28 Top AI Tools for Startups & Small Businesses (Free & Paid)

AI for All: Affordable and Powerful AI Tools for Startups & Small Business Success

Learn With Whiteboard
25 min readApr 21, 2024
Top AI Tools for Startups & Small Business 2024
Credit — The Corner // STARTUP — Animation by Gweno on Dribbble

You’ve got a killer startup idea, a fire in your belly, and a relentless drive to succeed. But let’s be honest, the startup journey can be a rollercoaster ride. Limited resources, tight deadlines, and an ever-changing landscape can leave even the most seasoned entrepreneur feeling like they’re running on fumes.

This is where AI swoops in like a superhero — or should we say, a super-efficient sidekick? AI tools for startups are no longer a futuristic fantasy; they’re a powerful arsenal that can help you punch above your weight and launch your venture like a lightning bolt.

Here, we’ll delve into some of the most innovative AI tools for startups, exploring their key features, pricing options, and why they deserve a prime spot in your startup toolkit.

Must-Have AI Tools For Startups & Small Business [Updated 2024]

1. Potion

Dreading the soul-crushing world of cold calling? There’s a better way. Potion is your AI video outreach sidekick, helping B2B startups identify high-value leads, craft personalized video messaging for sales, and land those all-important meetings. All this, without those awkward cold calling moments.

Potion — AI tools for startups and small business

It is a must have for B2B startups as Potion allows them to ditch the generic ‘text-only’ outreach and connect with potential clients on a deeper level — through the power of AI personalized videos. If you compare cold calling vs video prospecting, the latter has boosted conversion rates by up to 80% and response rates by up to 5x compared to cold calling. So, better snatch it for your next campaign.

Key Features:

  • Effortless Video Creation: Potion eliminates the need for fancy video editing software or expensive camera crews. Record yourself using your webcam, and Potion’s AI magic takes care of the rest.
  • AI Personalization at scale: Craft personalized video email sequences that resonate with each prospect. Simply import your contact list, use voice AI (or record your own), and generate thousands of personalized videos in just a matter of few seconds.
  • Automated Follow-Ups: Schedule automated follow-up emails using Zapier that include your personalized video. This ensures your message stays top-of-mind and prompts prospects to take the next step.
  • Powerful Analytics & Tracking: Track video engagement metrics like open rates, watch times, and CTRs to measure the effectiveness of your video prospecting campaigns and refine your strategy for maximum impact.
  • Build Trust & Rapport: A personalized video allows you to connect with prospects on a human level, fostering trust and rapport that a text-based email simply can’t achieve.
  • Boost Conversion Rates: Studies show that video messages can boost conversion rates by up to 70% compared to traditional cold email outreach.
  • Simplify Prospecting: You might have used many b2b sales prospecting tools, but Potion is on a whole different level. It streamlines the video prospecting process, saving you time and effort while allowing you to reach more potential clients with a personalized touch.

Pricing: Potion offers tiered plans based on the number of AI video credits required. Pricing typically starts around $99/month for 750 AI videos. Thus making it an affordable option for startups of all sizes.

Why Use It? Stop wasting time and energy on ineffective prospecting tactics. Potion empowers you to identify high-quality leads, personalize your outreach at scale, and land those crucial meetings that propel your B2B startup forward. So ditch the dreaded cold calls and embrace the power of AI-driven prospecting with Potion!

Ready to land more qualified leads? Give Potion a try today! Here are a few video prospecting scripts to help you plan your first Potion campaign.

2. Jasper (Formerly Jarvis)

Feeling like a one-person content creation machine? Jasper (formerly Jarvis) can be your secret weapon. This AI writing assistant uses advanced algorithms to craft compelling marketing copy, website content, social media posts, and even scripts.


Key Features:

  • Long-form content creation: Generate blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and more with just a few prompts.
  • Multiple content formats: Jasper tackles everything from catchy headlines and product descriptions to engaging social media posts and even creative fiction!
  • SEO optimization: Integrate relevant keywords to ensure your content ranks high in search results.
  • Multiple voice tones: Whether you need a friendly and conversational tone or a formal and authoritative voice, Jasper can adapt to your brand personality.

Pricing: Jasper offers tiered plans starting at $59/month, making it an accessible option for startups of all sizes.

Why Use It? Stop staring at a blank page! Jasper helps you overcome writer’s block, generate high-quality content consistently, and free up your time to focus on other crucial aspects of your startup.

3. Google Gemini

Stuck on a coding problem? Need help brainstorming a creative marketing campaign? Meet Gemini, your one-stop shop for AI with Google’s most advanced AI models. Unlike ChatGPT, Gemini goes beyond simple conversation to offer a comprehensive suite of features designed to supercharge your productivity and fuel your startup’s success.

AI tools for small business

Key Features:

  • Multi-talented AI: Gemini isn’t just a chatbot; it’s a family of AI models tackling a wide range of tasks. From writing clean code to summarizing complex documents, Gemini has the tools you need to get things done.
  • Context-aware assistance: Gemini doesn’t operate in a vacuum. It analyzes your work and provides suggestions tailored to the specific task at hand, ensuring its recommendations are relevant and actionable.
  • Adapts to your style: Over time, Gemini learns your preferences and adapts its suggestions to your workflow. The more you use it, the more personalized and helpful it becomes.
  • Seamless integration: Access Gemini’s power directly within your workflow. Use it as a coding companion, a writing assistant, or a research partner, all within the tools you already use.

Pricing: Currently, Gemini is in a limited free beta phase. However, you can test a few specific use cases with Gemini advance.

Why Use Gemini? Stop wasting time searching for solutions or struggling with repetitive tasks. Gemini empowers you to leverage Google’s cutting-edge AI to boost your productivity, unlock new creative possibilities, and propel your startup forward.

Why Choose Gemini Over ChatGPT? While ChatGPT excels at conversation and creative text formats, Gemini offers a broader range of functionalities. It tackles coding tasks, summarizes information, helps brainstorm, has data analysis capabilities and integrates seamlessly with your existing workflow. Think of Gemini as a much better alternative to GPT 3.5, but if you’re already on GPT 4, better stick with it.

4. SparkToro

Ever feel like you’re flying blind when it comes to understanding your target audience? SparkToro takes the guesswork out of the equation by leveraging AI-powered audience intelligence.

top ai tools for startups

Key Features:

  • Uncover hidden interests: Go beyond demographics and discover what truly makes your ideal customers tick.
  • Identify online hangouts: Pinpoint the websites, social media channels, and podcasts your target audience frequents.
  • Competitive insights: Gain valuable intel on your competitors’ audience and identify potential gaps in their marketing strategy.
  • Trend analysis: Stay ahead of the curve by uncovering emerging trends and interests within your target market.

Pricing: SparkToro offers a free plan with limited features, along with paid plans starting at $38/month.

Why Use It? SparkToro empowers you to create laser-focused marketing campaigns that resonate deeply with your target audience. Stop wasting resources on generic marketing tactics and start delivering content that truly connects.

5. Zapier

Feeling overwhelmed by repetitive tasks? Zapier, the automation powerhouse, streamlines your workflow by connecting your favorite apps and services. Imagine automatically adding new leads from a web form to your CRM, scheduling social media posts, or generating invoices based on new orders — all without lifting a finger. That’s the magic of Zapier!


Key Features:

  • Effortless automation: Connect hundreds of popular apps like Gmail, Slack, Mailchimp, and Dropbox to create custom workflows, or “Zaps,” that automate repetitive tasks.
  • No coding required: Zapier uses a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy for anyone to build automations, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Time-saving efficiency: Free yourself from tedious tasks and focus on the high-impact activities that truly propel your startup forward.
  • Increased productivity: Zapier helps your team work smarter, not harder, by automating repetitive tasks and eliminating manual data entry.

Pricing: Zapier offers a free plan with limited Zaps, along with paid plans starting at almost $20/month that unlock more automation capabilities.

Why Use It? Stop drowning in a sea of repetitive tasks! Zapier empowers you to reclaim your time, boost productivity, and focus on the strategic initiatives that drive growth for your startup.

Bonus Tip: Explore Zapier’s robust community of users and pre-built Zaps to discover creative automation solutions for your specific startup needs.

6. DoNotPay

Startup life can be a legal minefield. DoNotPay, your AI-powered lawyer in your pocket, helps you navigate contracts, dispute resolutions, and even fight parking tickets — all without the hefty lawyer fees.

ai tools for small business

Key Features:

  • Contract review and negotiation: DoNotPay analyzes contracts, highlighting potential red flags and suggesting edits to protect your interests.
  • Dispute resolution: Get help resolving issues with landlords, creditors, or service providers through DoNotPay’s automated tools.
  • Legal document generation: Generate essential legal documents like non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and rental agreements without the hassle.
  • AI-powered chatbot: Get instant answers to your legal questions through DoNotPay’s friendly and informative chatbot.

Pricing: DoNotPay offers a freemium model with access to basic features. Paid plans start at a very reasonable $3/month, making legal guidance accessible for any startup or small business.

Why Use It? Don’t let legal hurdles slow you down. DoNotPay provides a safety net and empowers you to handle basic legal matters with confidence, freeing up your time and resources to focus on growing your business.

7. Optimizely

A/B testing is crucial for optimizing your website and marketing materials, but it can be a time-consuming process. Optimizely takes an edge with its AI-powered A/B testing platform.


Key Features:

  • Effortless experiment creation: Set up A/B tests quickly and easily, with minimal technical knowledge required.
  • AI-powered recommendations: Optimizely’s AI suggests winning variations and prioritizes tests based on their potential impact.
  • Real-time analytics: Track the performance of your A/B tests in real-time, allowing for swift adjustments and data-driven decision making.
  • Multivariate testing: Go beyond simple A/B tests and explore the impact of multiple variables on your website’s performance.

Pricing: Optimizely offers custom pricing plans based on your traffic volume and needed features.

Why Use It? Stop wasting time on guesswork. Optimizely’s AI takes the legwork out of A/B testing, ensuring you’re constantly iterating and refining your website and marketing materials for maximum impact.

8. GitHub Copilot

Writing code can feel like deciphering an ancient language, especially for non-programmers. Introducing GitHub Copilot, your AI-powered coding companion. This nifty tool suggests code completions and entire functions in real-time, making development a breeze.

coding ai tools for startups

Key Features:

  • Language agnostic: GitHub Copilot works seamlessly with various programming languages, from Python and JavaScript to Java and C++.
  • Context-aware suggestions: The tool analyzes your code and suggests completions that fit perfectly within your project’s context.
  • Learn from your style: Over time, GitHub Copilot adapts to your coding style, providing increasingly relevant suggestions.
  • Boost productivity: Spend less time writing repetitive code and more time focusing on the creative aspects of development.

Pricing: Basic features are free in GitHub Copilot and paid plans start from $10/month.

Why Use It? Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a complete coding novice, GitHub Copilot can significantly improve your development workflow. Save precious time, reduce errors, and unleash your inner coding rockstar.

9. Ada.cx

In today’s fast-paced world, customers expect instant gratification, even when it comes to customer service. Ada, the AI-powered customer service chatbot, delivers just that.

small business ai tools

Key Features:

  • 24/7 availability: Provide customer support around the clock, even when your human team is offline.
  • Answers to common questions: Train Ada to answer frequently asked questions, freeing up your team to handle more complex issues.
  • Natural language processing: Ada understands natural language, allowing customers to interact with a chatbot that feels more human-like.
  • Escalation to human agents: For complex issues, Ada can seamlessly transfer conversations to live customer service representatives.

Pricing: Ada offers various pricing plans based on the number of chats and features required.

Why Use It? Don’t let long wait times and limited support hours damage your customer satisfaction. Ada ensures your customers get the help they need, whenever they need it, giving your startup a competitive edge in the customer service arena.

10. FigJam AI

Struggling to bridge the gap between design vision and development reality? Figma, a popular design collaboration platform, now boasts FigJam, offering AI features that streamline the design process.

startup ai tools 2024

Key Features:

  • Smart Design Assist: Leverage AI-powered suggestions for automatic layout, content placement, and image resizing, saving you time and effort.
  • Auto-animation: Breathe life into your designs with FigJam’s AI automated animation features, creating smooth transitions and user interactions.
  • Voice prototyping: Skip the tedious task of manual prototyping. Use FigJam to create voice-activated prototypes for a more interactive user experience.
  • Accessibility checker: Ensure your designs are inclusive for all users with FigJam's built-in accessibility checker, identifying potential issues for users with disabilities.

Pricing: FigJam offers a free plan with limited features, along with paid plans starting at $3/month per editor.

Why Use It: Revolutionize your design game with FigJam. Create stunning and functional prototypes faster, iterate more efficiently, and ensure an inclusive user experience for all.

11. Leadfeeder

Finding your ideal customers can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Leadfeeder uses AI to analyze website traffic and identify the companies visiting your site, even if they haven't filled out a form.


Key Features:

  • Company identification: Uncover the names and contact details of companies visiting your website, allowing you to target your ideal customers directly.
  • Lead scoring: Leadfeeder uses AI to score leads based on their website behavior, helping you prioritize the most promising ones.
  • Engagement insights: See which pages on your website your visitors are most interested in, allowing you to refine your content strategy and optimize the customer journey.
  • Integrations: Seamlessly connect Leadfeeder with your CRM and marketing automation tools for a streamlined workflow.

Pricing: Leadfeeder offers a free plan with limited features. The paid plan starts at $99/month.

Why Use It: Stop wasting marketing dollars on generic advertising. Leadfeeder equips you with the intel you need to target your ideal customers with laser precision, maximizing your ROI.

12. Hootsuite with Amplify

Managing multiple social media accounts can be a social media manager's worst nightmare. Hootsuite, a popular social media management platform, offers Amplify, an AI-powered tool that promotes employee advocacy. Advertising budgets in startups (& small businesses) can be short, so why not tap into the power of your employee network.

ai tools for startups 2024

Key Features:

  • Smart suggestions: Leverage AI-powered suggestions for content topics, hashtags, and even the best times to post, optimizing your social media strategy.
  • Auto-scheduling: Schedule your social media content in advance, freeing up your time to focus on other tasks.
  • Strengthen employer branding: Attract the best candidates with authentic advocacy and build a strong employer brand that gets noticed.
  • Automated reporting: Gain valuable insights into the performance of your social media campaigns using Amplify's AI-powered reporting tools.

Pricing: Hootsuite offers tiered plans based on the number of social media profiles and features required. Amplify is an add-on service with pricing starting at $19/month.

Why Use It: Stop feeling overwhelmed by the constant churn of social media. Hootsuite with Amplify empowers you to manage your social media presence more efficiently, create engaging content, and measure your success with ease.

13. Monday.com with Work OS

Project management can quickly turn into a tangled mess of emails and spreadsheets. Monday.com, a popular project management platform, integrates Work OS, an AI-powered automation engine that streamlines workflows and keeps your projects on track. Here’s why its impactful,

Key Features:

  • Smart automations: Automate repetitive tasks like sending notifications, assigning tasks, and updating project statuses, freeing up your team’s time for more strategic work.
  • Customizable workflows: Build custom workflows tailored to your specific needs, ensuring clear processes and efficient project execution.
  • Data-driven insights: Leverage AI-powered analytics to gain valuable insights into project performance, identify roadblocks, and optimize your project management strategy.
  • Integrations with popular tools: Connect Monday.com with your favorite productivity tools to create a seamless workflow for your team.

Pricing: Monday.com offers tiered plans based on the number of users and features required. Work OS pricing might be an add-on service, so check the website for details.

Why Use It: Stop drowning in project chaos. Monday.com with Work OS empowers you to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and gain data-driven insights that ensure your projects stay on track and deliver results.

14. Lex Machina

Legal matters can be a labyrinth for startups. Lex Machina injects AI-powered clarity. Thus providing legal research and analytics tools that empower you to make informed decisions.

legal ai tools for startups small business

Key Features:

  • AI-powered legal research: Leverage advanced algorithms to surface relevant case law, legal opinions, and regulatory documents.
  • Competitive intelligence: Analyze your competitors' legal filings and strategies to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Predictive analytics: Gain insights into the likelihood of success in legal disputes, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

Pricing: Lex Machina offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs and usage.

Why Use It: Don't navigate the legal landscape alone. Lex Machina empowers you with AI-powered insights, allowing you to make informed decisions and avoid costly legal surprises.

15. Inlytics

Your network is your net worth, but how do you leverage it effectively? Inlytics steps in as your AI-powered networking coach, helping you identify key connections and nurture valuable relationships.


Key Features:

  • AI-driven relationship intelligence: Analyze your existing network and uncover hidden connections that can benefit your startup.
  • Personalized recommendations: Inlytics suggests introductions, outreach strategies, and follow-up actions to maximize your networking efforts.
  • Relationship management tools: Track the progress of your relationships and manage communication effectively.

Pricing: Inlytics offers tiered plans based on features and the number of users, with pricing starting around $120/year per user.

Why Use It: Stop letting your network gather dust! Inlytics helps you unlock the power of your connections, fuel strategic partnerships, and propel your startup forward.

16. Contentful

Managing content across multiple platforms can feel like herding cats. Contentful brings order to the chaos with its headless content management system (CMS).


Key Features:

  • Flexible content creation: Create, edit, and manage your content in a user-friendly interface.
  • Omnichannel delivery: Easily publish your content across websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and more.
  • API-first architecture: Integrate Contentful seamlessly with your existing applications and tools.

Pricing: Contentful offers a forever free plan with limited features, along with paid plans starting at $300/month.

Why Use It: Stop wasting time wrestling with clunky content management systems. Contentful empowers you to create, manage, and deliver content efficiently, giving your startup the flexibility to scale and grow.

17. InVideo AI

Creating professional video ads used to require a hefty budget and a film crew. InVideo, a user-friendly video editing platform, now boasts a suite of features that empowers startups to create stunning video ads using AI in minutes. All this, without prior video editing experience.

InVideo AI tools for startups

Key Features:

  • Smart template selection: InVideo AI suggests video templates that best suit your brand, message, and target audience, saving you time and effort.
  • Automated stock footage and music: Access a vast library of AI-curated stock footage and music to elevate your video ads without breaking the bank.
  • Text-to-video conversion: Simply type your script, and InVideo AI will automatically generate a video with transitions, visuals, and even music.
  • One-click social media optimization: Resize and optimize your video ads for different social media platforms with a single click, ensuring a seamless user experience across channels.

Pricing: InVideo offers a free plan with limited features, along with paid plans starting at $15/month.

Why Use It: Stop struggling with clunky video editing software. InVideo empowers you to create high-quality video ads quickly and easily, grabbing attention and boosting engagement on social media. It is also a great tool if you want to create a video sales letter, check out a few VSL examples to test the potential.

18. Snyk powered by DeepCode AI

Hunting down bugs in your code can feel like playing whack-a-mole. Snyk, an AI-powered code reviewer, acts as your virtual bug zapper, automatically identifying potential issues and vulnerabilities in your codebase.

cybersecurity ai tools for small business

Key Features:

  • Static code analysis: Snyk analyzes your code for common coding errors, security vulnerabilities, and potential performance bottlenecks.
  • Context-aware suggestions: The tool provides context-specific suggestions for fixing issues, helping developers write cleaner and more secure code.
  • Integration with popular IDEs: DeepCode seamlessly integrates with popular integrated development environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA, providing real-time feedback as you code.
  • Historical code analysis: Track how code quality evolves over time and identify areas for improvement.

Pricing: The free plan offers limited tests per product, and the paid plan starts at $25 per month/product.

Why Use It: Stop letting bugs slow down your development process. DeepCode empowers your developers to write cleaner, more secure code, reducing the risk of bugs hitting production and protecting your users’ data.

19. Canva with Magic Design

Canva, the beloved design platform for non-designers, now packs an extra punch with Magic Design. This suite of AI features empowers anyone to create professional-looking designs, even if they lack design experience.

canva magic design

Key Features:

  • Smart layout suggestions: Magic Design analyzes your content and suggests visually appealing layouts and design elements, saving you time and frustration.
  • One-click background removal: Effortlessly remove backgrounds from your images, making it a breeze to create stunning visuals for presentations, social media posts, and marketing materials.
  • AI-powered photo effects: Apply creative filters and effects to your photos with a single click, adding a unique touch to your designs.
  • Brand consistency checker: Ensure all your designs adhere to your brand guidelines with Canva’s brand consistency checker, maintaining a cohesive brand identity across all your marketing materials.

Pricing: Canva offers a free plan with limited features, along with paid plans starting at $12.99/month that unlock Magic Design AI features.

Why Use It? Stop relying on expensive design software or freelancers. Canva with Design AI empowers anyone to create professional-looking designs in minutes, saving you money and boosting your brand’s visual appeal.

20. Writesonic

Feeling like your marketing copy lacks that certain “je ne sais quoi”? Writesonic, an AI-powered writing assistant, injects a dose of creative magic into your writing. Thus helping you craft compelling marketing copy, website content, and even social media captions.


Key Features:

  • Multiple content formats: Writesonic tackles everything from product descriptions and blog posts to social media captions and even long-form content like articles and landing pages.
  • AI-powered copywriting formulas: Leverage pre-built copywriting formulas like AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to structure your content for maximum impact.
  • Personalized tone and style: Choose from a range of writing styles, from formal and informative to friendly and conversational, ensuring your content resonates with your target audience.
  • Multilingual support: Create content in multiple languages, expanding your reach to global audiences.

Pricing: Writesonic offers tiered plans based on the number of words generated and features required. Pricing starts at around $25/month.

Why Use It? Stop staring at a blank page and hoping for inspiration to strike. Writesonic helps you overcome writer’s block, generate creative marketing copy efficiently, and ensure your content connects with your target audience.

21. Ahrefs

Feeling lost in the ever-evolving SEO landscape? Ahrefs offers a variety of tools to help users improve their website traffic. Some of the features include competitor analysis, keyword research, and content exploration. Users can also track their ranking progress over time.

seo ai tools for startups 2024

Key Features:

  • Competitive keyword monitoring: Track your ranking performance not just for your own keywords, but also for those your competitors are targeting.
  • Rank tracking alerts: Receive instant notifications when your ranking position for a specific keyword changes, allowing you to react quickly and adjust your SEO strategy as needed.
  • Historical ranking data: Analyze historical ranking data to identify trends and see how your SEO efforts are paying off over time.
  • AI-powered ranking insights: Leverage AI to gain insights into the factors influencing your ranking position, allowing you to optimize your content and website structure for better search engine visibility.

Pricing: Ahrefs offers tiered plans based on features and the number of tracked domains. Pricing starts at around $99/month.

Why Use It? Stop flying blind with your SEO strategy. Ahrefs Rank Tracker empowers you to track your ranking performance, monitor your competitors, and gain valuable insights that propel your website to the top of SERPs.

22. Surfer SEO

Climbing the search engine rankings can feel like scaling Mount Everest. Surfer SEO injects a dose of AI magic, providing data-driven insights and content suggestions to optimize your website for search engines and attract organic traffic.

Surfer SEO

Key Features:

  • Competitive analysis: Uncover the keywords and content strategies your competitors are using, helping you identify opportunities to outrank them in search results.
  • Topic and content suggestions: Surfer SEO analyzes your target keywords and suggests relevant topics, subheadings, and internal linking strategies to optimize your content.
  • On-page SEO scoring: Get real-time feedback on your on-page SEO optimization, ensuring your content is well-structured and relevant to your target keywords.
  • Content audit reports: Identify areas for improvement in your existing content, helping you optimize your website for better search engine visibility.

Pricing: Surfer SEO offers tiered plans based on features and the number of tracked domains. Pricing starts at around $63/month.

Why Use It? Stop throwing spaghetti at the SEO wall and hoping something sticks. Surfer SEO equips you with the data and insights you need to create content that ranks high in search results, driving organic traffic and growing your startup’s online presence.

23. Planful

Financial forecasting can be a nerve-wracking exercise, especially for early-stage startups. Planful injects a dose of AI magic into the equation, providing intelligent forecasting and scenario planning tools to help you navigate the financial future with confidence.

financial ai tools for startups 2024

Key Features:

  • AI-powered financial forecasting: Leverage AI algorithms to generate accurate financial forecasts based on historical data, market trends, and your business goals.
  • Scenario planning: Run “what-if” scenarios to see how changes in the market, funding, or pricing might impact your financial future.
  • Real-time collaboration: Collaborate with your team on financial planning and forecasting in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Automatic data updates: Connect Planful to your accounting software and other financial systems for automatic data updates, keeping your forecasts current.

Pricing: Planful offers custom pricing plans based on the size and needs of your business.

Why Use It? Stop flying blind when it comes to your financial future. Planful empowers you to make data-driven financial decisions, anticipate potential challenges, and create a solid financial roadmap for your startup’s success.

24. Brand24

Brand monitoring used to be a manual, time-consuming process. Brand24, a social listening platform with AI muscle, automates the process, helping you discover brand mentions, track sentiment, and identify potential brand advocates.


Key Features:

  • Real-time brand monitoring: Track mentions of your brand across social media, news outlets, and online forums, ensuring you never miss a conversation.
  • Influencer identification: Uncover potential brand advocates and influencers within your target audience, allowing you to build meaningful relationships and leverage their reach.
  • Sentiment analysis: Understand the overall sentiment surrounding your brand, enabling you to address negative feedback promptly and capitalize on positive mentions.
  • Crisis management: Respond to potential PR crises quickly and effectively with Brand24’s alert system and sentiment tracking features.

Pricing: Brand24 offers tiered plans based on the number of monitored keywords, social media channels, and features required. Pricing starts at around $49/month.

Why Use It? Stop flying blind when it comes to your brand reputation. Brand24 empowers you to stay on top of online conversations, nurture brand advocates, and address any potential issues before they snowball.

25. Chart AI

Data is powerful, but it can also be a confusing mess of numbers and charts. Storytelling with Chart AI breathes life into your data, transforming it into compelling narratives that resonate with your audience.

ai tools for startups small business 2024

Key Features:

  • Automated data visualization: Chart AI automatically generates different data visualization formats like charts, graphs, and infographics based on your data set.
  • Data storytelling templates: Leverage pre-built templates designed specifically for storytelling with data, ensuring your visualizations are clear and impactful.
  • AI-powered narrative suggestions: Get help crafting compelling narratives around your data, highlighting key insights and trends in a clear and concise way.
  • Interactive data visualizations: Create interactive visualizations that allow viewers to explore your data and draw their own conclusions.

Pricing: Chart AI completely free to use.

Why Use It? Stop drowning your audience in a sea of data. Storytelling with Chart AI empowers you to transform dry data points into captivating narratives that engage your audience, communicate insights effectively, and drive results.

26. Mockplus

Struggling to translate vague ideas into clear prototypes? Mockplus is a prototyping platform that allows users to design, prototype and collaborate on projects. It includes features like UI/UX libraries, animations and the ability to import from other prototyping software.


Key Features:

  • Smart mockup generation: Describe your design concept in text, and Mockplus AI will automatically generate a basic mockup, jumpstarting the design process.
  • AI-powered UI component suggestions: Based on your initial design elements, Mockplus AI suggests additional UI components that might be relevant, ensuring a comprehensive and user-friendly interface.
  • Interactive prototype creation: Easily create interactive prototypes with features like user flows and clickable elements, allowing you to test and refine your design before development begins.
  • Real-time collaboration: Collaborate with your team on prototypes in real-time, fostering communication and streamlining design iterations.

Pricing: The free plan allows for 3 prototypes with 10 pages per prototype. Paid plans starts at $29/month and offers unlimited prototypes/pages.

Why Use It: Stop getting stuck in the early design stages. Mockplus empowers you to generate mockups quickly, experiment with different design concepts, and create interactive prototypes that validate your ideas before investing time and resources in development.

27. DALL-E 2

Imagine having a personal design genie at your beck and call. DALL-E 2, a powerful AI image generation tool from OpenAI, brings that dream to life. Simply describe your vision in text, and DALL-E 2 will create stunning and original images that perfectly capture your concept.


Key Features:

  • Limitless creativity: Transform any idea, no matter how outlandish, into a visually captivating image.
  • Photorealistic results: Generate images that look so real, you’ll have to do a double-take.
  • Multiple image variations: Get a range of options to choose from, ensuring you find the perfect visual for your needs.
  • Customization options: Refine your images by providing additional details or modifying existing elements.

Pricing: Currently, DALL-E 2 operates on a waitlist system with limited access. However, keep an eye out for potential future pricing models.

Why Use It? DALL-E 2 eliminates the need for expensive design software or freelance graphic designers. Create stunning visuals for your website, marketing materials, and social media posts, all within your budget.

28. Metabase

Feeling overwhelmed by your data lake but unsure where to dive in? Metabase acts as your AI-powered scuba gear, helping you explore and analyze your data with ease, even if you’re not a data scientist.


Key Features:

  • Automated data visualization: Metabase takes your raw data and transforms it into beautiful and informative charts and graphs, making it easy to identify trends and patterns.
  • Natural language querying: Ask questions about your data in plain English, no need to write complex SQL queries. Metabase translates your questions and delivers insightful answers.
  • Collaborative data exploration: Share insights and collaborate with your team on data analysis, fostering a data-driven culture within your startup.
  • Embedded analytics: Integrate Metabase dashboards directly into your website or app, allowing users to explore relevant data without leaving the platform.

Pricing: If you plan to self-host, then Metabase offers a free plan with limited features, along with paid plans starting at $500/month + $10/month per user.

And if you seek a cloud hosting, then there’s no free plan by Metabase. However, paid plans start at $85/month with $5/month per user.

Why Use It? Stop letting your data sit dormant! Metabase empowers you to unlock the hidden potential within your data, gain valuable insights, and make data-driven decisions that propel your startup forward.

ai tools for startups 2024
Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System on Unsplash

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are AI tools for small business expensive?

The beauty of AI tools for startups is the variety of options available. Many tools offer freemium plans or affordable pricing tiers, making them accessible for startups of all sizes.

Q: Is it safe to rely on AI for creative tasks?

AI is a powerful tool, but it shouldn’t replace human creativity entirely. Think of AI as a collaborator, helping you overcome writer’s block or generate new ideas to spark your creative fire.

Q: What skills do I need to use AI tools for startups effectively?

Most AI tools are designed to be user-friendly, even for those without extensive technical knowledge. However, a basic understanding of your goals and the type of data you’re working with will help you choose the right AI tool and leverage its capabilities effectively.

Q: What are some of the biggest benefits of using AI tools for startups?

AI tools can offer several benefits for startups, including:

  • Increased productivity by automating repetitive tasks
  • Improved data analysis and decision-making
  • Enhanced customer service and marketing efforts
  • Reduced costs by automating tasks and potentially decreasing human error

Q: I’m worried about AI making biased decisions. How can I avoid this?

Be mindful of the data you feed into your AI tools for startups. As you have limited resources, providing biased data can lead to biased outputs. Choose AI tools that offer transparency on their training data and algorithms. Additionally, it’s important to monitor the results of AI-driven decisions and be prepared to intervene if necessary.

Q: Can I use the same AI tools that large agencies use?

Absolutely! Many of the AI tools mentioned in this article are designed to be accessible and user-friendly for businesses of all sizes, including agencies. Whether you’re trying to grow agency business or have an existing agency tech stack, many of the discussed startup AI tools can help you further streamline.


The days of bootstrapping your startup and small businesses solely on hustle are fading. AI tools for startups are democratizing access to cutting-edge technology, empowering even the leanest startups to compete with the big boys.

So, embrace the power of AI! These AI tools for startups can become an extension of your team, automating mundane tasks, fueling creative endeavors, and helping you gain valuable customer insights. Remember, in the fast-paced world of startups, those who leverage innovation win the race. So, don’t be afraid to experiment with these AI tools for startups and small businesses to scale your success.

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