Activate #3 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Sunday March 5th 2023 6:45 AM|


Welcome to magma™ — THIS particular story and all of them in the series is currently [work in progress] and you may find errors in them. Please point them out, it’ll help us focus on fixing them. These are live documents which chronicle our Corporate Journal Entries; and they are geared towards documenting the progress of our processes. Please check back or subscribe to get notifications, as daily changes are made. — Thank you for your support; we love your well thought of and constructive feedback. Sunday, April 23, 2023 01:58.00 PM — La Jolla, California 92137 USA

#2 magma™ — VIRTUAL REALITY. How will Apple® help CREATE our CAVE STORY-TELLING ADVENTURE(S); Build Your Own MATRIX using step by step Hyper Mark Up Language; — An html coding adventure. — [In] the FUTURE of Ai and gameplay.

Smash, like or hit the play button and listen to this story; — magma™ [] Nooo, not this one, Up ^ that one! :P [Listen]
magma™ — an Industrial Universe Exploration-Play Development Adventure by SKYROCK STARTRADE™

”Joyful Dreams in the adventure filled creation of our Universe(s). Is [thIS] the REAL LIFE, or is it just fantasy, what is even possible in your world?

“Tell me a short-story and I will share with you’ mine”

by junior-junior Designer + Honorable — U.S. Marine, professor of computational geometry and play-Developer,

— g. m. marckwordt.
magma™ sunny forces of nature — -La Jolla, California U.S.A.
a SKYROCK STARTRADE™ flagship title adventure.

—— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — magma™ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
……………………………………..…….by…………………………………….………………………………………….…g. m. marckwordt…...………………………………

Registered TradeMark™
First Draft
Saturday March 4 2023 9:27 PM


A1 WHITE INTRO — blank | — — Then, short bursts of beeping sound-waves begin the sequence of flashing images on the screen at short intervals; culminating into a crescendo of lines on a bull run; — green.

Then, complete silence.

a tempest of sounds rush-in; distant horns and screeching tires come to a god-fearing halt. A LOW-ANGLE SHOT bounds the sounds with a hard-grip of a hand at the wheel of a fast moving motor-cycle.


Alpha + Echo = In-shared Reality.

FX a Logo Appears on Screen.

“Is this the real life? or is this your fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.” These lyrics play…

keyword: “biker and girlfriend fall from bike in the rain”

Motorcyclist Saves Girlfriend after Crash In The Rain. —

See video:

Artificial Intelligence and The Dawn of Extreme Experiences in Reality-like Virtual Environments.

Links to previous written works by magma™:


More content — coming up soon — “like, subscribe, smash that love <carrots?> button and Read, Research, and Go Educate Your Mom on the benefits of this great universal adventure; — magma™.” :D

That is all; for now.

— g. m. marckwordt
junior-junior Designer at SKYROCK STARTRADE™
Honorable, USMC 0311 ret
Professor of computational geometry
Former Operations VP International (France) and Intercontinental Logistics Firm in Los Angeles, California USA.

Last login: Th Mar 9 16:50:33 on skrk000
magma@workstation01 ~ % sudo vim /etc/passwd
Password: magmaplatform
111 is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
ws01@magma01 ~ %
[Restored Mar 9, 2023 at 14:40:49 PM]

Last login: Th Mar 9 14:41:08 on ttsxz000
magma@workstation01 ~ % sudo vim /etc/passwd
Password: magmaplatform
112 is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
ws02@magma02 ~ %
[Restored Mar 9, 2023 at 14:41:10 PM]

Last login: Thu Mar 9 14:44:45 on console
Restored session: Thu Mar 9 14:45:33 PST 2023
magmaplatform@magmaplatform ~ %
dynamic content permission [granted]

Links to previous written works by magma™:
Activate #1 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Saturday March 4th 2023 6:21 PM|
Activate #2 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Saturday March 4th 2023 8:20 PM|
Activate #3 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Sunday March 5th 2023 6:45 AM|
Activate #4 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Monday March 7th 2023 5:33 AM|
Activate #5 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Wed March 8th 2023 12:51 AM|
Activate #6 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Thu March 9th 2023 3:00 PM|
Activate #7 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Thu March 9th 2023 3:00 PM|
Activate #8 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Thu March 9th 2023 7:44 PM|
Activate #9 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Thu March 9th 2023 9:32 PM|
Activate #10 @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Thu March 9th 2023 9:32 PM|

Activate #twitter @angelmarckwordt Friday March 10th 2023 5:55 PM|

Activate #twitter @ SKYROCK STARTRADE™ Friday March 10 2023 5:55 PM

Note: “All referenced material in video and/or written form; and its copyrights; owned by its respective owners.”

All other original content:
Copyright © 2022, 2023 — Forever. SKYROCK STARTRADE™., LLC. All rights reserved.


junior-junior designer, --magma™ at SKYROCK STARTRADE™ La Jolla, California, USA. Copyright © 2022, 2023, 2024 ∞. SKYROCK STARTRADE™., LLC. All rights reserved.