The Ultimate Guide to Blockchain Infrastructure Providers

13 min readApr 19, 2024


In an era where the distinction between “internet” and “non-internet” companies has blurred, blockchain technology emerges as the next frontier of innovation, reshaping the foundation of digital and traditional businesses.

This transformative technology promises to unlock trillions in illiquid assets and offers a novel approach to how companies engage with their customers, far beyond the conventional advertising-driven models.

With the stakes higher than ever, selecting the right blockchain infrastructure partner is not merely a strategic move but a necessity for businesses poised for future relevance. This guide aims to provide an exhaustive overview of blockchain infrastructure providers, emphasising their critical role in shaping the future of decentralised applications (dApps) and services.

Among the options available, we will highlight the services of Liquify, a leading entity in the blockchain infrastructure domain, to illustrate how businesses can leverage such platforms for growth and efficiency.

Key Insights:

  • Blockchain Infrastructure Providers are essential for managing blockchain applications offering services such as node operation, smart contract development, and decentralised storage, which allow businesses to innovate without handling the tech directly.
  • Their services include processing transactions, maintaining blockchain ledgers, and providing secure storage and Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) for hassle-free application deployment.
  • When choosing a provider, consider their system compatibility, ability to scale, security protocols, support quality, reliability, and familiarity with Web3 technologies.
  • Liquify offers various services, including Infrastructure as a Service, Staking Dashboards and Monitoring Solutions, and Ecosystem Development.


  • Understanding Blockchain Infrastructure Providers
  • Types of Blockchain Infrastructure Services
    - Node Services
    - Smart Contract Development Platforms
    - Decentralised Storage
    - Wallets and Custody Solutions
    - Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)
  • Choosing the Right Blockchain Infrastructure Provider
    - Compatibility
    - Scalability
    - Security
    - Support and Maintenance
    - Reputation and Reliability
    - Understanding of Web3 Innovations
  • Spotlight on Liquify
    Success Stories
  • The Road Ahead for Blockchain Infrastructure
  • Blockchain Infrastructure FAQs

Understanding Blockchain Infrastructure Providers

Blockchain infrastructure providers offer the backbone for deploying and managing blockchain-based applications and systems. These providers furnish essential components like node operation, smart contract development, and decentralised storage solutions, enabling businesses and developers to focus on creating innovative services without needing to manage the underlying technology directly.

These services range from Remote Procedure Call (RPC) node providers facilitating direct interaction with the blockchain to Wallets-as-a-Service (WaaS), enabling secure digital asset management. Each provider category plays a vital role in the blockchain landscape, addressing specific needs within the Web3 development stack.

Types of Blockchain Infrastructure Services

Blockchain infrastructure encompasses many services, each addressing specific needs within the blockchain ecosystem. These services facilitate the operation and development of blockchain applications and ensure scalability, security, and efficiency. Below, we explore these services in greater detail and highlight those offered by Liquify:

1. Node Services

Node services are critical for the functioning of blockchain networks, acting as the communication points that process and validate transactions. Nodes maintain a copy of the entire blockchain ledger, ensuring transparency and integrity within the network.


  • Infura: Provides scalable access to Ethereum and IPFS networks, enabling developers to deploy and run their dApps without the overhead of running their nodes.

Infura also spearheads the Decentralized Infrastructure Network (DIN) initiative by incorporating failover protection on Arbitrum to improve network reliability during outages. As an RPC partner, Liquify manages fallback traffic to ensure continuous service throughout such disruptions.

  • Alchemy offers a suite of tools and services that simplify the development of blockchain applications. It has robust support for Ethereum, Polygon, and other leading networks.

Liquify offers a robust suite of node services as part of its Infrastructure as a Service for blockchain networks, ensuring secure, fast, and reliable performance for various blockchain applications across 60+ networks:

  1. Validators: Liquify operates validator nodes, essential for maintaining blockchain consensus and network integrity. Their extensive experience with Proof-of-Stake systems underpins their ability to manage these nodes efficiently and securely.
  2. RPC Nodes: Liquify provides both public and private Remote Procedure Call (RPC) nodes, facilitating the communication between blockchain networks and external applications. This service includes free options and is designed to enhance network accessibility and functionality.
  3. Relayers and Snapshots: These services are part of Liquify’s comprehensive infrastructure support, allowing for efficient data relay between blockchains and quick recovery from network snapshots if needed.
  4. Archival Nodes: As part of its broader range of services, Liquify also manages archival nodes, which store the complete history of blockchain transactions, providing an essential resource for data analysis and auditability.

2. Smart Contract Development Platforms

Smart contracts automate the execution of agreements and transactions on the blockchain without intermediaries. Development platforms provide the tools and environments necessary for writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts.


  • Remix: An open-source platform for Ethereum smart contract development, Remix is widely used for its simplicity and comprehensive suite of development tools.
  • Truffle Suite: Offers a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for blockchain applications, making it easier to build on networks like Ethereum, Quorum, and others.

3. Decentralised Storage

Decentralised storage solutions offer secure, distributed options for storing data across multiple locations, enhancing data integrity and reducing reliance on centralised data centres.


  • IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): A protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system, IPFS makes the web more open and resilient.
  • Filecoin: Built on IPFS, Filecoin is a decentralised storage network that allows users to rent out their spare storage space, creating an efficient and secure marketplace for data storage.

4. Wallets and Custody Solutions

These services provide secure management of digital assets, enabling the storage, transfer, and management of cryptocurrencies and tokens.


  • Metamask: A crypto wallet and gateway to blockchain apps, Metamask enables users to interact easily with the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Coinbase Custody: Offers institutional-grade crypto asset custody, providing secure storage solutions for investors looking to safeguard their digital assets.

5. Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)

BaaS platforms enable businesses to utilise blockchain technology without developing and maintaining their blockchain infrastructure. These services provide the tools and environments necessary for deploying and managing blockchain applications.


  • IBM Blockchain is a BaaS solution that offers end-to-end blockchain development and management, enabling businesses to accelerate the deployment of their blockchain solutions.
  • Azure Blockchain Service: Microsoft’s BaaS offering simplifies the formation, management, and governance of consortium blockchain networks, allowing businesses to focus on application development.

By offering diverse services tailored to various aspects of the blockchain development and deployment process, blockchain infrastructure providers play a crucial role in blockchain technology’s widespread adoption and innovation.

Providers like Liquify exemplify the comprehensive solutions businesses can leverage to navigate the complexities of blockchain implementation, driving growth and efficiency in their operations.

Choosing the Right Blockchain Infrastructure Provider

Choosing the right provider involves thoroughly assessing your project’s needs, including scale, security requirements, and specific features. Evaluating a provider’s technical capabilities, security measures, uptime, and customer support is essential. Additionally, understanding their pricing model will help make a cost-effective choice without compromising service quality.

As businesses delve into decentralised technologies, understanding what makes a provider suitable for their needs is essential. Here, we expand on crucial considerations companies should account for, supplemented with examples to guide the selection process.


The provider’s services must seamlessly integrate with your business’s current systems and future blockchain plans. Compatibility ensures that you can leverage the full potential of blockchain technology without unnecessary hurdles.

For example, if your business is looking into developing Ethereum-based applications, selecting a provider like Alchemy that offers extensive support for Ethereum network interactions would ensure compatibility with your project needs.


As your business grows, so will the demands on your blockchain applications. A provider that offers scalable solutions can accommodate growing transaction volumes and user numbers without compromising performance.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Blockchain is known for its scalability. AWS provides managed blockchain services that can scale to support millions of transactions for large enterprises.

However, Liquify champions transitioning from traditional cloud services like AWS to bare metal solutions, aligning closely with Web3’s core principles of decentralisation and autonomy. By utilising bare metal servers, Liquify offers direct control over physical hardware, diverging from the shared resource model typical of cloud environments.

This strategic choice diminishes dependency on centralised services and boosts the resilience and performance of blockchain networks. Opting for Liquify’s bare metal infrastructure significantly enhances security and operational efficiency, providing a robust, decentralised foundation for Web3 applications.


Blockchain’s decentralised nature makes security paramount. Providers should employ state-of-the-art security measures to protect their applications and data from vulnerabilities and cyber threats.

Coinbase Custody offers one of the most secure crypto storage solutions, with rigorous security measures, including on-chain segregation of crypto assets.

Liquify operates as a non-custodial service in the blockchain ecosystem, emphasising security and autonomy for its users. As a non-custodial entity, Liquify does not possess the cryptographic keys controlling access to its clients’ assets. Instead, it operates on a delegation model. Here’s how it works:

  1. Key Retention by Users: Users generate their validator keys and maintain exclusive control over them. This means that even though Liquify performs validation services, the control over the assets and operations stays entirely with the asset holders.
  2. Delegation: Liquify allows its partners and users to delegate the management of their assets for staking or other network services without surrendering key ownership. This model supports user autonomy and enhances security, as Liquify only acts on the authority granted by the delegation, not by possessing the keys.
  3. Security and Autonomy: By not holding client keys, Liquify helps ensure that its clients’ assets are not central points of risk. This approach aligns with the principles of decentralisation in blockchain technology, which aim to eliminate reliance on any single entity, thereby enhancing the network’s resilience and security.

Support and Maintenance

The blockchain space evolves rapidly, and businesses may require ongoing support for upgrades, troubleshooting, and adapting to new regulations. Providers with responsive support and maintenance services can help navigate these changes smoothly.

IBM Blockchain offers 24/7 support to its clients, ensuring businesses receive timely assistance for any issues or queries regarding their blockchain infrastructure.

Reputation and Reliability

The track record of a blockchain infrastructure provider speaks volumes about their reliability and the quality of their service. Opting for providers with a solid reputation in the industry can mitigate risks associated with downtime and poor performance.

Microsoft Azure Blockchain Service has a strong reputation for reliability and has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies for blockchain projects, reflecting its standing in the market.

Understanding of Web3 Innovations

As businesses venture into Web3, choosing a provider with a deep understanding of and engagement with the latest developments in decentralised finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other Web3 innovations is crucial. This ensures your business can stay ahead of the curve and leverage new opportunities.

The examples above serve as a starting point for businesses to explore potential partners to facilitate their transition into the decentralised world of blockchain and Web3, ensuring a match that fosters innovation, security, and growth.

Liquify positions itself at the forefront of Web3 services by offering bespoke blockchain Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions that include RPCs, monitoring dashboards, and staking, demonstrating its expertise and innovative approach.

Spotlight on Liquify’s Blockchain Infrastructure Services

Among the many providers, Liquify is a comprehensive blockchain infrastructure as a service solution catering to various infrastructure needs, spanning 60+ networks. Liquify distinguishes itself by utilising bare metal servers, offering direct control over physical hardware, and diverging from the shared resource model typical of cloud environments.

Their offerings include:

  1. Infrastructure as a Service: This category encompasses critical components such as validators, RPC nodes, relayers, and snapshots, which are essential for the operation and maintenance of blockchain networks.
  2. Staking: Liquify offers a white-label staking service designed specifically for institutional clients, facilitating their participation in blockchain network security and consensus.
  3. Dashboards and Monitoring Solutions: Tailored projects are developed for communities and foundations, enabling enhanced oversight and management of blockchain activities through sophisticated dashboards and monitoring systems.
  4. Ecosystem Development: This service involves implementing changes and updates to blockchain chains, supporting continuous improvement and adaptation in response to evolving needs and challenges.
  • Custom Blockchain Solutions: Tailored to meet specific business requirements, Liquify provides customised blockchain infrastructure that aligns with organisational goals and industry standards.
  • Scalable Node Operations: Liquify recognises the critical role of nodes in the blockchain ecosystem and offers scalable node services that ensure high availability and reliability for blockchain networks.
  • Development & Scripting: This includes RPC and archival infrastructure support, as well as development work like nethermind migration, jailing, validator API, and documentation updates.
  • Enterprise-Grade Security: Security is a paramount concern for blockchain applications. Liquify incorporates cutting-edge security protocols to protect digital assets and ensure the integrity of blockchain operations.

By further examining collaborations with notable clients such as Dymension, Maya Protocol, DeFi Kingdoms, Fuse Network, Pokt Network, and TRGC, we can illustrate Liquify’s prowess and versatility in offering cutting-edge blockchain solutions. Each example underscores Liquify’s ability to cater to various blockchain needs, from gaming to financial services and network infrastructure.

DeFi Kingdoms

Liquify has forged a strategic partnership with the leading blockchain game DeFi Kingdoms, which was marked by launching a public Remote Procedure Call (RPC) on the Klaytn blockchain. This development is pivotal as it facilitates seamless interactions within the DeFi Kingdoms Serendale Realm, enhancing the processing of requests between the game’s interface and the blockchain network.

Implementing this public RPC significantly elevates the game’s performance and scalability by minimising latency. This reduction in delay is crucial for maintaining a smooth and responsive gaming experience, ensuring that players encounter no disruptions during gameplay.

In addition to the RPC launch, Liquify provides essential infrastructure support through its super low latency RPC services, catering to the real-time, fast-paced demands of DeFi Kingdoms where fast and reliable execution of these transactions is essential. This dual focus on DeFi and gaming requires an infrastructure that can keep up with the complex needs of a dynamic virtual environment, a role Liquify fulfills effectively.


Liquify is enhancing the Dymension ecosystem by serving as the primary RPC provider for its network, which includes the newly launched L1 blockchain, Dymension, and its associated L2 blockchains (RollApps).

As Dymension is the hub for RollApps — fast, deployable app chains — Liquify supports this infrastructure by offering multiregional RPC and API access. This ensures low latency and high uptime, which are critical for maintaining the performance and reliability of the Dymension blockchain.

Maya Protocol

Liquify is instrumental in bolstering the Maya Protocol by providing specialised services and solutions that enhance the ecosystem’s functionality and accessibility. Among these is developing a specialised dashboard tailored for Maya Protocol. This tool enables the Maya community to monitor critical metrics and performance indicators, significantly improving network management and oversight.

The dashboard compiles data from various sources, offering a detailed and comprehensive view of the Maya Protocol’s operations. This centralization of information simplifies access and clarifies presentation, thereby supporting effective decision-making and enhancing network transparency.

Furthermore, Liquify has expanded its support for Maya Protocol by integrating services that facilitate cross-chain functionalities. This strategic enhancement extends Maya Protocol’s interoperability with other blockchain systems, broadening its utility and reaching the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Fuse Network Collaboration

Liquify has established itself as the main RPC provider for the Fuse Network, significantly enhancing the network’s capabilities and reliability. Liquify’s strategic focus on providing high-quality, reliable RPC services has fortified Fuse Network’s infrastructure and enriched its capacity to support a dynamic range of blockchain applications.

Liquify has been integral to the Fuse Network since its inception to provide RPC services and archival infrastructure support. It is engaged in significant development work, such as nethermind migration and validator jailing.

Liquify’s RPC nodes support the Fuse Network’s position in the Web3 ecosystem by facilitating efficient request processing from dApps. This includes enabling better cross-chain functionalities essential for broadening the network’s appeal and functionality. This long-term partnership underscores Liquify’s role in the Fuse Network’s growth and day-to-day operations.

Pokt Network Support

Liquify provided crucial scalability solutions for Pokt Network, a decentralised infrastructure allowing developers to connect easily to blockchain networks.

By optimising the interaction between Pokt Network and its users, Liquify enhanced network efficiency and reliability, ensuring that applications remain connected to blockchain data without traditional web service providers. Additionally, Liquify is proud to receive funding and be the first to release a consumer-facing gateway to POKT Network and assist it to further decentralise.

This collaboration underscores Liquify’s technical acumen in supporting backend blockchain services essential for the seamless operation of decentralised applications (dApps).

TRGC Ecosystem Development

Liquify has forged a significant partnership with TRGC, positioning itself as a cornerstone in the blockchain ecosystem primarily through its expertise as a leading staking service provider.

In addition to staking services, Liquify provides robust infrastructure support to TRGC, delivering secure, fast, and reliable solutions essential for the smooth running of TRGC’s blockchain activities. This comprehensive support ensures that TRGC’s operations remain efficient and resilient against challenges.

Further extending its support, Liquify offers innovative tools like Telegram alerts for TRGC-managed validators. This service helps maintain operational integrity across TRGC’s networks by automating oversight and reducing the need for manual management.

Overall, Liquify’s multifaceted support for TRGC is crucial in advancing TRGC’s staking operations and enhancing its blockchain ecosystem’s health and functionality, demonstrating its partnership’s effectiveness.

These examples demonstrate Liquify’s versatility and expertise in the blockchain domain. Its ability to cater to diverse sectors — from gaming and payments to network infrastructure and investment — positions Liquify as a leading blockchain infrastructure provider. This versatility demonstrates Liquify’s technical proficiency and commitment to advancing the blockchain ecosystem through strategic collaborations and innovative solutions.

The Road Ahead for Blockchain Infrastructure

As blockchain technology continues to mature and evolve, the role of infrastructure providers will become increasingly vital. These entities facilitate the technical deployment of blockchain applications and play a crucial role in shaping the ecosystem’s future by enabling innovation and ensuring the stability and security of decentralised networks.

Liquify exemplifies the forward-thinking and comprehensive service offering that can support businesses at various stages of their blockchain journey, from inception and development to deployment and expansion.

By partnering with a capable and reliable blockchain infrastructure provider, businesses can more effectively navigate the complexities of blockchain technology, unlocking new opportunities for innovation and growth in the digital age.

In conclusion, whether you’re a startup exploring blockchain for the first time or an established enterprise seeking to expand your blockchain capabilities, choosing a blockchain infrastructure provider is a critical decision that warrants careful consideration. With the right partner, the possibilities are limitless.

Blockchain Infrastructure FAQs

Q: What is Blockchain IaaS?

A: Blockchain Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a model where businesses use cloud-based services to access blockchain technology, eliminating the need for in-house infrastructure.

Q: What should I look for in a blockchain infrastructure provider?

A: Key factors include security measures, ease of integration, reliability, support, scalability, and transparent pricing.

Q: Can small businesses benefit from IaaS?

A: Yes, BaaS democratises access to blockchain technology, enabling small businesses to leverage blockchain solutions without significant investment in infrastructure.

Q: How does Liquify fit into the Blockchain Infrastructure ecosystem?

A: Liquify offers various services, including Infrastructure as a Service (validators, RPC nodes, relayers, snapshots, etc.); Staking (white-label service for institutional clients); Dashboards and Monitoring Solutions (building custom projects for communities and foundations); Ecosystem Development (implementation of changes and chain updates).

Global Reach, Local Impact

We invite you to discuss your blockchain project with us. Our team is eager to explore how our robust solutions can assist you in achieving your goals. Contact us today to schedule a detailed consultation and discover how our expertise can benefit your blockchain journey.

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Liquify is an all in one staking and management platform customised for enterprise and institutional partners