Hello! I’m Leese

Welcome to my profile — October 2021

Leese Wright
2 min readOct 26, 2021

Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m Leese. Well, I’m actually Lisa, but I only use that at my day job — outside of work, I’m always Leese.

Photo by author.

A little bit about me
I’m a football (soccer) mad 34-year-old from the Manchester area of England. I support Liverpool, which makes for a lot of fun where I’m from, and I play as a goalkeeper for a women’s team. I’m also a huge fan of professional wrestling. Make of that what you will, but it’s an art form that relies heavily on storytelling… which is another of my hobbies! Aside from working a full-time job, playing football, and writing in my spare time, I’m also in my second year of studying towards a Bachelor's degree in Criminology & Psychology. I have a pretty full schedule, yet I’m still somehow a master procrastinator.

My best work
I’ve only been on Medium for a short time, but here are some of my flash fiction stories I’m rather proud of:

Street Sweeper (Noir)
Chinese Whispers (Smalltown mystery)
Extinguished (Noir)
When the Sun Flickers (first attempt at Fantasy)
The Chosen Few (Apocalyptic)

