Greg’s Weekly Recap (September 8, 2018)

Gregory Kubin
2 min readSep 9, 2018


There is so much high-quality original content tweeted by entrepreneurs, investors, and interesting people. So here’s an experiment:

✨✨ A Twitter weekly recap for those who don’t check Twitter ✨✨

Source: Ellis Rosen


50% of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years, predicts Clay Christensen. Online education will become more cost effective, and undermine the business model of traditional institutions. Mounting student debt is a compounding driver. Link.

A brief history of the lean startup methodology. In a bull market where capital for startups is readily available at scale, it makes more sense to go big, fast and make mistakes than it does to search for product/market fit, according to Steve Blank. Link.

Short list of fundraising tips from VC David Lee. Link.

16 Mini Sales Lessons for Startup founders by Andreesen Horowitz’s Peter Levine. Topics in include how much to spend on sales vs. marketing and setting sales goals. Solid 101 overview. Link.

Thought of the week:

The quality of a reference matters.

We’ve been evaluating web development partners for a special project. We asked around for recommendations on two email listserves and came back with 10 recommended firms. Of the 10 firms, 3 of them came “highly recommended”.

But it’s crucial to consider not just the quality of the candidate, but the quality of the person who is highly recommending the candidate.

If the person providing the reference is mediocre, what they consider amazing may very well be mediocre.

Sort of like how Google’s search results are indicative of the quality of the sources a website is linked to. Or deciding to reading a book based on who recommended it to you.

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Check out Newsletter Edition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

