File upload to RCE — Bug Bounty Tuesday

2 min readJul 2, 2024

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Hello everyone, I’m Kerstan.

Today is Bug bounty Tuesday, I will share with you about the useful file upload tip in bug bounty.

So, let’s dive right in.

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If you can file on target then:

1. Create a.php file(rce.php)

2. Compress it to file(

3. Upload file on the vulnerable web application.

4. Trigger your RCE via: https://<target Site>.com/index.php?page=zip://path/

If this writing has been helpful to you, please consider giving it a clap and following. Thanks bro.

Alternatively, you can just buy me a coffee here, any sort of support is much appreciated. Enjoy your reading.

If you want to learn more knowledge about Bug Bounty Tuesday, please be sure to take a look at my latest articles.

5 Tips For Writing Bug Bounty Reports — Bug Bounty Tuesday

10 tips and questions to help you find secondary context bugs — Bug Bounty Tuesday

File upload to RCE — Bug Bounty

