Fortifying Yourself Against Cancer

Lis Carpenter
4 min readDec 8, 2019


Convenience is Killing Us, and We Know It…

Photo by Artyom Kim on Unsplash

I shop a lot on Etsy for my beauty products, not at convenience stores, not at Walmart.

After I learned that lead was a common ingredient in lipstick and that aluminum is poisonous and yet a common ingredient in antiperspirant deodorants. After I learned that fluoride doesn’t actually help your teeth’s health at all, but it definitely poisons the body, I was done.

In modern society, it is very difficult to pull away and make my own soap and deodorant. So, I have joined the crowd of consumers buying healthier alternatives to the mainstream toxic fare.

For example, Dr. Axe uses Primal Pit Paste instead of regular deodorant. Primal Pit Paste makes a lot more than just deodorant now. They make lip balm, tooth powder (toothpaste alternative), and a really awesome-smelling bug spray.

There are great brands like Beauty Counter! to buy makeup from (That’s not a typo or part of a their trademark. I’m ignoring punctuation rules to get you really excited about clicking the link to see what some Hollywood stars are switching to.)

I mean, I used to buy Tarte makeup from Sephora, which is supposed to be a healthy makeup line, but I don’t trust them anymore since the last foundation I bought from them broke me out in a rash. The LAST PLACE YOU WANT A RASH IS ON YO FACE!

Something you will notice is that none of this stuff is mainstream. I have to go out of my way to get what’s healthy even if it means hunting handmade beauty products and herbs down on Etsy and waiting for a few days for it to arrive.

Photo by Johnny McClung on Unsplash


It’s part of human nature to ignore something until it get’s so bad that we have to make a change, and that is what a lot of us do with our health.

“Ah, I look okay. Gaining a few pounds as I age is normal.” Is it, really? Only if you’re consuming pounds and pounds of sugars and toxins.

There is one big change you can make to be healthier, and that is to adapt the attitude of putting things on your skin and your body that build it up. There is no in between. The skin is the largest organ of the body. What you are putting on your skin is going into your blood stream. It is either strengthening you or it is killing you.

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

This is why I was excited to learn about one lady who get’s it. She’s my new favorite Etsy seller and a graduate of the School of Natural Healing. After conquering cancer, Melanie Skelton developed products that not only keep the skin looking and feeling fantastic, but also strengthen the body through select herbs.

This is how Melanie Skelton describes her product line:

“Our favorite herbs are calendula, comfrey and chickweed because of their ability to help regenerate cells and promote healthy skin. We infuse the herbs into botanical oils, which are then used as an ingredient in our balms, lotions and serums. These products are all handcrafted at our kitchen table, with the help of my husband and teenage children.

Natural products promote healthier lives and I want every person to know they can take control of their health.”

Here’s a link to Melanie’s Shop on Etsy: (You can thank me later:))

Photo by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash

Statistically, cancer will happen to about 50% of people in the U.S.A. We have a super toxic society.

Take Charge of Your Health:

A lovely Rant About Cancer by Dr. Bergman:

A Longer Talk Explaining What Causes Cancer:

A Different Kind of Fast Food

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a different kind of fast food, aren’t they? The reason why so many Americans are sick is because we simply aren’t getting enough whole food (real food) in our diets that our bodies can use to repair themselves. Dr. Axe recommends more sour (fermented) and bitter (veggies) foods.

Another thing you should be doing with your diet is sticking to more alkaline foods that will generally promote the best health. You can check out my article on eating alkaline, or pick up Akalize or Die for some guidance on the research behind eating alkaline and how to prepare better meals.

My auntie has an interesting story about taking healthy snacks to work to snack on while coworkers continued to hit the donuts and coffee. She says she watched as their waistlines and complaints expanded over the years while she was criticized but stable in weight.

I’m going to say this because I just love being unpopular. You can either pay now (more money for healthier options) or pay later (with a diseased body). So, I hope that you choose to love yourself enough to invest in better food and personal care products.

Until next time, take care of yourself family,


Affiliate Disclosure: This article contains a link to Amazon, and I am an affiliate of Amazon. I get paid a tiny percent of the sale if you choose to get the book.



Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.