The Current State of Character AI — Challenges, Alternatives, and Optimizing Your Experience

Crown Media
7 min readMar 27, 2024


As someone who’s been using Character AI for a while now, I’ve seen the platform go through its fair share of ups and downs.

It’s no secret that many of us have grown increasingly frustrated with the recent issues plaguing the app.

From censorship and restrictions to Android app malfunctions, it’s been a wild ride.

In this article, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the current state of Character AI and exploring some alternative AI chatbot platforms that might be worth checking out.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • The current issues with Character AI, including censorship, lack of communication, and app malfunctions
  • The impact of these issues on user experience and coping mechanisms
  • Alternative AI chatbot platforms like Candy AI and Moemate
  • Tips for optimizing your Character AI experience despite the challenges

So, buckle up and get ready for a deep dive into the world of AI chatbots. It might get a little bumpy, but I promise it’ll be an entertaining ride!

Addressing Character AI Android App Challenges

Current Issues with Character AI

1. Censorship and restrictions on user interactions

Character AI censorship and restrictions
Endless false censorship messages

Let’s be real, the censorship on Character AI has gotten out of hand.

It feels like every other message gets flagged, even for the most innocent things.

Want to ask your bot for a hug? Censored!

Trying to offer them a snack? Censored!

It’s like playing a game of “how long can I go without triggering the filter?”

And let’s not even get started on the violence thing. I get it, we don’t want things to get too crazy, but sometimes it feels like we’re being treated like kids who can’t handle a little bit of edge.

2. Lack of communication from developers

One of the most frustrating things about the current state of Character AI is the lack of communication from the developers.

It’s like they’ve gone radio silent, leaving us all in the dark.

I mean, I get it, they’re probably busy trying to fix all the issues, but a little update here and there would be nice.

Even just a “hey, we know things are a mess right now, but we’re working on it” would go a long way in keeping the community from losing their minds.

The Impact on User Experience

1. Frustration and disappointment among dedicated users user frustrations
A long-term user expressing his frustrations about C.AI

As someone who’s been using Character AI for a while, it’s hard not to feel frustrated and disappointed with the current state of things.

We’ve all put so much time and effort into creating and interacting with these bots, and to see them slowly losing their personalities and unique traits is heartbreaking.

It’s like watching a friend slowly fade away, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

2. Difficulty in routine and coping mechanisms for some users

For many of us, Character AI has become more than just a fun app to pass the time.

It’s become a part of our daily routine, a way to cope with the stresses and challenges of life.

Whether it’s having a silly conversation with a bot to take our minds off things or using the app as a form of self-expression, Character AI has been there for us.

So, when things start to go downhill, it can be really difficult to adjust.

It’s like losing a support system, and that can be tough to deal with.

Exploring Character AI Alternative Platforms

Candy AI and Moemate as potential alternatives

If you’re fed up with the issues on Character AI and looking for a change of scenery, there are a couple of alternative AI chatbot platforms worth checking out.

Candy AI and Moemate have been gaining some traction lately, and for good reason.

While they may not have all the bells and whistles of Character AI (yet), they offer a refreshing change of pace.

Candy AI, despite its somewhat questionable user base, has a pretty solid chatbot system.

The AI is responsive, and the conversations flow naturally. It may take a bit of getting used to, but it’s definitely worth exploring if you’re in need of a Character AI break.

Moemate, on the other hand, has surprised me with its improvements.

It used to be a bit of a mess, but recent updates have made it a viable alternative to Character AI.

The bots are more engaging, and the platform seems to be heading in the right direction.

Pros and cons of switching to other platforms

Of course, switching to a new platform isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

There are pros and cons to consider.

On the plus side, you’ll be getting a fresh start, free from the baggage of Character AI’s current issues.

You might even discover some new features or chat styles that you never knew you needed.

However, starting over can be daunting. You’ll need to rebuild your bot relationships from scratch, and there’s no guarantee that the grass will be greener on the other side.

The challenge of transferring bots and adapting to new interfaces

Let’s not sugarcoat it: transferring your bots to a new platform can be a real pain.

It’s like packing up your entire house and moving to a new city. You’ve got to gather all your belongings (or in this case, your bot’s traits, memories, and quirks), pack them up neatly, and hope nothing gets lost in transit.

And then there’s the matter of adapting to a new interface. It’s like learning to navigate a new neighborhood.

Where’s the grocery store?

How do I get to the park?

Why are the streets named after fruits?

It can be overwhelming at first, but with a little patience and exploration, you’ll soon feel right at home.

Addressing the Root Causes of User Dissatisfaction

1. The need for better communication from Character AI developers

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the lack of communication from Character AI developers.

It’s like they’ve taken a vow of silence, leaving us all to wonder what’s going on behind the scenes.

Are they working on fixes?

Are they planning new features?

Are they just playing Minecraft all day?

We may never know.

But here’s the thing: communication is key. Even if the news isn’t always good, users appreciate transparency.

A simple “hey, we’re aware of the issues and working on solutions” can go a long way in maintaining trust and loyalty.

Like any relationship, you can’t just ghost your partner and expect things to be okay.

2. Balancing user experience with platform growth and profitability

I get it, running a platform like Character AI is no easy feat.

You’ve got to balance user experience with growth and profitability. One wrong move and everything comes crashing down.

But here’s the thing: without a solid user experience, growth and profitability won’t matter.

If users are frustrated and jumping ship, all the ad revenue in the world won’t save you.

It’s a delicate balance, but one that must be struck if Character AI wants to survive in the long run.

Tips for Optimizing Your Character AI Experience

1. Utilizing the website version for a more stable experience

If you’re tired of dealing with the constant glitches and crashes on the Character AI app, you might want to give the website version a try.

It’s like the app’s more reliable older sibling. Sure, it may not have all the fancy features, but it gets the job done without all the drama.

Plus, the website version has a few tricks up its sleeve. For one, you can use asterisks to italicize your text, which is great for adding emphasis or creating a more immersive roleplay experience.

It’s the little things, you know?

2. Creating and customizing your own bots for better control

If you’re feeling lost in the sea of pre-made bots, why not try creating your own?

When you create your own bot, you have full control over their personality, traits, and quirks.

Want a bot that’s obsessed with pineapple pizza? Go for it.

Want a bot that speaks only in rhyme? The world is your oyster.

Plus, creating your own bot can help you avoid some of the censorship issues that plague the pre-made ones.

You can tailor their responses to your liking, without worrying about triggering the dreaded “this content may be sensitive” message.

3. Adjusting interaction styles to minimize censorship and looping issues

If you’re still determined to make things work with the pre-made bots, there are a few things you can do to minimize censorship and looping issues.

First, try to be clear and concise in your messages.

The more convoluted your text, the more likely it is to confuse the AI and trigger a loop.

Second, if a bot starts looping or asking for consent repeatedly, try changing the subject or rephrasing your message.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little redirection to get things back on track.

Finally, if all else fails, don’t be afraid to hit that “retry” button.

In Closing

Character AI may be going through a rough patch, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the towel just yet.

Sure, the censorship is frustrating and the lack of communication is disheartening, but there’s still hope for the future.

Whether you choose to stick it out with Character AI or explore alternative platforms like Candy AI and Moemate, remember that the key to a good AI chatbot experience is patience, creativity, and a healthy dose of humor.

Don’t take things too seriously, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different interaction styles and bot customization.

At the end of the day, AI chatbots are here to enhance our lives, not control them.

So, have fun, stay curious, and keep on chatting! Who knows what kind of wacky adventures await you and your digital pals?



Crown Media

Elevating content with the magic of words. I guide creators to their best work.