Virus, like Coronavirus, Covid19 and Yara virus: Early childhood infections can lead to lower IQ and psychosis.

Early childhood is a sensitive period for the effects of infections on IQ and psychosis.

Jiska Hachmer
Covid-19 collection
19 min readFeb 29, 2020


Viruses are serious

Men die sooner of viruses, the elderly too. But children infected can get lower IQ, and psychosis later on in life.

Lower IQ and virus,

And nonaffective psychosis (Khandaker et al., 2018). Lower IQ correlation with virus and NAP is not fully explained by familial factors and may be caused by viruses. There is a correlation between virus infections and IQ, and NAP. IQ will be lower, and a lot of points below average. And NAP will increase.

Until 10 points of IQ lower than average IQ by 5 or more hospitalizations with virus infections (Fossum, 2015).

Premorbid lower IQ and NAP (nonaffective psychosis) will be exaggerated by virus infections.

By interfering with neurodevelopment and the vulnerability in developing psychosis. (Khandaker, 2018. Findings.)

“In this population-based longitudinal cohort study of Swedish men, early-childhood infection was associated with subsequent lower IQ and increased risk of NAP. The association between infection and NAP was mediated and moderated by IQ, and the associations were similar in the general population and in full-sibling pairs discordant for exposure.” (Khandaker, 2018. Findings.)

Lower IQ and psychoses can arise from environmental influences alike virus infections, in early childhood.

IQ in generations.

It might be correlated to viruses as well. There are more typical things causing drop in IQ. We need to examine the countries and all influences on IQ. But viruses can be one of them.

Anti-inflammatory diet

To stop the inflammation we can take a certain diet. Would these diets change the outcome in lower IQ and increase NAP caused by virus infections?

Will other drugs help?

Will eating food-related to higher IQ help?

Delayed brain development IQ and virus

Some things are interesting details in this total story. Delayed IQ can seem like a virus that caused a lower IQ. It might be so, and it might show we can get back to higher IQ after a virus. It can also mean a delayed growth of the brain by higher IQ, thus we need to see the differences clearly between the small brain, low IQ and high IQ, and virus infections.

Schooling needs to change too. We need to stop the myth of the school buildings.

Homeschooling is best(Martin-Chang, 2012). Peers create crime together (Ruggiero et al., N.D), kids need an adult world to be raised best. And homeschooling creates the best results and highest GPA.

Children develop best with their attention to their own development. We understand babies should not go from hand to hand, not go around, but need attention to become who they are, and they need to get to know what they think, feel, and want. They need to learn to process the information of the senses. They need to develop, and their brain is not done until around 28 years old.

The kids working early to become more criminal. Schooling is child labor. And human rights demands that parents homeschool, or arrange to school themselves. It is a myth that school buildings are made for the development of the child, they are made because kids died in factories and because the factories got to complex. So, kids needed schooling to work in factories. It is only child labor.

And apparently a brainwash, as all continue that fault of schooling in school buildings. While all sciences say it is not the best place. To do good science, we need to compare the situation, always with nature, a control group. That control group shows schooling is the worst place for learning and development and creates crime. The best way is to homeschool and engaged parents.

Even unschooling is not so bad at all. Just a bit under the USA average GPA means just a bit under GPA 3, thus still very high grades.

The brain develops over time. Adult high school is done in 1,5 years. We need to adjust the pace to IQ and need to understand what we school for. The curriculum is meant for a job, in the future. That will change very fast, and many times when we start schooling young. At the end of the long schooling in the wrong place, kids did not learn that much and are damaged, plus they must start all over again, the many years the schooling took, changed the workplace and all demands for the jobs.

Children have in any way 9–11 infections of viruses per year, so they can not study at the pace we let them study. There is no average, there is only average many infections, thus a very unstable time.

Children need to have a childhood, not child labor, slavery, exploitation, and skipping of truth and the skipping of body, mind, and soul, wherein the meantime they are infected by viruses.

We need to dare to change the world into the truthful ways that will not damage us.


Fossum, I. (21st of May, 2015) The Association between Infections and General Cognitive Ability in Young Men — A Nationwide Study ScienceDaily Retrieved from

Khandaker, G. et al. (14th of February 2018) Association of Childhood Infection With IQ and Adult Nonaffective Psychosis in Swedish Men. NCBI. Retrieved from v

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Hachmer, J. (29th of July, 2019) We are almost done to create godsend human. Medium Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (30th of November, 2019)All parent’s challenges: The crime scene will always test you, saying no to all criminals is just the way for all parents, even when an entire group of people is asking you to change into their bad behavior. Medium Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (30th of November, 2019)Protect families: Now we know how to solve DSM and Crime, we need to build safe places around the parents. So no one can use them. Medium Retrieved from

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(see the rest of the tweet to understand the correlation of detailed science, health beliefs, and solving those problems with myths, bias, accusations, and how those faults of locals are the social epidemiology problems we solve, so no one gets in danger, as faults, myths, accusations, and no science and not the usage of real routes lead to danger. And how solving the crime at work, and stopping such human trafficking system leads to health.)

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IQ is related to Gut, as Gut microbiome is related brain functioning. The low IQ can be low IQ, because of the Gut microbiome, and then have worse brain functioning, because of new infections, because of the Gut microbiome. And the relationship is the same, gut microbiome, IQ/ brain functioning and psychosis.

This can also show the problem of Low majors, that is related to Low IQ, and thus crime.

If their Gut creates mental problems, we have the explanation of the correlations between Gut, IQ, loq literacy, DSM, and crime.

So, also in criminals, if they are having the link Gut and brain functioning we have the core of why they are criminals. That is a medical condition, and needs solving the Gut and the brain. It then also explains the link between crime and psychosis. They do not do their crimes conscious then, but with medical problems, psychosis, not DSM, but seems like DSM, but caused by the Gut microbiome, thus by medical reasons. We then can solve their crimes.

We could see all crimes and the Gut microbiome and the types of problems and crime, and the correlation between IQ and psychosis and their crimes. And their history of low IQ and viruses and Gut problems.

Neglected people, have worse hygiene, and worse food types, and could develop low IQ because of that, and through the Gut microbiome to the brain. And viruses trigger this even more. And they have psychosis triggered.

So, we could see this, their crimes, as a psychosis from fever, virus, and Gut microbiome, but they might never were aware, as they became low IQ, because of this before. And its logical they are ill constantly and not solved, as they live in a crime scene, that is where they are raised, but the core of the total crime scene can be a bad treatment of the Gut.

Simply not fed well once, and then that pattern given to children, and the lower level is created, where all typical things happen, crimes. And the viruses and Gut microbiome as the problem, all medical problems.

It teaches us also in epidemics, that we create a gut problem, low IQ problem of the future during pandemic, and epidemic. We leave at a point, when people seem to be recovered, but IQ is already lower after virus, especially when an entire population was ill. We leave this state, and is the reason of lower IQ of the world population.

We have the lowered IQ as a result of the medical condition, and that can be a lasting damage. We also create a new world of psychosis, low IQ, damaged brains and Gut. And they continue creating problems, and people can even get more viruses now, as the low IQ stayed with them, thus also worse hygien, and worse understanding. So, we have a cycle of problems, and the IQ drops more and more.

The Dutch low IQ, could show how they are constant infected, not really have recovered, and the same relation of past viruses that caused lower IQ, and brain functioning and now the cycle of keeping viruses and problems, and in Gut microbiome and the brain. And used to this worse state.

It also explains the differences in countries. Some did recover and recovered the country and have strong systems with high GPA and a high curriculum, and thus less ill, less virus, less fevers, thus less low IQ because of viruses and Gut microbiome and less psychosis. At least a bigger group that is free from this cycle and runs the country better, thus more wealth.

Crime scene related to gut microbiome, and psychosis and low IQ, out of hand, keeps lowering countries IQ and wealth, and will need more helpt to recover, the crime scene has bad hygiene, and all these problems I just discussed, and in a cycle.

This is a danger to society.

