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The Ogre King: A Tale of Hope and Adventure
The Ogre King: A Tale of Hope and Adventure

Hope and her friends Ruff, Buffasip, and Celeste are off on another quest. This time they're in search of the Midnight Miracle flower-the final ingredient required to make a magical amulet that will lead Hope to her missing family. There's only one problem-four actually-an Ogre King, Snaught and his three loyal subjects Fidiot, Ghunk, and Skrogg. But things are not all they appear to be in the Nuggrumph Forest, so you had better be prepared for plenty of action when you join Hope and the trio in another fantastic adventure. The Ogre King is the third book in the series, and it delivers a strong, positive message about not judging others based on appearances.


Jonathan Austen
Jonathan Austen


Jonathan Austen

Jonathan Austen

Book Author

I share stories about real life, technology, and sprinkle in some fictional shorts too.