Phase 2 Land Sale Details

Laguna Games
3 min readJan 17, 2022


A cake that any unicorn would immediately omnom

Hello Unicorn Fam!

In a little over 24 hours, the Phase 2 Land Sale for Crypto Unicorns will go live. The previous Phase 1 Land Sale in December demonstrated that there is a high demand for Unicorn land, with the Mythic plots selling out in 2 minutes, and all the rest of the plots being sold out in less than 28 minutes. We want to make sure you are going to be ready, as the available land may sell out just as fast or even faster this time!

Please note: The Phase 2 Land Sale is only open to those that were previously Whitelisted for the Phase 1 Land Sale on December 15. The same Whitelist will be used for Phase 2.


The Phase 2 Land Sale is scheduled to go live at 23:00 UTC on January 18, 2021. Here’s the equivalent local time in some representative cities:

  • London: 11pm, January 18 (Tuesday)
  • New York: 6pm, January 18 (Tuesday)
  • San Francisco: 3pm, January 18 (Tuesday)
  • Singapore: 7am, January 19 (Wednesday)

Land Plots and Prices

Just like our previous land sale, we will be offering 10,000 land plots:

  • 6,000 Common Land Plots (1,000 of each Class) for 0.025 WETH each
  • 3,000 Rare Land Plots (1,000 of Each Class Group) for 0.05 WETH each
  • 1,000 Mythic Land Plots for 0.1 WETH each

For more details about the Land Types, please read our previous post about the Phase 1 Land Sale.

Purchase Limits

Each wallet will be allowed to mint a maximum of 4 plots of land during this Phase 2 Sale. There is also a limit of only 1 Mythic and 2 Rare plots per wallet. Additionally, if you purchased any Mythic or Rare plots during Phase 1, those will also count against your allowed amount of Mythic and Rare plots you can mint for Phase 2. We decided on this because we want to give more members of our community the opportunity to mint a Rare or Mythic land plot!

Tips for Success

  • Make sure your wallet is ready and funded BEFORE the sale begins. You will need to set up a Polygon wallet in Metamask and fund it with both WETH and MATIC (for gas).
  • Be prepared for a gas war: It’s likely that you will need to significantly increase your gas fee if you are trying to get a Mythic Land. This means you will need to have enough MATIC in your wallet to pay for these gas fees. Luckily, because we are on Polygon, gas fees should still be significantly cheaper than gas fees on the Ethereum chain.
  • Don’t be late! Set an alarm, or 2. If you snooze, you lose!

Future Land Sales and Prices

On February 2, we will have our 3rd and final Land Sale prior to the game launch. We will again be selling 10,000 plots of land, and at the same prices as Phases 1 & 2. However, Phase 3 will not restricted to the same Whitelist as Phase 1 and 2. This means that new people will have the opportunity to purchase land!

As we mentioned previously, there will be more land plots that are eventually going to be made available to the public after the game has launched. These future land sales will be sold on a bonding curve, so they will become more expensive to mint as they are sold. The current prices to mint land will be the cheapest that we will ever offer.

More Details

For more details on how the land type and class will affect gameplay, we recommend that you read the following:

Intro to Farming in Crypto Unicorns

Land Placement and Adjacency Bonuses

Getting Your Polygon Wallet Ready



Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.