JUMP by Uber Gets First Permit from LA to Operate Scooters and Dockless Electric Bike Share Service

2 min readNov 14, 2018


Today we’re excited to share that we’re launching JUMP’s dockless electric scooters and electric bikes in Los Angeles. Uber is the first company to receive a permit from the City of Los Angeles and will introduce a mix of up to 3,000 scooters and e-bikes, starting in West LA.

In LA at launch, both scooters and e-bikes are free to unlock and then just $0.15 per minute to ride. Pricing differs depending on the city.

In addition to LA, Our pedal assist bikes are available in Austin, Chicago, Denver, Staten Island and the Bronx, Providence, Sacramento, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Washington, D.C and Santa Monica, CA. JUMP scooters can be found in Austin and Santa Monica.

JUMP bikes are already changing transportation habits of riders across California. In October, we expanded our fleet of e-bikes San Francisco, from 250 to 500 bikes after data showed that over 38,000 unique riders took more than 326,000 total trips during the pilot. In Sacramento, Davis, and West Sacramento we expanded our service area by more than 50 percent to meet the demand of our passionate riders there.

How it Works:

In the Uber app, users can find and unlock JUMP pedal-assist e-bikes and scooters.

  • Tap the mode switch on the top of the home-screen of the Uber app, and select bike or scooter
  • You’ll see available JUMP bikes and scooters around you, and can select one to reserve.
  • For bikes, the app will give you a pin number so you can unlock your bike. For scooters, you tap “Scan to Ride” to scan the QR Code to start your ride. You can also start a scooter ride without reserving first by tapping the blue QR Code icon on the right of the screen and then scanning the QR Code on your scooter.

-Avra van der Zee — Director, Market Entry

