SWE.6 Software Qualification Test 軟體合格測試

ASPICE 標準解讀 — 軟體工程流程

David Lin 顧問筆記
3 min readApr 8, 2020


流程目的(Process Purpose)

The purpose of the Software Qualification Test Process is to ensure that the integrated software is tested to provide evidence for compliance with the software requirements.


流程結果(Process Outcome)


[Outcome 1]制定一個與專案計畫書和發佈計畫書保持一致性的軟體合格測試策略(包含回歸測試策略),並據此來測試已整合的軟體
[Outcome 2]根據軟體合格測試策略制定軟體合格測試規格書,該測試規格書適用於提供相符於軟體需求的證據
[Outcome 3]根據軟體合格測試策略和發佈計畫書,在軟體合格測試規格書中挑選測試案例
[Outcome 4]使用所挑選的測試案例去測試已整合的軟體,並記錄測試結果
[Outcome 5]建立軟體需求(軟體需求規格書)與測試案例(軟體合格測試規格書)的一致性與雙向可追溯性; 建立測試案例(軟體合格測試規格書)與軟體合格測試結果的雙向可追溯性
[Outcome 6]總結軟體合格測試結果並與相關單位溝通

基礎實踐(Base Practices)

SWE.6.BP1: Develop software qualification test strategy including regression test strategy.
SWE.6.BP1: 制定軟體合格測試策略包含回歸測試策略
[Outcome 1]

Develop a strategy for software qualification testing consistent with the project plan and the release plan. This includes a regression test strategy for re-testing the integrated software if a software item is changed.


SWE.6.BP2: Develop specification for software qualification test.
SWE.6.BP2: 制定軟體合格測試規格書
[Outcome 2]

Develop the specification for software qualification test including test cases based on the verification criteria, according to the software test strategy. The test specification shall be suitable to provide evidence for compliance of the integrated software with the software requirements.


SWE.6.BP3: Select test cases.
SWE.6.BP3: 選擇測試案例
[Outcome 3]

Select test cases from the software test specification. The selection of test cases shall have sufficient coverage according to the software test strategy and the release plan.


SWE.6.BP4: Test integrated software.
SWE.6.BP4: 測試已整合的軟體
[Outcome 4]

Test the integrated software using the selected test cases. Record the software test results and logs.


NOTE 1: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances.

註1: 有關不符合項目的處理,請參見SUP.9。

SWE.6.BP5: Establish bidirectional traceability.
SWE.6.BP5: 建立雙向追溯性
[Outcome 5]

Establish bidirectional traceability between software requirements and test cases included in the software qualification test specification. Establish bidirectional traceability between test cases included in the software qualification test specification and software qualification test results.


NOTE 2: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact analysis.

備註2: 雙向追溯性支援覆蓋性、一致性和影響分析。

SWE.6.BP6: Ensure consistency.
SWE.6.BP6: 確保一致性
[Outcome 5]

Ensure consistency between software requirements and test cases included in the software qualification test specification.


NOTE 3: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be demonstrated by review records.

備註3: 一致性可以透過雙向追溯性來支持,且可以透過審查紀錄來體現。

SWE.6.BP7: Summarize and communicate results.
SWE.6.BP7: 總結和溝通測試結果
[Outcome 6]

Summarize the software qualification test results and communicate them to all affected parties.


NOTE 4: Providing all necessary information from the test case execution in a summary enables other parties to judge the consequences.

備註4: 統整並提供測試案例執行的所有必要資訊將能讓其他單位判斷結果。

工作產出(Output Work product)

08–50 測試規格書 [Outcome 2,3]
08-52 測試計劃書 [Outcome 1]
13-04 溝通紀錄 [Outcome 6]
13-19 審查記錄 [Outcome 5]
13-22 追溯記錄 [Outcome 5]
13-50 測試結果[Outcome 4,6]


if you found any question in the article, please feel free to contact me.

email: linchewing@gmail.com



David Lin 顧問筆記
