Top 10 Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes by Robert Kiyosaki

Joe Marijani
3 min readOct 20, 2019


  • What The Rich Teach Their kids About Money-That The Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

In this article, I will be pointing out some of the best quotes found in the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

About the Author Robert Kiyosaki is the New York Times best-selling author, personal finance educator, real estate investor and entrepreneur.

Quotes#1.”There is a difference between being poor and being broke.Broke is temporary.Poor is eternal.”

Your words may have a great impact to determine your financial position,

Rich Dad always refers him self as a rich man, even when he was broke, He said “being broke is temporary.Poor is eternal.” On the other hand Poor Dad always said, I’ll never be rich.” and that was what happened to him.

Quotes#2.” Peoples lives are forever controlled by two emotions:fear and greed.”

What makes employees being caught up in a rat race is not the amount of money that they make, but fear and greed cause them to spend more than what they make.

Quotes#3. “It’s not how much money you make.Its how much money you keep.”

One of the discipline that need to be cultivated on the road to become rich is the habit of paying yourself first.

Poor and middle class spend all the money that they make and even borrow more money to spend, this led to bad dept that can’t be fixed.

Quotes#4.”Rich people acquire assets.The poor and middle class acquire liabilities that they think are assets.”

The Idea that your house is an asset is obsolete unless it put money in your pocket.

Things like cars,vacation home and boat need to be backed by assets and not a loan that make financial freedom impossible.

Quotes#5.”A person can be highly educated,professionally successful,and financially illiterate.”

The problem with the school is that they train you to become a good employee,they don't train you to become an Entrepreneur.

You may be a professor having a PHD but still struggling financially.

Quotes#6. “Financial struggle is often the result of people working all their lives for someone else.”

When you work for someone else most of the time what you care is income, that is why workers always struggle to get a promotion.

Working for your self gives you freedom to focus on your assets column.

Quotes#7.” The single most powerful assets we all have is our mind.If it is trained well,it can create enormous wealth.”

Invest in financial education will pays you a great dividend buy books,seek mentors and attending seminars.

Quotes#8.”It is not gambling if you know what your doing.It is gambling if you’re just throwing money into a deal and praying.”

Financial education gives your confidence to analyze any investment opportunity to know is it can be profitable.

Financial illiteracy make you handle your money to a broker or a company and wish for the best.

Quotes#9.”Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes.They are seen with your mind.”

The author shows how he pick real estate and take risks that other people don't.

Most people never get wealth simply because they are not trained financial to recognize opportunities right in front of them.

Quotes#10.”Job is an acronym for “Just Over Broke”

Schools train people to become good employees, just to live within their means and pay the bills.

Job keeps most of the people in the trap what the author called a rat race,a raise will make employees to stay in a job that they don't want ,some goes to school to learn and come back just to find out a raise means more tax and more expenditure.

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