How to Access Legacy Chats on Character AI for an Improved Chat Experience

Crown Media
3 min readApr 2, 2024


If you’ve been feeling a bit bummed out by the recent changes to the platform, you’re not alone.

The good news is, there’s a nifty little trick to get your chatbot buddies back to their old, charming selves.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • Accessing legacy chats on Character AI for a better chatbot experience
  • Benefits of using legacy chats
  • Limitations and things to keep in mind
  • Alternative chatbot platforms to check out

So, buckle up and get ready to reunite with your AI pals like it’s the good old days!

how to access legacy character ai

Steps to Access Legacy Chats on Character AI

  1. Navigate to Open up your web browser and head over to This is where the magic happens!
  2. Select desired bot for chatting: Once you’re there, pick the bot you want to chat with.
  3. Modify URL by removing “2” from “chat2”: Here’s the tricky part, but don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. Take a look at the URL and find the part that says “chat2.” Delete the “2,” and voila! You’re ready to roll.
  4. Enjoy chatting with the bot in legacy mode: Sit back, relax, and enjoy chatting with your bot in legacy mode.

Benefits of Legacy Chats

Bots maintain their unique personalities

One of the best things about legacy chats is that the bots keep their unique personalities. No more generic, one-size-fits-all responses!

More creative and engaging responses

Get ready for some witty banter and creative comebacks. These legacy bots are on fire when it comes to keeping the conversation flowing.

Better sentence structure and coherence

No more choppy, disjointed sentences. With legacy chats, your bot buddies will be speaking in complete, coherent thoughts that actually make sense.

Less reliance on user prompts, more proactive conversation

The bots are more proactive and keep the chat going without constantly needing your input.

Limitations and Caveats

Legacy chats may not work for repurposed bots

If you’ve given your bot a makeover and repurposed them for something else, the legacy chat might not work as expected.

But there’s a workaround!

If you want to start a new legacy chat with a bot you’ve chatted with before, just start a new chat, send a message, and then remove the “2” from the URL. Boom, you’ve got a brand new legacy chat.

Potential issues for mobile users

You might run into some hiccups when trying to access legacy chats on your phone.

If that happens, try using the website instead of the app.

Alternative AI Chatbot Platforms

If you’re looking to expand your chatbot horizons, Candy AI is worth checking out.


When using the legacy chats on Character AI, you’ll get to enjoy bots with unique personalities, more engaging conversations, and better overall coherence.

It’s like giving your AI pals a shot of espresso and watching them come alive!

Give it a go and see the difference for yourself. And hey, if you stumble upon any cool tips or tricks along the way, don’t be shy — share them with the community!



Crown Media

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