answer is really quite simple. If you do not get closure after a breakup, you will continue to hold and carry many feelings about your former partner and your former relationship. While each person is different and has his own individual feelings, they usually include such factors as anger or resentment, pain and sorrow, continued love or fondness for the partner, and hope that the relationship can somehow be restored. Individuals also differ in the degree in which they experience these feelings, as well as how they express them. Many people who fail to get closure after a breakup express their feelings in an inappropriate manner.

When you make progress in gaining closure, you will be relieving yourself of unnecessary misery. It involves the process of coming to terms with your emotions, and putting them in their proper context. This process includes facing up to the fact that the relationship is indeed over, and dealing with the loss. It means allowing yourself a reasonable amount of time, although this too varies from person to person. Regardless of how serious or how longterm or short-lived your relationship was, you cannot get closure after a breakup overnight. You invested your time and many emotions in your former partner and your relationship, and it will take awhile to come to terms with it all and put it in its proper perspective. This should not mean, however, that you must spend years seeking closure — what that would be is putting off the inevitable, holding on, and not attempting to gain closure at all.

Not only is it necessary to get closure after a breakup, it is in your best interests to do so. The alternative is that all of the feelings which are connected to your previous relationship and partner will not only stay with you, but will affect your wellbeing, the quality of your life in general, and, equally important, the manner in which you interact with prospective future partners. If your emotions often feel overwhelming to you, consider the impact they will have on the next person whom you wish to invite into your life. Not only is it unfair to you yourself to carry those old emotions with you, it would certainly be unfair to your future partner to be in the position of having to cope with them.

You can learn how to get closure after a breakup. It is not an instantaneous process, nor is it without difficulty and pain. However, instead of worrying about the process, or trying to envision your life without it being necessary, you can begin to take the first steps. When you think about it, not only will this be much easier but also much better in the longrun. When you learn how to get closure after a breakup, what you will gain is the rest of your life!

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You can get your ex to want you again not long after splitting up. All you have to do is follow these seven helpful steps that you can use to help with making it easier to get back into a romantic relationship.

Let your ex do what one wants to do

Giving your ex the freedom to do whatever he or she wants to do is always a good thing. This can work to give your ex time to think about you so that your ex will be able to come back and want you more than ever.

Learn something new

People are always interested in new things. If you learn something new your ex might become more interested in you. You could learn a new language, a new sport or even a new hobby. The options to choose from are endless.

Don’t rush your ex

Feel free to let your ex do what that person wants for a while. You shouldn’t rush that person into anything that the person doesn’t want to get into right now.

Feel confident about yourself

Showing signs of sadness and despair can be a sign of desperation. Be sure to make yourself look more confident by making sure that you think positive thoughts instead of dwell upon bad things. Don’t try to look too down or feel depressed.

Admit your faults

Honesty is always a good thing to have in any relationship. You should be willing to accept and admit any faults that you have. After all, there are some things that just can’t be changed. Your ex will feel more open about you when you are open to yourself.

Don’t fight any feelings

If you try to fight what you or your ex is feeling you can look foolish and fail to get your ex to see you as someone who is still a good person. In fact by accepting any feelings you can be able to get on with life and be able to help with maintaining a good casual relationship with your ex to where it can get back to romance over time.

Most important, be friends

If you continue to be friends with your ex you should be sure that you are at least in a good relationship with that person. Being mutual friends after a split can help to keep the attitudes towards you and your partner positive while still helping to keep a the chances of a new sense of romance open.

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