KWHCoin Social Impact Spotlight: Kenya and Village Economic Development & Post Crash Response

5 min readSep 25, 2018


According to World Bank estimates over 600 million people across Sub-Saharan Africa live without access to national grid services. KWHCoin is developing the digital and physical infrastructure to power the edges of the grid.

The primary mission of KWHCoin is to eradicate energy poverty and to develop renewable energy solutions for the over 500 million households around the world without access to electricity. According to the International Energy Agency an estimated 1.2 billion people — 14% of the global population — lack access to electricity. Around 84% of those without electricity access reside in rural areas and more than 95% of those living without electricity are in countries in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia.

KWHCoin has focused its social impact on the continent of Africa and has integrated a robust network of partners into a flourishing ecosystem to deliver solutions for energy access.

The summary below profiles KWHCoin projects on the continent highlighted by deployment in Kenya for rural economic development and post crash response for the Kenyan roadway network.

Remote and gridless populations are the impact point for the KWHCoin project and its mission to deliver decentralized grid and energy solutions to over 500 million households.

“The future for energy generation and distribution is gridless and wireless but its hard for populations in the developed world to comprehend because our only experience has been limited to centralized grid networks and service providers. We believe that we are developing advanced energy solutions and product capabilities and our token (KWHCoin) forms the foundation on which this advanced renewable energy economy is being built,” states KWHCoin Chairman and CEO Girard Newkirk.

Kilisa Village in Kitetat , Makueni County Kenya

KWHCoin and Chariot Group are partnering to develop blockchain based renewable energy, clean water and organic agriculture production ecosystems in rural Kenya with plans to scale the model to off grid populations on all continents.

The goal of the collaboration is to develop and build unique sustainable token and value driven models at village level then scale to other areas in Kenya, Africa and off grid populations globally. KWHCoin and the Chariot Group are working to develop “Center of Excellence” (COE) models to clearly demonstrate the application of collaboration and sustainable technologies.

Photos from some of the existing projects being deployed and executed by the Chariot Group and its mission to develop sustainable economies for village populations in Kenya.

Background on Kilisa Village

Kilisa village, has a population of 2000, and is one of the villages in the Kiteta location which has a population of 23,250. The location extends from low land with a network of streams to the slopes of Mbooni mountain. The community is highly interactive and therefore any initiative in Kilisa village will have significant spill over impact to surrounding areas. KWHCoin and Chariot group will partner with community officials to develop scaleable solutions and the KWHCoin token is powering this local economy.

Nurse In Hand (NIH) Post Crash Response Solution for Kenyan Roads Network

Nurse in Hand post crash response web and mobile solution has real time traffic and accident data points for the Kenyan Roadway Network System. This solution is leading the way in applying an effective and innovative solution to address one of Kenya and Africa’s most challenging problems.

Kenyan startup Nurse in Hand has partnered KWHCoin for an internet of things collaboration to develop a totally green emergency response system for the Kenyan Roadway Network that will serve as a model to scale to the African continent. Nurse In Hand Emergency Response web and mobile solution has real time traffic and accident data points for the Kenyan Roadway Network System. Drivers via text alert the network and USSD code connects devices for crash alert and post crash information enabling much faster emergency response times.

Nurse In Hand Emergency Response web and mobile solution has real time traffic and accident data points for the Kenyan Roadway Network System. Drivers via text alert and USSD code connect with devices for crash alert and post crash response.

“Over 3,000 Kenyans are killed on our roads every year, most of them between the ages of 15 and 44 years. The cost to our economy from these accidents in excess on $50 million US dollars exclusive of the actual loss of life and the emotional and mental trauma this brings to family and loved ones. Nurse in Hand is here with a solution to prevent this and save lives,” states Nurse In Hand Founder and CEO Lucy Njuguna.

The World Health Organization states that Kenya has a ratio of 29.1 deaths per 100,000 people relative to fatalities as a result of car accidents. To add perspective, in the United States that ratio is 11.59 per 100,000 people as a result of car accidents. East African roads are the deadliest in the world and Kenya ranks as one of the worse in East Africa with only Tanzania and Rwanda with worse death rates in the region.

“In Kenya the economic cost of road crashes have been reported to be 5.6% while the loss of life and debilitating injuries can be prevented with a faster and more efficient emergency post crash response. It is our mission to use technology (blockchain technology) to make emergency response services smart, efficient and more reliable for Kenyans by saving lives and providing quality, timely, and sustainable emergency response,” states CEO Lucy Njuguna.

These Emergency Care Centers (ECC) being developed through the KWHCoin-Nurse in Hand partnership will be produced from recycle shipping containers and will be powered by solar panels and other distributed energy resources creating a 100% green ecosystem to supply energy needs.

Stay Tuned

We are thrilled about the recent developments and growth in KWHCoin as we come closer to the fruition of our mission to enable energy access for off-grid households and eradicate energy poverty.

KWHCoin is currently being traded on TOPBTC, IDEX, Coinexmarket and and is on the edges of the developing the internet of energy for more than 500 million off-grid households globally.

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KWHCoin is a cryptocurrency developing the physical and digital assets to deploy the internet of energy and power billions with renewable energy access.