Ecstasy or Extinction?

A Cautionary Tale About the Oldest and Most Lethal Pandemic of All.

I. J. Weinstock
7 min readJan 9, 2023

by I. J. Weinstock, author of OUR SECRET SEX LIFE: The Key to Humanity’s Destiny

Having suffered a global pandemic, we may be more open to warnings about another virus-like contagion with potentially catastrophic consequences. This “virus” is difficult to talk about since it’s the “thought-form” of sexual shame that’s infected the world for millennia.


More than procreation, more than pleasure, sex is fundamental to our humanity in ways we’ve forgotten and consequential in ways we can’t imagine.

Sex is the hidden, underground root system of how women and men relate and society functions. In contemporary tech terms, sex is one of humanity’s core programs.

Tragically, our SEX OS has been hacked — corrupted by religious “bugs,” infected by patriarchal cultural “viruses,” and distorted by shame-based “malware” with catastrophic consequences!

In my new book, OUR SECRET SEX LIFE: The Key to Humanity’s Destiny, I present a Theory of Sexual Relativity and warn that our hacked SEX OS may be the root cause of many of the existential, self-inflicted crises that threaten humanity.

“Sex” Gives Sex a Bad Name!

One of the reasons the “virus” of sexual shame is so prevalent, insidious, and difficult to talk about is that it’s embedded in our language. For example, the word “masturbation” (the term we use to describe the act of sexual “self-pleasure”) originally meant to defile oneself.

Why are so many things related to sex considered “dirty”? Calling them “dirty jokes” and referring to them as “dirty words” expresses how we’ve been conditioned to feel about our sexuality. Our shame is so deeply ingrained we’re not even consciously aware of it.

Why is the word “fuck” (which means sexual intercourse) the worst curse you can hurl at someone? Why is this four-letter word unprintable in the mainstream media while the word “rape” (a horrific crime) can be uttered on TV and given a boldface headline in the press?

Why do all those words associated with sex get bleeped on TV?

Even the word “sex” makes people uncomfortable. Why? Perhaps because it’s loaded with thousands of years of patriarchal, misogynistic, and Original Sin-sourced baggage.

Since the word “sex” gives sex a bad name, a new name might be helpful, a name not associated with the shame of “dirty” words, “naughty” jokes, and doing the “nasty” — a name that signifies an unashamed embrace of our uniquely human birthright.

A word that conveys the Original Blessing of the act of creation might be S’Ecstasy.

Perhaps, S’Ecstasy was the original name. But as time went on, it became the debased and degraded Original Sin-sourced shorthand — “sex.”

My book and its Theory of Sexual Relativity present a complex argument that spans thousands of years. To encourage what I believe is an urgent cultural conversation, I’ve summarized my Theory in 10 statements and simplified my message in the following cautionary tale I call “S’Ecstasy or S’Extinction?”

“S’Ecstasy or S’Extinction?”

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a minor star with several planets. The 3rd planet from that star, though relatively small, was just the right distance from its sun so that it was neither too hot nor too cold. This “Goldilocks” planet was just right to support life.

Over time, millions and millions of varied life-forms evolved on this planet. There were grasses, trees, and flowering plants, as well as all types of crawling, swimming, and flying creatures.

One of these life-forms — a two-legged animal who walked upright — evolved a big brain that could remember the past and imagine the future.

Whether it was because of its big brain or whether it caused its big brain, this two-legged, unlike all the other creatures, mated all the time and not just when the female was ovulating. This creature’s year-round mating required an evolution of its ability to communicate so it could negotiate the who, what, where, and when of this new kind of non-instinctual “mating dance.”

So this creature developed new ways to communicate, especially through different sounds called “language.” And with its language, this creature named its year-round mating “S’Ecstasy” because it made them cry out in ecstasy.

Like its big brain, S’Ecstasy became a defining characteristic of this two-legged life-form. Over time, this big-brained, hyper-mating, tool-making, language-communicating life-form evolved complex social structures called “civilizations.”

Though this creature’s big brain was a significant advance in evolution, it came at a price — it could think all kinds of thoughts, even self-destructive ones.

Sometime during its relatively short history, this creature’s big brain became infected with the destructive thought-form that the pleasure it derived from S’Ecstasy — which evolution had designed to ensure it would procreate and propagate as a species — was somehow “bad,” “dirty,” even “sinful.”

This two-legged, alone among the millions of life-forms that had evolved on this planet, became infected with this strange and ultimately self-destructive thought-form. It became so infected by this “virus,” it began to describe the essential, evolutionary act of procreation as the “Original Sin.” And so this creature, despite its big brain or maybe because of it, grew increasingly ashamed of how it came into being and ultimately of its very existence.

Tragically, this virus of shame gradually infected every area of its life. So much so that it taught its young how to kill but not how to fully embrace its unique S’Ecstasy. It thought nothing of exposing its young to acts of violence and even murder but hid what it considered the shameful act of creating new life from its offspring’s innocent eyes.

Generation after generation, this creature passed the virus of shame down to its young. When their young bloomed into adulthood, they were forbidden from exploring their newly ripening aliveness. Rather than being encouraged to celebrate their coming-of-age and taught to master their new capacity for S’Ecstasy, the young were discouraged from touching, exploring, and pleasuring themselves to learn about their body, their feelings, and themselves.

To do so, they were warned, was a “defilement” that caused disease and even insanity. For the rest of their adult lives, whenever this two-legged creature touched itself or another for pleasure or procreation, it unconsciously shamed and defiled itself.

You may be asking yourself How can a creature ashamed of how it creates new life stay sane? What future does it have?

With the virus of this self-destructive thought-form about such a fundamental part of its life infecting every aspect of its behavior, this creature began to unconsciously commit self-destructive acts. In time, this virus of shame infected every facet of their civilization.

Tragically, this creature wasn’t consciously aware that it had been infected with such a destructive thought-form. Nevertheless, this virus of shame distorted its thinking and everything it did.

Over time, this virus of shame caused it to lose touch with its body, and it became increasingly lost in the infinite games of its big brain. Ultimately, it became so estranged from its body that it began to inadvertently poison the food it ate, the water it drank, and the air it breathed.

Without realizing it, the virus of shame distorted its values so much that it built a civilization out-of-balance with the harmony of the natural order. In fact, it no longer valued balance but rather growth at all costs.

Ironically, despite being infected by this virus of shame, or perhaps because of it, its population exploded, killing more and more of the varied life-forms it lived amongst until its runaway growth became a “cancer” on its planet. Its shame-based civilization grew so much it became a plague on the natural world, destroying the garden of life from which it evolved and was inextricably a part.

Despite its big brain, it was unaware that the virus of shame that had infected it was the root cause of the self-inflicted, existential crises that threatened its survival. Despite knowing that it was destroying its world, this big-brained creature seemed unable or unwilling to do anything about it. Why?

Tragically, the virus of shame had driven it insane and to unconsciously committing species suicide.

Unless this big-brained two-legged becomes aware of its traumatized condition and heals the virus of shame it’s been infected with, it will destroy itself and all life on its planet.

Will it turn the miraculous garden from which it bloomed on this 3rd planet from its star into a desert? A dead world? A graveyard?

Only time will tell. And it’s running out.


I. J. Weinstock is the author of THE SECRET SEX LIFE OF ANGELS series — an epic quest exploring the mystery we call “sex.” This essay was adapted from his most recent book, OUR SECRET SEX LIFE: The Key to Humanity’s Destiny.

His recent articles on sex and society include:

— “Sex is…???”

— “Do Sex Traffickers (Like Jeffrey Epstein) and Mass Shooters Have in Common? And Why Should We Care?”

— “If Screen Life Is the Question, Our Sex Life May Be the Answer! Can SEX 2.0 Save Us From the Robots?

— “A Conversation with OpenAI’s ChatGPT About Artificial Intelligence & Sex”

— “A New ‘Theory of Relativity’ Could Shake Up the World Again. But This Time It’s About Sex!”

— “Ecstasy or Extinction

— “Is Sex the Missing Piece of the Puzzle?”

— “Did Jesus Have a Secret Sex Life?”

— “Abortion, Sex, and Survival — Women’s Reproductive Freedom is About More Than the Right-to-Chose, It’s Ultimately About Civilization’s Survival”

“It’s The Sex, Stupid! The Sexual Undercurrents of Recent and Future Politics”

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