Keystones and the Land Vending Machine

Laguna Games
4 min readAug 10, 2022


Hello, Unicorn Fam!

With opening Lootboxes going live last week, some lucky unicorns found Keystones in theirs! Keep those colorful Keystones close to your heart — for, in the next update, we’re adding the Land Vending Machine feature! The Land Vending Machine is where you can mint Lands in exchange for Keystones! Let’s dive right in:

What are Keystones?

Keystones are 1155 Tokens used to allow Players to mint additional Lands from the Land Vending Machine. Each type of Land has its own Keystone Token. Keystone Tokens can be crafted from class materials or randomly received from Land Lootboxes and Mythic Lootboxes.

Look at how aesthetic they are!

We will be closely monitoring the Keystone supply and will remove the Keystone recipe from the Workshop before supplies run out.

Keystones are crafted in the Workshop in-game. You will need to unlock them from the game into your wallet so they can be used in the Land Vending Machine or traded. Once a Keystone is stashed out, it can no longer be returned in-game.

What is the Land Vending Machine?

The Land Vending Machine (LVM) is a page on the website. From here, you can use your unlocked Keystones to mint brand-new Lands!

How much does it cost to mint new land from the LVM?
The cost to mint a new Land is on a bonding curve. The bonding curve will begin at the previous ETH mint prices — in addition to ETH, the corresponding Keystone, RBW, & UNIM is required. Each class and rarity will have its own bonding curve.

Note that the price is determined by a progressive pricing curve. The base price will be the price we sold the lands in the Pre-Sales. Read our Phase 2 Land Sales article for more information on the original Land prices.

What do I need to mint new land from the LVM?
To use the LVM, make sure that you have your unlocked Keystones, ETH, RBW, and UNIM!

In order to purchase Land, players will need to have the required Keystone for that Land Class. Each type of Land has its own Keystone: Mythic; Rare Light; Rare Wonder; Rare Mystery; Common Cloud; Common Heart; Common Rainbow; Common Flower; Common Candy; Common OmNom; Common Crystal; Common Moon; Common Star.

How do I mint land from the LVM?

The LVM can be accessed on In order to successfully purchase the Land, you must have the correct Keystones and enough resources. The game will also link to the LVM once it’s live: you just have to go to Settings and click on the “Vend Land” button, beneath “Stash Out”.

1. Head over to the Land Vending Machine webpage through one of the two methods described above.

2. Choose the Land that you want to buy, then click the “Vend Cloud Land” button.

3. Upon clicking “Vend Land”, a blockchain transaction prompt will pop up. Sign the wallet transaction and wait for confirmation. The “Vend Cloud Land” button will be greyed out and the text will change to “Vending…”

4. When the transaction is complete, the Land moves to your Inventory under the Land tab. You still need to lock the Land in to be able to use it in-game.

The Land won’t have a name right away, it will just start out with its token ID. The name is a surprise… for now! You will need to either refresh the metadata on OpenSea, or lock the land into the game to reveal the name.

How do I get Keystones?

Keystone Tokens can be crafted from class materials or randomly received from Land Lootboxes and Mythic Lootboxes. Read our recent Lootbox article for more information on the chances of bagging a Keystone in your Lootboxes.

Keystones may also be crafted from the Workshop. One of our friendly community spreadsheet warriors, KeizerMc, has compiled a table of each Keystone’s recipe requirements at the time of writing. Each Keystone takes 24 hours to craft. Once you unlock a keystone, you can no longer return it to your in-game account. Keep this in mind as you’re crafting! Here’s a table of what materials are needed for each Keystone:

With the Keystone and Land Vending Machine features out, we hope that your Unicorns can stretch and graze as much as they want on their new Lands. May the sun never set on your Unicorn empire!

— The Laguna Games Team



Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.