This Is How I Got 6k+ Views Within First Month!

Copy My Exact Method To Skyrocket your stats!

2 min readNov 10, 2023

My goal of sharing some of my Medium growth secrets is to help those who are struggling a lot as beginner writers or even writers with prior experience in writing.

I used to be just like you. I remember writing 5 articles a day on the internet but seeing no growth. At that time I wasn’t even that serious about writing online as I never knew I could make $$$$.

But today take a look at my stats after spending a month on Medium as a consistent writer:

A screenshot by the author.

(As you can see, I have crossed 300+ views a day)

Two things you should do to achieve this or even more than this:

1. Make an effort:

  • Learn every day and write every day.

2. Make prayers while being grateful for whatever you have so far:

  • After making an effort and using the strategies I have explained in this article, make sure to practice gratitude.

If you are one of those who is always complaining about everything then you need to bring a change in your life by making some effort and practicing gratitude for little things.

If you are struggling with being grateful for things in your life then let me know, I’ll come up with an article where I will share, how I became a grateful person.




A Computer Science student who has fallen in love with reading and writing. About me+ Business+Money making+Blogging.