I’m Building a Udemy Course on Graphic Design in 28 Days — Week Three Update

Kindra Ting
3 min readFeb 6, 2022


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Hey there, It’s Kindra! This post is part of a four-week series of blog post updates about a Udemy course I’m creating called “Building your Foundation and Career in Graphic Design”. This is my week three documentation.

If you’re interested to know more about why and how I came up with this project, read it here. If you want to know how my previous week went, read about it here.

What I accomplished this week

  • I finished filming the Photoshop part of my course! I am very grateful and surprised at myself for accomplishing this. I had a really hard time starting. But with the right mindset and workflow, the filming went smoothly!
  • I have updated my course details on Udemy. Along with that, I have also set up my bank account with Udemy for direct deposit. To be honest, I felt like a real working adult when I did that!

Challenges I encountered and my solutions for them

1. I take too much time on documentation. I spent the first four days of my week editing, publishing, and promoting my week 2 vlog and blog. I am aware that it’ll be a huge problem if I keep going on at this pace.

Solution: Instead of waiting till the seventh day to film my vlog or write my blog, I’m doing it as I go. Every time I have an important update, I immediately get my phone and film myself. Editing takes me a long time too, so every time I have a new video, I make it a habit to transfer it to my laptop and organize the files right away for smoother, continuous editing.

2. I haven’t started filming. “Starting” is not the easiest to do. I would put it off because I thought I had to prepare more for my lessons so the filming would go smoothly.

Solution: Talking with my advisor made me realize that I’m just getting caught up in a perfection mentality. She also told me the filming will only go smooth if I actually film. I took those words to heart and started filming. I realized that there are more important things to prepare for and had a productive time because I started!

3. I didn’t make sure my laptop’s ready for my recording software. I was feeling confident with how I set up my camera and Streamlabs OBS last week. However, what I didn’t set up is my laptop. It has a different resolution from OBS. The results were either cropped or low-quality screen recordings.

Solution: I figured I just have to match my laptop’s resolution with OBS. The downside is that my working screen became tinier. This is a disadvantage for my plan of including myself in the video with my webcam. So, I just scratched that plan out and recorded myself separately with my phone. This resulted in clearer audio and a better-looking video.

My Script Sample

4. I tried winging it. I thought that I was already prepared for filming and that I already knew what to say. However, when I filmed, I kept stuttering and kept finding myself lost for words. This discouraged me a lot and I had to pause and think.

Solution: I’m not an expert with words and thought flow so it’s really a bad idea for me to wing filming. So, I did what I had to do. I created a written script! Scripts always help me get my thoughts and words right without missing any important information. See a sample of my script above!

Looking Ahead

I’m now heading over to the last seven days of this project. I need to work on other lessons, edit, and publish my course now!

