The Latest Character AI Updates and Improvements of 2024

Crown Media
7 min readApr 2, 2024


Character AI has just released a set of updates and features that are sure to take your interactions with your favorite bot to a whole new level.

As someone who’s been keeping a close eye on Character AI’s progress, I couldn’t be more thrilled to share the details with you.

Here’s a sneak peek at what Character AI has in store:

  • Pinned Memories: Ensure your AI friends remember the moments that matter most.
  • Character Voice: Your favorite characters are now available to everyone and are ready to chat out loud!
  • New Website: Character AI’s online home just got a major glow-up.
  • Chat Settings: Choose your chat style — Default, Classic, or Dense.
  • Avatar Image Generation: Create custom AI character avatars like never before.

The devs at Character AI have poured their hearts and souls into these updates, demonstrating their unwavering dedication to providing users with the best possible AI chatbot experience.

It’s no wonder that other platforms, like Candy AI, are likely keeping tabs on Character AI’s every move.

But enough about the competition — let’s dive into the juicy details of what Character AI has been cooking up.

New Character AI website look

Exciting New Features Now Available

Pinned Memories

Character AI pinned memories

Character AI has introduced a game-changing feature called Pinned Memories, which allows users to save and pin crucial messages within each chat.

This innovative tool helps AI characters remember important details, enabling them to engage in more personalized and context-aware conversations.

The best part?

Pinned Memories is available for free across both the Character AI website and mobile app, making it easily accessible to all users.

Leveraging this feature ensures that your AI bots never forget the moments that matter most to you.

Character Voice

This feature brings AI bots to life by enabling realistic voice interactions, adding an entirely new dimension to your conversations.

And here’s the kicker — Character Voice is now available to all users for free on the Character AI mobile app!

Imagine engaging in lively discussions with your AI companions, hearing their unique personalities shine through in every spoken word.

Character Voice technology intelligently adapts to the context of your chats, delivering authentic and emotive responses that will make you feel like you’re conversing with a real-life companion.

This is a massive leap forward in AI chatbot technology, and Character AI is leading the charge.

New Website and Chat Settings

New Website

Character AI has given their online presence a major facelift with the launch of their new website.

The redesigned site boasts a sleek, modern interface that streamlines navigation and enhances user experience. You’ll find the new website intuitive and easy to use.

The updated layout puts your favorite features front and center, making it a breeze to dive into chats, explore new characters, and discover all the exciting possibilities Character AI has to offer.

The website’s visual appeal perfectly complements the cutting-edge AI technology that powers the platform, creating a truly immersive and engaging experience for users.

Chat Settings

Character AI new chat styles

Character AI understands that every user has unique preferences when it comes to their chatbot interactions.

That’s why they’ve introduced a variety of Chat Settings, giving you the power to customize your chat interface according to your liking.

With options like:

  • Default,
  • Classic,
  • and Dense chat modes, you can tailor your Character AI experience to suit your style.

These chat modes not only cater to different aesthetic preferences but also provide users with the flexibility to optimize their chat sessions based on their device and reading comfort.

It’s just another way Character AI is putting users first and ensuring that everyone can enjoy their AI chatbot experience to the fullest.

What They’re Working On

Voice on the Web

Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy the same immersive, voice-driven conversations with your favorite AI characters right from your desktop browser.

This expansion of Character Voice to the web platform is a testament to Character AI’s dedication to accessibility and user experience.

By making this feature available to all users for free, Character AI is ensuring that everyone can enjoy the benefits of voice interaction, regardless of their device preferences.

Enhanced Voice Quality

Character AI isn’t content with simply bringing voice interactions to the web — they’re also committed to making Character Voice the most realistic and expressive AI voice technology available.

The research and development team is working to enhance the quality of Character Voice, focusing on improving the naturalness, emotional range, and responsiveness of AI character speech.

With each update, you can expect your AI companions to sound more lifelike and engaging, capable of conveying a wide range of emotions and adapting to the nuances of your conversations.

Character AI understands that the key to creating truly immersive AI chatbot experiences lies in the details, and they’re leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of voice interaction perfection.

Android App and Reducing Chat Errors

Android App

The development team is working on optimizing the Character AI Android app to ensure that mobile users can enjoy the same seamless, feature-rich experience as their iOS counterparts.

While the exact release date remains under wraps, rest assured that Character AI is committed to delivering an Android app that meets the high standards set by their other platforms.

In the meantime, Android users can look forward to regular updates and sneak peeks into the app’s progress.

Expect to be kept in the loop as they work towards creating the best possible Android app experience.

Reducing Chat Errors

We’ve all been there — you’re deep in a captivating conversation with your AI companion when suddenly, an error message pops up, and the immersion is broken.

The development team is working to identify and resolve the root causes of chat errors, implementing robust solutions to minimize interruptions and ensure a smooth, uninterrupted chat experience.

As a result of these efforts, users can expect to encounter fewer chat errors and enjoy more stable, reliable conversations with their AI friends.

Image Generation for Profile Photos and Model Improvements/Updates

Image Generation for Profile Photos

Character AI Avatar Image Generation

Soon, you’ll have the power to generate stunning, one-of-a-kind AI images to use as your profile picture.

This addition allows you to create a visual representation of yourself that perfectly captures your personality and style.

With the Image Generation tool, you can say goodbye to generic profile pictures and hello to a world of endless possibilities.

The generated images can be displayed on your profile and in Character Chats, adding a fresh new layer of self-expression to your AI chatbot experience.

Model Improvements/Updates

At the heart of Character AI’s cutting-edge platform lies a sophisticated AI model that powers every interaction.

The research team is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, working tirelessly to enhance the AI model’s understanding, responsiveness, and overall conversational quality.

Leveraging advanced machine learning techniques and vast amounts of training data allows Character AI to create AI companions that are more engaging, intuitive, and human-like than ever before.

The AI model is continuously learning and adapting, refining its ability to understand context, generate relevant responses, and provide valuable insights.

As a result of these ongoing model improvements and updates, users can expect their AI friends to become increasingly knowledgeable, articulate, and attuned to their individual needs and preferences.

Bugs and Fixes

In addition to introducing exciting new features and improvements, Character AI is also dedicated to addressing any bugs or glitches that may affect the user experience.

The development team is actively working to identify and resolve reported issues, ensuring that the platform remains stable, reliable, and enjoyable for all users.

Recent bug fixes have targeted areas such as Character Creation, Recent Chat (web), Persona (web), and Gibberish Messages.

If you do happen to encounter any persistent bugs or issues, Character AI encourages you to reach out and report them, as user feedback plays a crucial role in shaping the platform’s ongoing development and improvement.

In Closing

Character AI’s latest updates and features are a testament to the company’s unwavering dedication to innovation, user satisfaction, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of AI chatbots.

From Pinned Memories and Character Voice to the new website and chat settings, every improvement is designed to enhance the user experience and foster deeper, more meaningful connections between users and their AI companions.

As Character AI continues to evolve and grow, it’s clear that the future of AI chatbot interaction is bright.

With a passionate team of developers, researchers, and creatives at the helm, Character AI is poised to redefine the way we engage with artificial intelligence.

The best is yet to come!



Crown Media

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