I Broke Up With My Boyfriend but I Still Love Him: I Broke Up With Him but Now I Miss Him

Jasmine Norah
6 min readDec 25, 2019


Photo by _Mxsh_ on Unsplash

I broke up with my boyfriend but I still love him — I broke up with him but now I miss him.

Relationships can be very confusing at times, and in many situations people end up breaking up then wanting to get back together. In most cases women are the ones who decide that they want to dump their boyfriend, and then end up realizing it was the wrong thing to do. If you are in this type of situation, there are ways that you can patch things up and get him back.

Offer Your Sincere Apology
The very first thing you can do is to offer your sincere apology. Let him know that you are sorry for dumping him the way you did, and you really would like to have him back in your life. We all make mistakes, the important thing to remember is to recognize why we made the mistake.

Be Eager to Make Changes
You want him back in your life, so you should always be eager to make changes. There may be many things that you could change in order to get him back. Always be sure to let him know that you are ready to make the changes that are needed.

Focus on his Needs
Focus on his needs, and do everything in your power to fulfill these needs. Since you were the one who dumped him, he may need some space to himself. Allow him to have all the time and space that he needs.

It is His Time
Since you were the one to cause the break up, then you are the one who is at fault. It doesn’t matter how much you tell him your feelings, he is still going to need time to understand how he feels. You are the one who hurt him, and he needs to find a way to trust you again.

Spend Time Together
Don’t expect him to be willing to jump right back into another relationship with you. He is going to have to trust you again, after you have broke his heart once before. Spend some time together so you have the opportunity to build back his trust.

You can use your beauty and seduction to get him to come back to you. He is obviously going to still have feelings for you since he was not the one to end things. Show him how much you really want him by flirting with him. Kiss him, hug him, and touch him in ways that will make him long to be with you again.

Show Your True Feelings
You want him to know that you really do still love him. You can prove this to him by telling him exactly how you feel. Always be upfront with him about your feelings, he will appreciate your attempt to communicate with him. Let him know how much you love him and he will come back to you.

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Do you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back fast with five easy-to-follow steps right now? It is possible if you will only open your mind to learn new things and invest on developing the right skills you need.

Someone recently asked the winner of a major competition this question, “How did you learn to skate so well?” Do you know the reply? “By getting up every time I fall down when I started the first time.”

Every successful relationship is also a series of falling down and getting up. When we mess up or cheat on our partners, we often think, “I’ve failed again. What is wrong with me? I might as well give up trying.” But we have the power within us to transform our failures and failing relationships into a more successful and long lasting one if we would just do some tweaking here and there.

Sometimes our pride can cause us to resist picking up the pieces and starting again. If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, you must let him know that mending the relationship will be in his best interest. We want to be able to win back an ex, not forcing him to accept our desires. We would be seen as selfish!

Here are five easy-to-follow steps you can take to get your ex boyfriend back fast.

1. Find out your ex perspective about the relationship.

This is the time to understand the perspective and beliefs of your ex. You might have taken these for granted in the past. Now is the time to find out his fears, concerns and assumptions regarding the relationship. Doing this will surely help you to counter some of his concerns and opinion about certain hidden issues.

2. Acknowledge his concerns.

Let your ex boyfriend know that you understand his point of view about the relationship. One reason relationships break up is that one of the partners never feel acknowledged as the romance progresses.

3. Speak to your ex’s interests.

Once you can acknowledge his concerns and fears, he will be more open to sharing. Reduce his fears and help build a brighter picture of the relationship by explaining areas of greatest interest and benefit to him.

4. Recognize his personal natural tendencies to the relationship.

Your ex may be more open or cautious about the relationship. You need to help encourage him to see the romance as moving naturally to the desired goals and dreams.

5. Be patient.

Give your ex some time to reflect on what you have both envisioned together before the break up. Recognize that by being patient with your ex, it may help to reverse the breakup

With these five easy-to-follow steps, you have a better chance to get your ex boyfriend back. Each of these steps on their own will help you, but combined together will greatly reduce the resistance your ex may put on and help win back the love of your life fast.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

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