Synthesia vs Potion — Which is Better For Sales

Potion vs — Which Video Outreach Tool is Right for You?

Learn With Whiteboard
8 min readJun 18, 2024
Synthesia vs Potion comparison

In the competitive realm of sales, standing out from the crowd can feel like a magic trick. Forget smoke and mirrors, though — the secret weapon you need is the power of AI video outreach. But with so many video messaging tools at your disposal, choosing the right one can be a daunting task.

However, when it comes to video personalization, two leading contenders rise above the rest: Synthesia and Potion. Both promise to transform your video outreach, but which one should you choose? Buckle up, because we’re diving into an in-depth comparison to help you pick the perfect software for your sales team.

We’ll dissect their strengths and weaknesses across eight rounds. Analyzing everything from content creation to integration, futureproofing, and more. By the end of this epic duel, you’ll be equipped to make an informed decision. So, let’s get started!

Synthesia vs Potion For Sales: A One-To-One Comparison For Sales Teams

Round 1: Content Creation

Synthesia: This AI sales software boasts a wide array of pre-built video templates featuring a diverse cast of avatars. Simply choose your character, type your script, and breathes life into your pitch with realistic lip-syncing and body language. It’s fast, efficient, and lets you experiment with different styles and tones. But hold on, is it too good to be true? Synthesia’s strength lies in its ease of use, but the pre-built templates can sometimes feel a bit generic.

Potion: Here, you take full control of your pitch, so to speak. Potion allows you to record your own videos directly on their platform. This gives you complete creative freedom — you can showcase your personality, add custom backgrounds and graphics, and tailor the video to each prospect. However, creating personalized videos for sales from scratch can be time-consuming, especially for high-volume sales teams.

Potion videos

Verdict: While Synthesia wins in ease of use, Potion takes the crown for personalization.

Round 2: Targeting & Delivery

Synthesia: Once your video is done, Synthesia allows you to schedule email campaigns with personalized greetings and thumbnails. Integrations with popular CRM platforms are available, making it easier to target specific segments of your audience. While convenient, Synthesia’s targeting options are fairly basic.

synthesia vs potion for sales teams
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Potion: It takes a more data-driven approach. You can upload your prospect lists and leverage their smart targeting features to segment based on demographics, firmographics, and website behavior. This allows for highly personalized outreach that resonates deeply with each recipient. But remember, great power requires great responsibility — setting up targeted campaigns in Potion can require a bit more technical know-how.

Verdict: While Potion excels in targeting granularity, Synthesia leads in user-friendliness for targeting.

Round 3: Analytics & Reporting

Synthesia: It provides basic analytics on email open rates, CTR, and video playbacks. While helpful, these metrics don’t offer much insight into the impact on your sales funnel. Did those clicks translate into demos or meetings? leaves you wanting more.

potion vs synthesia for sales
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Potion: It offers a much better approach. You can track all the basic engagement metrics, and even see how long viewers see on your pitch. This small edge into engagement allows you to refine your video strategy and optimize your outreach for maximum impact. But beware — deciphering this can be overwhelming for beginners.

Verdict: Potion unlocks more detailed metrics, actionable insights, while Synthesia keeps things simple and basic.

Round 4: Team Features & Integrations

Synthesia: Geared towards individual creators, Synthesia’s team features are a bit like a one-person arrangement. You can share video templates and scripts with colleagues, but functionalities for collaborative editing or real-time project management are limited. Integrations with popular design tools like Canva are available, allowing you to add custom visuals to your pre-built templates.

Potion: It gives you space for collaboration. Team members can be assigned roles and permissions, allowing for collaborative video creation and real-time re-recording/editing. Feedback can be easily incorporated, making it easy to refine your video pitches before they reach prospects. Additionally, Potion integrates seamlessly with popular sales engagement platforms and CRMs like SAP and Salesloft. Thus, streamlining your outreach workflow.

Verdict: Potion enhances teamwork with its collaborative workflow, while Synthesia simplifies tasks for solo sales superstars.

Round 5: Pricing & Value

Synthesia: It offers a tiered pricing structure based on the number minutes of videos you can create per year, with basic plan starting at $22/month. Pricing does start at a reasonable rate for individual users, but scales quickly for larger sales teams. Keep an eye out for additional costs associated with premium avatar options and advanced analytics.

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Potion: It offers a free plan with paid plans starting at $99/month per user. It also adopts a custom quote approach, tailoring their pricing based on your team size, video volume, and desired features. This can be a good fit for large teams with complex needs, but might feel like a black box for budget-conscious startups. Be sure to get a clear breakdown of costs before diving in.

Verdict: Synthesia provides clear pricing for individual users, while Potion scales to accommodate large sales teams with a much better price tag.

Round 6: Customer Support & Ease of Use

Synthesia: It boasts a user-friendly interface and a well-stocked library of helpful tutorials. Their customer support team is readily available via chat and email, offering prompt assistance with any brewing mishaps. vs sendpotion comparison
Photo by Tim van der Kuip on Unsplash

Potion: It’s user interface requires a slightly steeper learning curve, especially for those unfamiliar with video creation tools. However, they compensate with comprehensive video tutorials and a dedicated customer success team who can help you navigate the platform’s more advanced features.

Verdict: Synthesia offers a straightforward approach for video newbies. With Potion, you might need to go through a small learning curve, to unlock its full potential.

Round 7: Security & Privacy

Synthesia: While it takes data security seriously, some users raise concerns about the potential misuse of AI-generated video technology, particularly regarding deepfakes. It’s crucial to use Synthesia’s tools ethically and disclose the use of AI-powered avatars in your videos.

Potion: It focuses on user-recorded videos, eliminating the deepfake debate. However, the platform also follows best-in-class security practices. Potion is SOC 2 Type 1 compliant, with its products and infrastructure audited by an independent third-party auditor. Further, credit card data securely handled by Stripe on PCI-compliant servers with no storage on our servers. The data is hosted and served by AWS, which is compliant with SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, ISO 27001, and HIPAA standards.

Verdict: Both platforms emphasize responsible use and transparent audience communication, with Potion potentially enhancing authenticity through user-recorded videos.

Photo by Philipp Katzenberger on Unsplash

Round 8: Ongoing Development & Innovation

Synthesia: The innovation keeps bubbling at They’re constantly expanding their library of pre-built templates, adding new avatar options, and refining their AI-powered lip-syncing technology.

Potion: It prioritizes user feedback and is actively developing new features to enhance collaboration, analytics, and integrations. They’re also exploring the potential of AI-powered video editing tools within the platform.

Verdict: Both platforms are committed to continuous improvement, staying ahead of the video outreach curve, and will unveil exciting new features soon.

Remember, the best sales video tool is the one that empowers you to create compelling, engaging content that resonates with your audience.

potion vs synthesia comparison
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use Synthesia and Potion together?

Absolutely! You can leverage Synthesia’s pre-built templates for quick turnaround videos and utilize Potion for highly personalized pitches to key leads.

Q: Can I download the videos I create with Synthesia or Potion?

Absolutely! Both platforms allow you to download your finished video creations in various formats for easy sharing across different channels.

Q: Is there a learning curve involved in using Synthesia or Potion?

Synthesia boasts a user-friendly interface that’s perfect for beginners. Potion requires a bit more investment in terms of learning curve, especially for features like video personalization and Zapier integration. However, they do offer tutorials and support to help you navigate the platform’s full potential.

Q: What about integrating Synthesia or Potion with my existing sales tools?

This depends on the specific tool you’re using. Both platforms offer integrations with popular CRM and sales engagement platforms, but it’s always best to check their website or contact their support team for the latest compatibility information.

Q: This is all great, but which platform should I choose?

The best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities. Consider the following:

  • Your comfort level with video creation
  • Your team size and workflow
  • Your budget
  • Your target audience

Ultimately, the best way to choose is to explore both platforms. Both offer free trials, so take advantage of those to get a feel for their features and see which one better suits your needs!


So, who wins the Synthesia vs Potion battle? Well, it’s a tie! Each platform excels in different areas. Just like any good recipe, the decision depends on your specific needs and ingredients. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you choose your champion:

Here’s a cheat sheet to help you decide:

Choose Synthesia if:

  • You prioritize speed and ease of use.
  • You need a diverse range of pre-built video templates.
  • You’re a beginner or short on time.

Choose Potion if:

  • You value a simple and easy to use dynamic video creation for your email outreach system.
  • Personalization and creative control are your top priorities.
  • Your sales funnel thrives on data-driven, targeted outreach.
  • You crave detailed video engagement analytics to refine your strategy.
  • You’re on a tight budget (for consistent video production).

Ultimately, both Synthesia and Potion are powerful tools that can elevate your sales game. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, you can choose the potion that best fits your team’s needs.

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