#6 magma™ —MY FIRST TONKA®

Virtual Reality & Beyond Digital™

Mighty Tonka®

(These now sell for $84.99)

“It is not the job of the human being, to question the job of the machine.”
“It is the core of the machine, to respect all life in the universe and the duty
of the human being to design excellent machines; the tools of which, serve to assist and propel us forward. In designing flexible, durable and strong machines; our joy is a well deserve dynamic experience. ”

“When my father bought my first Tonka, — I was thrilled with Earth moving and construction; and when my auntie Marlene brought our brothers and I a Ricochet from California; we all fell in love with the thrill to move… not Earth, but ideas of great excitement. The stuff dreams of flying unassisted are made out of… playing video games is an interaction which can last you a life-time. In (circa 1980) Atari had only one game… and it was black and white; ours was from Japan and it had four games-in one and in-color.”

“Machines are not equal to a human being; — In oh, sSOo many ways; machines are far more superior.”


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junior-junior vfx and industrial gameplay development designer at SKYROCK STARTRADE™ — Offices in La Jolla, California and former VP of Operations for Maceoo; an International (French) and Intercontinental high-fashion designer clothes company; The Anza, San Diego, California. USA

Enemies of the state amongst us. — I, g. m. marckwordt (angel) had a home invasion on December 6th, 2017; when (six individuals entered my home without my permission, and I do not know how those people had a key to my door. A the La Mesa police department’s “police officer” and former Airforce PJ was with them. — They did not attack, they all sat down and a conversation took place. After that, all lights out; I fell unconscious for a few minutes. The people had already left by the time I opened my eyes… (By the way, to anyone reading this message, may this be a warning to you. Keep a deadlock on your door, do not trust people wearing police uniforms! Specially someone who just shows up unannounced at your doorstep.) Oh, and home invasions bring perpetrators 25 years in jail to life (depending on the circumstances).

Two years later, on March 21st 2019; I was arrested in the Jolla by what seemed fake police officers of European descent. (I was taken a dog to the local veterinarian’s office.) — They threw me in jail and I spent the next three, (3) years at George Bailey Correctional Facility awaiting trial.

I just found out that there is a note on my legal file which reads: “TERRORIST” — Look below, I am legally competent and an Honorable United States Marine. I have been trained to fight terrorism, (both foreign and domestic).

— -To you, in Arizona and Washington State getting into my cellphones and Twitter account. I strongly suggest you figure things out pretty quickly. ;)

Honorable and legally competent, United States Marine — 0311., retired

“Taken out of context, a [Devil Dog] is a Killing Machine. However, the fact is, all of god’s misguided children are;— Marines.”

— magma™.” :D

More content — coming up soon — “like, subscribe, smash that love <carrots?> button and Read, Research, and Go Educate Your Mom on the benefits of this great universal adventure; — magma™.” :D

That is all; for now.

— g. m. marckwordt
junior-junior Designer at SKYROCK STARTRADE™
Honorable, USMC 0311 ret
Professor of computational geometry
Former Operations VP International (France) and Intercontinental Logistics Firm in Los Angeles, California USA.

Last login: Th Mar 9 16:50:33 on skrk000
magma@workstation01 ~ % sudo vim /etc/passwd
Password: magmaplatform
111 is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
ws01@magma01 ~ %
[Restored Mar 9, 2023 at 14:40:49 PM]

Last login: Th Mar 9 14:41:08 on ttsxz000
magma@workstation01 ~ % sudo vim /etc/passwd
Password: magmaplatform
112 is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
ws02@magma02 ~ %
[Restored Mar 9, 2023 at 14:41:10 PM]

Last login: Thu Mar 9 14:44:45 on console
Restored session: Thu Mar 9 14:45:33 PST 2023
magmaplatform@magmaplatform ~ %
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Links to previous written works by magma™:
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Activate #8 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Thu March 9th 2023 7:44 PM|
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Activate #twitter @angelmarckwordt Friday March 10th 2023 5:55 PM|

Activate #twitter @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Friday March 10th 2023 5:55 PM|

Note: “All referenced material in video and/or written form; and its copyrights; owned by its respective owners.”

All other original content:
Copyright © 2022, 2023 — Forever. SKYROCK STARTRADE™., LLC. All rights reserved.




junior-junior designer, --magma™ at SKYROCK STARTRADE™ La Jolla, California, USA. Copyright © 2022, 2023, 2024 ∞. SKYROCK STARTRADE™., LLC. All rights reserved.