Solar Financing: How To Pay For Solar Panels in Denver, Colorado

Leslie Larosa
10 min readJan 25, 2024


Ignite your residential horizon with the power of the sun and slash your energy bills dramatically! As Denver, Colorado beckons a greener future, the surge in solar energy harnessing is both a savvy economic move and a valiant environmental pledge. In Denver’s dynamic climate — where the sun plays master painter with over 300 days of brushstrokes across the vast, blue canvas — the potential savings from solar panel installations are not just substantial; they’re a gold mine of green dividends!

This article serves as a beacon to guide the eco-conscious and cost-savvy Denverite through the labyrinth of solar financing. We’ll solar-power your fiscal plans, elucidating the glowing incentives, tax credits, and sunny rebates specific to Colorado’s laws and regulations that make going solar not just an ecological statement, but a financially astute one. With an emphasis on the mile-high city’s unique position to capitalize on solar investment, let’s illuminate the path to paying for solar panels in Denver, showcasing how these glittering grids aren’t just for the affluent but accessible through a spectrum of financing options. Prepare to energize your domicile with the solar savvy contained herein, and watch your energy expenditures plunge like Colorado’s own Great Sand Dunes at sunset!

Get Solar Quote in Denver

Navigating the labyrinth of solar installation in the burgeoning eco-conscious landscape of Denver, Colorado, necessitates a keen eye for detail and a fingertip on the pulse of the state’s solar incentives and dynamic weather patterns. A personalized solar quote is not just a formality; it’s an imperative roadmap, demystifying the variable sunlight hours, tailoring to the unique snow-load requirements, and capitalizing on local rebates like the Denver Green Building Ordinance for renewable energy systems, ensuring you bolster your return on investment. To get the ball rolling, begin by aggregating your electric bills to determine your annual consumption — knowledge is power, quite literally, in the solar industry.

With this in hand, approach certified local solar installers for a site visit to scrutinize the azimuth of your rooftop, shading concerns, and ascertain any homeowners’ association compliance. As Solar Power Systems, we’ve sieved through the data heaps, tapping into real-time market analytics, and customer satisfaction reports. We provide an incisive comparison of top-tier solar installers in Denver, all scientifically vetted against industry benchmarks, ensuring your shift to solar is not a shot in the dark but a beacon of tailored sustainability.

Understanding Solar Economics in Denver

Basking under an exuberant Colorado sun, Denver emerges as a preeminent solar colossus with its approximately 245 days of sunshine per year powering a photovoltaic paradise. This sun-drenched utopia not only offers an opportune climate for the proliferation of solar panels but also acts as a haven for solar economics, emphatically influenced by the state’s trailblazing policies and incentives. Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard requires utilities to procure a portion of their power from renewable sources, a mandate that serendipitously benefits the deployers of residential solar arrays. Speaking of incentives that amplify the allure of solar investment, residents of The Mile-High City can capitalize on the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which, in its benevolent offering, allows them to deduct a significant percentage of solar installation costs from federal taxation, interweaving an unrivaled fiscal incentive into the fabric of solar economics. At the local level, Denver’s own performance-based incentives, like net metering, tilt the scales of cost-benefit analysis, ensuring homeowners receive credit for excess electricity their solar sanctuaries inject back into the grid, thereby reducing overall electricity bills. The piquant blend of these factors, meshed with technological advancements driving down installation costs, places Denver at the forefront of solar economic feasibility, punctuating the narrative that in Colorado’s bustling capital, the future of energy is as bright as the unbridled sun.

Calculating the Cost of Solar Panel Installation in Denver

In the luminescent altitude of Denver, Colorado, the calculation of solar panel installation intertwines with a kaleidoscopic array of factors that go beyond the mere cost of equipment. Denverites must navigate the pecuniary maze of photovoltaic modules, inverters, and balance-of-system components that compose the hardware investment, a cost layered intricately with labor charges for skilled installation artisans, who ensure each setup is a paragon of efficiency amidst the Mile High City’s capricious weather. Furthermore, local permit fees and inspections manifested by municipal regulations infuse additional financial hues into the overall spectrum of expenditure.

In comparison to other regions, Denver’s average solar installation cost fluctuates between $3.00 to $3.50 per watt, which lands with feather-like softness on the national cost canvas — often stretching up to $4.00 per watt. This regional cost benevolence springs from Colorado’s sun-drenched climate, fostering a competitive solar market imbued with state incentives and rebates that defray the initial fiscal outlay. The solar investment in Denver, encapsulated by its 300 days of sunshine, robust solar penetration, and government encouragement, positions itself as an economical forerunner, shining its cost-effective rays onto homeowners ready to embrace the renewable renaissance.

Return on Investment (ROI) and Payback Period

When calculating the ROI for a typical solar panel installation in Denver, Colorado, one must consider the synergistic dynamics of Colorado’s solar incentives, the state’s net metering policies, and the abundant sunshine the state enjoys, averaging around 300 days of sunshine per year. A standard solar system in Denver can cost between $15,000 to $25,000 pre-incentives. With the Colorado Energy Office advocating for renewable energy, homeowners can leverage tax credits such as the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which currently allows them to deduct 26% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from their federal taxes. Additionally, Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard (RES) provides a favorable backdrop for solar investments, mandating utilities to offer rebates and performance-based incentives for solar energy generation.

The payback period in Denver typically ranges between 9 to 13 years, depending on factors like system size, energy consumption, and installation costs. Moreover, Colorado’s net metering policy allows solar system owners to receive credits on their utility bills for the excess energy their system sends back to the grid, enhancing the economic benefit and reducing the payback period. The climate itself, characterized by high-altitude sun and cool temperatures, is optimal for solar panels, which operate more efficiently under such conditions. Electricity rates in Denver are on the rise, which implies that investing in solar locks in lower electricity costs in the long term, contributing positively to the overall ROI. This financial landscape, exacerbated by increasing utility prices and environmental consciousness, spotlights solar as an investment that promises not just clean energy, but also palpable financial rewards for the people of Denver.

Quantifying Savings from Solar Panels

Denver’s soaring skyline isn’t just a testament to its urban growth; it’s also increasingly becoming a silhouette punctuated by the sleek sheen of solar panels harnessing the Mile High City’s over 300 days of sunshine. The average energy usage in a Denver household can take a significant dip when solar panels enter the equation, delivering a powerful punch to high energy expenses. Typically, homeowners can expect to shave off substantial amounts from their bills; we’re talking a monthly savings dance to the tune of $100-$150, which spirals into an annual symphony of around $1,200-$1,800 in cost avoidance, echoing the potential of solar investments.

Serving as the icing on the photovoltaic cake, net metering in Denver tips the scales further in favor of consumers. When your solar system produces more power than needed, this surplus shoots back into the grid, earning you credit that defrays future bills. It’s like having a rollover plan for sunlight! Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard also nudifies the deal with rebates and performance-based incentives, which can include sales and property tax exemptions for solar systems, thus boosting the state’s green repertoire while lining the pockets of eco-savvy residents. Together, these incentives ensure your switch to solar is a wallet-whispering, Earth-hugging move that makes both financial and environmental sense.

Long-Term Financial Benefits

In the sun-soaked expanse of Denver, Colorado, homeowners who pivot to photovoltaic systems are not just harnessing the high-altitude sunshine, but are also tapping into significant long-term financial benefits. Through a combination of federal tax incentives, state rebates, and the Xcel Energy Solar*Rewards program, residents of Denver can drastically reduce the upfront costs of solar installations. Over time, these solar arrays chip away at electricity bills, funneling what would be monthly expenses into more lucrative investments or savings. With Denver’s 300 days of sunshine per year offering an abundant energy source, the ROI for solar panels outperforms many traditional investments. Furthermore, solar installations have been shown to surge property values in Denver’s already hot real estate market. A study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory substantiates that homes outfitted with solar panels fetch a premium compared to those without, making solar investments doubly golden under the Colorado sun — both energizing homes and fortifying financial futures.

Potential Risks and Considerations

Stepping into the luminescent world of solar energy adoption in the thriving eco-conscious hubbub of Denver, Colorado, and its climatically kindred townships comes with a litany of considerations, radiant with potential yet shaded with certain risks. The mile-high elevation, while a succor for sun-seeking photovoltaic (PV) cells, doesn’t immunize against the pitfalls of maintenance costs that can climb as steeply as the Rockies themselves. Seasonal snowfalls canvasing the solar arrays necessitate a clear-off cadence, lest the snow blanket smothers the sun’s kiss. Additionally, the relentless march of technology promises more efficient solar solutions at every horizon, casting a shadow of obsolescence over today’s installations. To eclipse these risks, homeowners should harness the power of extended warranties and engage with solar providers offering robust maintenance plans. Furthermore, to sidestep the specter of obsolescence, savvy solar adopters would be wise to consult hyper-current market trends and pivot towards modular, upgradable solar systems that promise easy adaptation to the ever-evolving solar tech landscape. Each panel, in essence, becomes a tessera in the grand mosaic of Denver’s renewable energy future, warranting a discerning eye for longevity and adaptability.

Success Stories and Case Studies

Denver, the Mile High City, has been soaring to remarkable altitudes not just in its elevation but also in its solar energy triumphs. Take, for instance, the electrifying story of the Denver International Airport (DIA), a solar powerhouse with its sprawling arrays capable of generating a staggering 10 megawatts of solar power. DIA’s solar ventures blaze bright, rendering it one of the greenest airports globally, projecting energy cost savings into the millions. On a more residential scale, Denver communities have harnessed Colorado’s 300 days of sunshine with gusto. Neighborhoods like Stapleton have witnessed a solar surge, with homeowners riding the renewable wave, yielding annual savings of up to $650 in energy costs. Furthermore, Denver’s dynamic policies, such as the Xcel Energy Solar*Rewards program and the city’s own solar tax exemptions, enhance the fiscal allure of switching to solar. These anecdotes of solar success underscore Denver’s commitment to renewable energy — a city not just at high altitude, but with high ambitions for sustainability.


Embracing solar energy in Denver, Colorado, isn’t just a stride toward a greener planet — it’s a savvy financial move with an effervescent return on investment. The sun-kissed city is a prime candidate for solar panel installations, with Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard compelling utilities to pivot towards renewable sources. But how does one traverse the financial terrain to harness these celestial savings? Denverites have a cornucopia of solar financing options at their fingertips: from solar loans that make going solar a zero-down affair to solar leases and power purchase agreements (PPAs) that offer the perks of solar without the responsibilities of ownership. Even more compelling, the state’s net metering policy allows Coloradoans to get credit for excess power their systems generate, essentially turning their meters into fiscal fountains. With federal tax incentives reducing installation costs significantly — coupled with state-specific rebates and incentives — Denver residents can watch their electricity bills plummet as their property values ascend to lofty new heights. So, as the sun dominates the Denver sky, it’s imperative to seize this radiant opportunity to bask in both the economic and ecological glow solar panels provide.

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Leslie Larosa

I am a writer, weaving words into captivating articles. My mastery of this craft allows me to paint vivid pictures and inspire minds.