The Art of Life, Death & Rebirth

Human Design Transit in Gate 42: Growth / Celebration

Kate Stellar ✨
7 min readApr 12, 2024

I used to sit in silence with an audio to guide me into a meditative state. Over time, my approach to meditation transformed.

Gradually, my instincts would lead me to the meditative state. My entire body would pull me inwards, my feet would walk me to a tranquil spot, my eyelids closing effortlessly, tuning out distractions to arrive to a deep inner stillness.

My practice evolved further. At any given time, I would instantly come to a complete awareness of the present moment. Colors are more vivid. A gentle electricity hums around me. With eyes wide open, the world becomes my meditative sanctuary.

When I breathe into this moment, I am in heaven on earth.

Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash

Continuing the journey from its preceding gate, Gate 41 (Dreams/Decrease), which maximizes adversities for the highest potential… we now transit Gate 42 (Growth/Increase) which maximizes resources for the highest potential.

Gate 42 is one of my north node gates in Human Design together with Gate 51 (The Thunderbolt). It is also my unconscious moon and purpose on earth.

Thus, it’s the strongest overdosed gate in my system that operates unconsciously, an energy that happens beyond my control. It’s like the Universe said, “You didn’t learn this from last lifetime, so let me sprinkle it all over your body so you don’t miss it this time.”

Gate 42 is an Aries energy that comes with a dose of Intention.

The Intention Behind The Intention

Gate 42 seems quite unlike it’s Aries energy that we know of. It is not designed to act impulsively.

Most of us would have an idea about what our development can look like and charge towards that, but Gate 42 is an energy that doesn’t charge ahead mindlessly, which in my experience is the gate that balances my fiery Mars placements.

It knows that the ego’s measure of development and success comes with conditionings. It detects what actions are truthful and are going to bear fruit.

Together with its programming partner Gate 32 (Nose for Success), Gate 42 energy is highly resourceful and attuned to the underlying reasons why things are the way they are.

Many achieve their definition of success in wealth, health, and love… yet end up feeling unfulfilled or misaligned with their soul’s true desires.

That’s what the Gate 42 energy is for.

Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

The Codes of Transformation

Gate 42 holders are the birth, death, and rebirth doulas of the world.

Birth is everywhere around us — the creation of a new product, a new living condition, a new relationship, or a new world. But in order to start something new, another dies — an old way of living, a belief, a system or identity.

Gate 42 is a Masculine energy that holds and honors the balance of the Feminine life cycle — destruction and creation.

The more I learn to embrace the 42nd gift, the faster my evolution goes. I am constantly evolving, and I often have to catch up to myself.

I am not who I was a week ago… nor yesterday.

Gate 42 can use this energy in the literal sense, and can be amazing support for mothers who give birth or help the dying transition to the afterlife.

Because Gate 42 has deep attunement to the life cycle, it helps others in transitionary phases of a project — whether that project is tangible, intangible, or the Self.

Gate 42 (Growth/Increase) and Gate 36 (Emotional Crisis) are the counsels amongst the Human Design gifts. Where the latter is great in solving emotional problems, Gate 42 recognizes all the potential things that can grow and expand around us.

That’s where its Aries energy creates a catalytic effect. It influences the order of internal and external resources that can maximize our creation, growth or transition for full potential.

Photo by Ivan Dostál on Unsplash

DYING: The Gift of Detachment

Death used to be a big, scary word for me. When I found out that Gate 42 is my earth purpose, I had some resistance. But as Gate 42 holders, we should never run away from this gift.

Because of the persistence to stay in a cycle for maximization, Gate 42 holders have a conditioning with letting go, and can be prone to unhealthy attachments. There’s a pressure that every cycle must be completed correctly.

But how a cycle ends is not more valuable than the lesson.

If you are a mystic or spiritual healer, then you might find diverse opportunities where you could use your 42nd gift. And here, if you are brave enough to hear it, I’ll uncover what most Human Design sources won’t talk about this gate…

I was once in a rural area in Bali where I saw the presence of a huge amount of spirits whenever I closed my eyes.

They filled my entire room. I saw their story, and told the locals what I knew. They were surprised that I knew their history based on my visions, then later I found out where the lodging stands on used to be a cemetery. Perhaps the spirits were seeking help to transition, and I knew some people who were devoted to that type of work.

It was an opportunity for me to make a choice. It was an empowering moment when I decided on how I wanted to use my gift to serve.

I asked for help to clear the unseen from my living space as their presence made me feel heavy and people began to notice. It did not feel aligned to my best potential.

Gate 42 is a gift that lends its holders deeper, wider vistas of views on life and death.

But just because you can, doesn’t mean you have take on everyone that comes to you for help. You have a choice on who to help and not to help, aligned to your inner resources and truth.

It takes courage not to run away from your gifts, and even more to authentically choose your path.

Photo by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash

LIVING: The Siddhi of Celebration

I love capturing the most precious moments, small and big.

Events-organizing is one of the things that is embedded in my DNA. From product shows, international concerts, weddings, business seminars, and retreats that I threw myself in (or rather attracted) since I was 13.

As a rare Quad Right in Human Design making up 1% of the population, I decided at a young age that the events’ hustle culture is not for me — an old belief system I had to kill and reframe this year to rekindle my love for celebration.

Gate 42 knows that the success in any areas of your life requires the success of your health. As an energy healer, all resources are simply different “names” and “labels” to energy.

Our body is the greatest source of this energy. Gate 42 is a sacral gate that generates pure energy for meaningful success.

This Aries sign picks up Gate 41’s dreams, and before charging ahead, it questions your intentions and fires at you…

“Then, so what if you complete x, y or z? Why does it mean to you?”

Life is not a movie you can predict. Life is an adventure.

Each year, we celebrate our birthday, the New Year, Christmas, etc. Another year, another cycle, another completion.

Every one is a celebration of the moment’s peak.

Every celebration is a transition from the old to the new.

The exhale. The inhale.

The most important resource to live our full potential is in our breath.

Becoming full. Letting go.

The cycle of our breath represents the way we create, grow, and let go. As we strengthen our conscious breathing, we strengthen the 42nd gift in our daily life.

God’s hand outstretched to Adam to deliver the spark of life (breath). ‘Creation of Man’ painting by Michelangelo. Source: The Verge

The Art of Living

I love capturing the gifts of each moment. When I do, a celebration sparks inside my body…

The unseen is made seen.

The unheard is made heard.

Everything is aligned.

Everything is perfect.

I’m in its essence. I am in heaven on earth.

Gate 42 Door of the Journey Expander

For an in-depth Human Design reading and consultation, or if you are ready for a transformational journey of higher vibrational love, pleasure and purpose… you may email me at



Kate Stellar ✨

LOVE. PLEASURE. PURPOSE. ⚡️ Mystic healer, Human Design reader & Holistic Sexuality coach