How Plastics Cause Cancer

Lis Carpenter
3 min readDec 12, 2019


I hate being that person running around repeating something that I heard that I have never researched for myself, and that is exactly what happened with the BPA plastics thing. I watched a video of some celebrity that got breast cancer and directly linked it to drinking bottled water from bottles she’s left in her car while exercising at the gym. True story. I repeated this story over and over because she had to be right, she’s a celeb.

Let me bring you over into paranoia land before I tell you what the research says. BPA is just one of many chemicals used to make plastic. Like, who really knows what plastic is made out of? BPA has been linked to all kinds of health disorders, and we are swimming in a sea of plastic (and so are our fish, and it’s killing them). Who’s to say there aren’t even more nefarious chemicals in plastic that we just aren’t told about.

I know the FDA has approved thousands of toxic chemicals for use in our foods because they do not appear to cause harm to the body in small amounts. But, what happens when most everything you’re eating and using is just slightly toxic? Do you suppose those toxins (like BPA) can build up in the body and cause problems? I rest my case.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

This is not an article to tell you to buy BPA-free plastic water bottles and cans, although you should. This is an awareness campaign. Just like EMF radiation from electronics is mutating your body, the plastics you wear (yeah polyester is plastic), sleep in, breath in (yeah, we’re breathing in plastic dust particles), and eat are mutating your body (causing cancer).


Bisphenol A is an edocrine disruptor. It messes up your hormones, and in that state of disorder, things fall apart. It is an estrogenic substance that mimicks estrogen and goes into places where your body’s estrogen should go. What kind of problems can this cause?

Well hormone-related cancers like breast and prostate cancers. It is also linked to polycystic ovary syndrome.

And, you wonder why Dr. Axe threw out all of his mother’s food in plastic containers

Photo from NIEHS.NIH.GOV
  • Disrupts brain maturation in fetuses — birth defects & developmental disorders
  • Hypothalamus and pituitary gland malfunction
  • Can cause early puberty and affect ovulation
  • Causes infertility in both sexes
  • Erectile dysfunction, ejaculation and sexual desire issues
  • 7 forms of heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Asthma

Do you remember the ladies from the #killthepill video talking about the problem of estrogen dominance?


  • Look for BPA-free labels on packaging or just eat fresh.
  • Use a glass, steel or ceramic BPA-free water bottle.
  • Buy and store foods in glass (glass may contain BPA too F.Y.I.).
  • Avoid microwaving food in plasticware. (really, who’s still doing this?)
  • Eat from stainless steel, enamel-covered, glass or porcelain.
  • Don’t accept the carbon-less receipts .(you get BPA transdermally)
  • Use wooden toys instead of plastic. (haven’t seem many of those…)

Main resources for this article:
Health risk of exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA).

Exposure to Chemicals in Plastic.

How does bisphenol A affect health?

You know what’s really funny too? Just like when I was researching for the other articles, the front page of Google was littered with misinformation saying BPA is completely safe, the idea that plastic can be dangerous is a myth, etc. Who do you think might be behind that misinformation campaign when scientific studies have found a significant correlation between levels of BPA in the bosy and hormone dependent cancers.

You’re welcome, and share your thoughts below if you care to.




Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.